Voyager's view: Spacecraft's journey to interstellar space helps put the solar system in perspective

Science News ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 184 (8) ◽  
pp. 19-21
Andrew Grant
1985 ◽  
pp. 185-204 ◽  
J. Mayo Greenberg ◽  
L. B. d’Hendecourt

2020 ◽  
Vol 497 (1) ◽  
pp. L46-L49 ◽  
A Morbidelli ◽  
K Batygin ◽  
R Brasser ◽  
S N Raymond

ABSTRACT In two recent papers published in MNRAS, Namouni and Morais claimed evidence for the interstellar origin of some small Solar system bodies, including: (i) objects in retrograde co-orbital motion with the giant planets and (ii) the highly inclined Centaurs. Here, we discuss the flaws of those papers that invalidate the authors’ conclusions. Numerical simulations backwards in time are not representative of the past evolution of real bodies. Instead, these simulations are only useful as a means to quantify the short dynamical lifetime of the considered bodies and the fast decay of their population. In light of this fast decay, if the observed bodies were the survivors of populations of objects captured from interstellar space in the early Solar system, these populations should have been implausibly large (e.g. about 10 times the current main asteroid belt population for the retrograde co-orbital of Jupiter). More likely, the observed objects are just transient members of a population that is maintained in quasi-steady state by a continuous flux of objects from some parent reservoir in the distant Solar system. We identify in the Halley-type comets and the Oort cloud the most likely sources of retrograde co-orbitals and highly inclined Centaurs.

1985 ◽  
Vol 85 ◽  
pp. 421-424
O.I. Belkovich ◽  
I.N. Potapov

AbstractDistribution of eccentricities, perihelion distances of interstellar particles and their concentrations in the Solar system have been computed in the assumption that their velocities are similar to ones of the nearby stars of late spectral classes. More than 75% of orbits have eccentricities not exceeding the value 1.1 and concentration of particles at the Earth’s orbit 3.5 times greater than in the interstellar space.

1969 ◽  
Vol 163 (1 Second Confer) ◽  
pp. 493-553 ◽  
Krafft A. Ehricke

1993 ◽  
Vol 16 (5) ◽  
pp. 627-634
A. Blanco ◽  
A. Borghesi ◽  
S. Fonti ◽  
V. Orofino

2005 ◽  
Vol 1 (T26A) ◽  
pp. 167-170
Ingrid Mann ◽  
Pavel Spurný ◽  
Jack Baggaley ◽  
Jiří Borovička ◽  
Pavel Spurný ◽  

There have been three international meetings where the subject area of the meeting was to significant extent within the area of interest of commission 22. These were: The Meteoroids 2004 Conference was held at the University of Western Ontario in London, Canada from August 15 to 21, 2004. This conference was the fifth in a series of meteoroid meetings which have been held approximately every three years since 1992, the previous one being in Kiruna, Sweden in 2001. Ingrid Mann chaired a scientific organizing committee which set the program for the conference. The meeting brought together scientists from more than twenty countries, to deliver 84 oral and 38 poster presentations. The papers represented the research contributions of more than 150 different scientists. The conference provided a comprehensive overview of leading edge research on topics ranging from the dynamics, sources and distribution of meteoroids, their chemistry and their physical processes in the interplanetary medium and the Earthõs atmosphere, and space and laboratory studies of meteorites, micrometeorites and interplanetary dust were also well represented. It was clear from the conference that the coordinated international campaigns for the Leonid showers provided a rich observational dataset and lead to the development of new observational and analysis techniques. Another trend obvious at the conference was the increasing use of sophisticated large aperture radars for meteor studies. High performance computing facilitates both dynamical model calculations and sophisticated ablation models. Significant progress was reported on ablation models for meteoroids ranging from dust to those producing bright fireballs. Study of solid particles entering the solar system from interstellar space and improved dust measuring capabilities on interplanetary spacecraft are an important research area which links astrophysical dust with solar system dust. The majority of papers presented at the conference (a total of 69 papers) are being published as a special issue of the journal Earth, Moon, and Planets (Vol. 95, Nos. 1–4) and also in the form of an associated book published by Springer: Modern Meteor Science: An Interdisciplinary View which was edited by R.Hawkes, I. Mann and P. Brown (ISBN 1-4020-4374-0). The book will be accompanied by a CD-ROM which includes a selection of conference photographs and the complete abstracts of all papers from the conference. As is reflected in the title of the spin-off book, this field is becoming increasingly interdisciplinary in nature, with researchers from astronomy, astrophysics, space science, space engineering, cosmochemistry, atmospheric science and geophysics, as well as others, now contributing to research in the field.

