Pesticide spraying robot for precision agriculture: A categorical literature review and future trends

2021 ◽  
Ashish T. Meshram ◽  
Anil V. Vanalkar ◽  
Kavita B. Kalambe ◽  
Avinash M. Badar
Prachi Singh ◽  
Prem Chandra Pandey ◽  
George P. Petropoulos ◽  
Andrew Pavlides ◽  
Prashant K. Srivastava ◽  

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 025704 ◽  
Yan Shi ◽  
Fengyun Li ◽  
Maolin Cai ◽  
Qihui Yu

Klajkó Dóra ◽  
Kázmér-Mayer Szilvia ◽  
Fejes Nikoletta ◽  
Csapó Gyöngyvér ◽  
Bakurecz Bonnie ◽  

Háttér és célkitűzésA tehetségmenedzsment (TM) a digitalizáció, a demográfiai változások és a COVID –19 munkavállalókra gyakorolt és gazdasági hatásai kapcsán egyre aktuálisabbá válik mind regionális, mind szervezeti szinten. A „tehetségfüggés” fokozottan érvényesül az innováció-és tudásorientált fejlett társadalmakban, valamint recesszió idején, amikor erősödik annak az esélye, hogy a legtehetségesebb szakemberek kiáramlanak egy adott országból. A TM nem csupán gyakorlati, hanem elméleti kihívást is jelent a kutatók számára a koncepció komplexitása miatt. Elméleti összefoglalónk a tehetségről való gondolkodás szervezetpszichológiai aspektusaira fókuszál. Áttekintjük a szervezeti TM jellemző eszköztárát és az elmúlt évtizedekben történt legfőbb változásokat, a jövőre irányuló tendenciákat.MódszerHazai és nemzetközi szakirodalmi forrásokat dolgoztunk fel és szintetizáltunk.Eredmények és következtetésekA nemzetközi szakirodalmi áttekintés alapján látszik, hogy a munkahelyi TM témaköre leginkább közgazdasági és HR-fókuszú kutatásokban bukkan fel. Áttekintésünk célja, hogy bemutassuk, mely pontokon járulhat hozzá a (szervezet)pszichológia e terület alaposabb, mélyebb megértéséhez és hosszú távon hatékony vállalati TM-programok kialakításához. Bemutatjuk a szervezeti TM hatékony módszereit, jó gyakorlatait, hatásait a szervezetre és az egyénre nézve, valamint az esetleges pszichológiai kockázati tényezőket.Background and objectiveTalent management (TM) is becoming increasingly relevant in the context of digitalization, demographic change and the economic and economic impact of COVID-19, both at a regional and organizational level. “Talent dependency” is increasingly prevalent in innovation-and knowledge-oriented advanced societies and in times of recession. In such a situation, the chances of the turnover of most talented professionals increase. TM is not only a practical but also a theoretical challenge for researchers due to the complexity of the concept. Our theoretical summary focuses on the organizational psychological aspects of thinking about talent. We review the standard toolkit of organizational TM and the main changes and future trends of the last decades.MethodWe processed and synthesized domestic and international pieces of literature.Results and conclusionsWe considered based on the international literature review, that the topic of workplace TM appears mostly in economics and HR-focused research. The purpose of our study is to present the points at which (organizational) psychology can contribute to a more thorough, in-depth understanding of this field and the development of effective corporate TM programs in the long run. We present the effective methods, acceptable practices, effects of the organization TM on the organization and the individual, as well as possible psychological risk factors.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 91 ◽  
Nasser Taleb ◽  
Elfadil A. Mohamed

This study is a literature review on cloud computing cloud computing trends as one the fastest growing technologies in the computer industry and their benefits and opportunities for all types of organizations. In addition, it addresses the challenges and problems that contribute to increasing the number of customers willing to adopt and use the technology. A mixed research study approach was adopted for the study, that is, by collecting and analyzing both quantitative and qualitative information within the same literature review and summarizing the findings of previous (related) studies. Results highlights the current and future trends of cloud computing and exposes readers to the challenges and problems associated with cloud computing. The reviewed literature showed that the technology is promising and is expected to grow in the future. Researchers have proposed many techniques to address the problems and challenges of cloud computing, such as security and privacy risks, through mobile cloud computing and cloud-computing governance.