O f the nuclear cosmic rays arriving in the vicinity of Earth from interstellar space, more than 90% have energies less than 1010 eV /u.f Some effects of their modulation (including deceleration) in the Solar System are briefly discussed. The origin of particles at energies < 107 eV/u is still obscure. They could be due to stellar explosions or to solar emissions, or perhaps to interaction of interstellar gas with the solar wind. Between 108 and 1010 eV/u, the composition appears constant to ca. 30% within the statistics of available data. Cosmic rays traverse a mean path length of 6 g/cm 2 in a medium assumed to contain nine hydrogen atoms for each helium atom. Spallation reactions occurring in this medium result in enhancement of many cosmic-ray elements that are more scarce in the general abundances by several orders of magnitude. Cosmic-ray dwell time in the Galaxy seems to be < 107 years. The source composition of cosmic rays has been derived for elements with atomic numbers 1 ≤ Z ≤ 26. A comparison with abundances in the Solar System implies that the latter is richer in hydrogen and helium by a factor of ca. 20, in N and O by ca. 5, and in C by a factor of ca.2. Possible interpretations invoke (a) nucleosynthesis of cosmic rays in certain sources, e.g. supernovae, or (b) models of selective injection that depend, e.g. on ionization potentials or ionization cross sections. Calculated isotopic abundances of arriving cosmic rays are compared with the observed values now becoming available, and found to be in general agreement. Recent progress in probing the composition and spectrum of ultra-heavy nuclei is outlined.

1994 ◽  
Vol 160 ◽  
pp. 443-459
Mark E. Bailey

Observations of massive, extended discs around both pre-main-sequence and main-sequence stellar systems indicate that protoplanetary discs larger than the observed planetary system are a common phenomenon, while the existence of large comets suggests that the total cometary mass is much greater than previous estimates. Both observations suggest that theories of the origin of the solar system are best approached from the perspective provided by theories of star formation, in particular that the protoplanetary disc may have extended up to ~103 AU. A model with a surface density distribution similar to a minimum-mass solar nebula, but extending further in radius, is derived by considering the gravitational collapse of a uniform, slowly rotating molecular cloud. The boundary of the planetary system is determined not by lack of mass, as in previous ‘mass-limited’ models (i.e. those with a sharp decrease in surface density Σ beyond the radius of the observed planetary system), but instead by the increasing collision time between the comets or planetesimals initially formed by gravitational instability beyond the planetary zone. Bodies formed beyond ~50 AU have sizes on the order of 102 km and represent a collisionally unevolved population; they are composed of relatively small, unaltered clumps of interstellar dust and ices with individual sizes estimated to range up to ~10 m. By contrast, bodies formed closer in, for example in the Uranus-Neptune zone, consist of larger agglomerations of dust and ices with individual sizes ranging up to ~1 km. Planetesimals formed by gravitational instability at smaller heliocentric distances r are typically much smaller than those formed further out, the masses mp being proportional to Σ3r6, but subsequent collisional aggregation in the planetary region is expected to produce bodies with sizes ranging up to 102 km or more. In both cases the first-formed solid objects may be identified with observed cometary nuclei; some accumulate to produce the outer planets, but the majority are ejected, either to interstellar space or into the Oort cloud. Observed comets represent a dynamically well-mixed group from various sources; they are expected to comprise a heterogeneous mix of both pristine and relatively altered material and to have a broad mass distribution ranging up to the size of the largest planetesimals.

2019 ◽  
Vol 489 (1) ◽  
pp. 951-961 ◽  
C de la Fuente Marcos ◽  
R de la Fuente Marcos

ABSTRACT The chance discovery of the first interstellar minor body, 1I/2017 U1 (‘Oumuamua), indicates that we may have been visited by such objects in the past and that these events may repeat in the future. Unfortunately, minor bodies following nearly parabolic or hyperbolic paths tend to receive little attention: over 3/4 of those known have data-arcs shorter than 30 d and, consistently, rather uncertain orbit determinations. This fact suggests that we may have observed interstellar interlopers in the past, but failed to recognize them as such due to insufficient data. Early identification of promising candidates by using N-body simulations may help in improving this situation, triggering follow-up observations before they leave the Solar system. Here, we use this technique to investigate the pre- and post-perihelion dynamical evolution of the slightly hyperbolic comet C/2018 V1 (Machholz–Fujikawa–Iwamoto) to understand its origin and relevance within the context of known parabolic and hyperbolic minor bodies. Based on the available data, our calculations suggest that although C/2018 V1 may be a former member of the Oort Cloud, an origin beyond the Solar system cannot be excluded. If extrasolar, it might have entered the Solar system from interstellar space at low relative velocity with respect to the Sun. The practical feasibility of this alternative scenario has been assessed within the kinematic context of the stellar neighbourhood of the Sun, using data from Gaia second data release, and two robust solar sibling candidates have been identified. Our results suggest that comets coming from interstellar space at low heliocentric velocities may not be rare.

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