2022 ◽  
Vol 54 (8) ◽  
pp. 1-41
Rafael Belchior ◽  
André Vasconcelos ◽  
Sérgio Guerreiro ◽  
Miguel Correia

Blockchain interoperability is emerging as one of the crucial features of blockchain technology, but the knowledge necessary for achieving it is fragmented. This fact makes it challenging for academics and the industry to achieve interoperability among blockchains seamlessly. Given this new domain’s novelty and potential, we conduct a literature review on blockchain interoperability by collecting 284 papers and 120 grey literature documents, constituting a corpus of 404 documents. From those 404 documents, we systematically analyzed and discussed 102 documents, including peer-reviewed papers and grey literature. Our review classifies studies in three categories: Public Connectors, Blockchain of Blockchains, and Hybrid Connectors. Each category is further divided into sub-categories based on defined criteria. We classify 67 existing solutions in one sub-category using the Blockchain Interoperability Framework, providing a holistic overview of blockchain interoperability. Our findings show that blockchain interoperability has a much broader spectrum than cryptocurrencies and cross-chain asset transfers. Finally, this article discusses supporting technologies, standards, use cases, open challenges, and future research directions, paving the way for research in the area.

Anne Mims Adrian ◽  
Chris Dillard ◽  
Paul Mask

This chapter introduces the use of geographic information systems (GIS) and global positioning systems (GPS) in agricultural production. Precision agriculture is a catch-all term that describes using GIS and GPS technologies to manage specific areas of fields. Precision agriculture technologies use information from multiple sources to assist farmers in making crop production and management decisions based on the variability of production potential within fields. In this chapter, we describe the technologies used in production agriculture and we review some of the research associated with the use and future trends of these technologies. The purpose of this chapter is to define and explain GIS and GPS technologies used in agriculture and some of the economic benefits, impacts, and challenges of using these technologies.

Organizations of all kinds, and their leaders at every level, have already been impacted significantly by socio-digital technology and the chances are that we “ain’t seen nothing yet.” The growth of completely new industries allied to increasing levels and integration of global digitally connected environments across all domains of personal and professional life open up new opportunities whilst also demanding more mental flexibility, and emotional adaptability, as well as new business focus. Traditional notions of subordinates and super-ordinates and associated cultures are being degraded or destroyed. Organizations that fail to co-evolve and transcend their old business paradigms will suffer. This chapter presents a detailed overview and discussion of present and future trends based on an exhaustive literature review and in-depth practitioner know-how. The impact in business, government, and educational environments is described, including how the coinciding interests of these important communities are being addressed.

2020 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Marco Bellucci ◽  
Giacomo Marzi ◽  
Beatrice Orlando ◽  
Francesco Ciampi

PurposeThis article aims to provide a bibliometric and systematic literature analysis of studies published in the Journal of Intellectual Capital (JIC) from 2014 to 2018 in order to highlight emerging themes and future trends.Design/methodology/approachThe analysis focused on 187 papers published on JIC over a period of five years. A scientometric approach to data mining enabled the detection of patterns in the dataset. Precisely, the investigation was conducted by integrating a bibliometric analysis on VOSviewer with a systematic literature review.FindingsFour main streams of research on JIC emerged in the years of the analysis: reporting and disclosure of intellectual capital; intellectual capital research in universities, education and public sector; knowledge management; intellectual capital, financial performance, and market value.Research limitations/implicationsThe study offers valid insights to the topics covered by the Journal of Intellectual Capital by identifying the main research gaps and trends, along with future research avenues.Originality/valuePrior scholars mostly focused on systematic literature reviews, whilst the use of bibliometric methods generally seems to be a missing tile in the research domain. Also, none of the extant studies has focused on the Journal of Intellectual Capital with reference to the 2014–2018 period. The use of both bibliometric and systematic approaches to literature review delivered extremely fine-tuned results in terms of factors such as citations, contents and evolution of clusters over time.

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