Bladder wall necrosis and septic peritonitis in two Icelandic mares after parturition and mating

Nina Weltrich ◽  
Rosa Barsnick
2005 ◽  
Vol 173 (4S) ◽  
pp. 326-326
Lewis Chan ◽  
Jehan Titus ◽  
Vincent Tse ◽  
Ruth Collins

2020 ◽  
Vol 138 ◽  
pp. 237-246 ◽  
J Řehulka ◽  
A Kubátová ◽  
V Hubka

In this study, spontaneous swim bladder mycosis was documented in a farmed fingerling rainbow trout from a raceway culture system. At necropsy, the gross lesions included a thickened swim bladder wall, and the posterior portion of the swim bladder was enlarged due to massive hyperplasia of muscle. A microscopic wet mount examination of the swim bladder contents revealed abundant septate hyphae, and histopathological examination showed periodic acid-Schiff-positive mycelia in the lumen and wall of the swim bladder. Histopathological examination of the thickened posterior swim bladder revealed muscle hyperplasia with expansion by inflammatory cells. The causative agent was identified as Phoma herbarum through morphological analysis and DNA sequencing. The disease was reproduced in rainbow trout fingerlings using intraperitoneal injection of a spore suspension. Necropsy in dead and moribund fish revealed extensive congestion and haemorrhages in the serosa of visceral organs and in liver and abdominal serosanguinous fluid. Histopathological examination showed severe hepatic congestion, sinusoidal dilatation, Kupffer cell reactivity, leukostasis and degenerative changes. Fungi were disseminated to the liver, pyloric caeca, kidney, spleen and heart. Although infections caused by Phoma spp. have been repeatedly reported in fish, species identification has been hampered by extensive taxonomic changes. The results of this study confirmed the pathogenicity of P. herbarum in salmonids by using a reliably identified strain during experimental fish infection and provides new knowledge regarding the course of infection.

2017 ◽  
pp. 41-46
Van Mao Nguyen ◽  
Thi Bich Chi Nguyen

Background: Bladder cancer is one of the most frequent type of urinary cancer which has been ever increasing. For the better treatment, the early discovery and definite diagnosis of this disease played an important role. Objective: To describe some clinical symptoms and ultrasound features of tumorlike lesions of the bladder. To diagnose and classify the histopathology of tumorlike lesions of the bladder. Materials, method: cross - sectional study on 64 cases in Hue University Hospital and Hue central hospital from April, 2016 to February, 2017. Results: Hematuria was the most common reason that patients went to hospital (79.7%). Lower abdominal pain and irritation during urination accounting for 9.4% and 6.2% respectively. Only 3 patients with bladder cancer were accidentally discovered through periodic health examination (4.7%). The characteristics of hematuria in bladder tumor was flesh red urine (62.5%) and total hematuria (60.7%). With ultrasonography, the results of 64 patients were divided in 3 groups as follow: bladder tumor, which was the highest rate 87.5%, bladder polyp was 3.1% and focal bladder wall thickening was 9.4%. Of which, the vast majority of these ultrasound images was tumor - like lesions protruding in the lumen of the bladder (75%), the rest was wall thickening lesions (25%). Tumors were different in size, the biggest tumor was 7cm in diameter and the smallest was 0.6cm. Those with the diameter 3cm or bigger accounting for 42.2%, the smaller was 57.8%. Most cases have only one lesion (62.5%) and at lateral wall (46.6%). Histopathologically, cancer was 59/64 case (92.2%): urothelial carcinoma was 98.3 %, squamous cell carcinomawas 1.7% and 5 cases (7.8%) were benign. Most cancerous cases were poorly differentiated, grade II (50.9%) and grade III (32.2%). The stage T1NxMx was 20.3% and worse than T2MxNx was 79.7%. Conclusion: hematuria was the most popular symptom, suggesting bladder cancer. Clinical diagnosing bladder cancer was not high sensitive (61.01%). Ultrasound could detect bladder tumor with high sensitive (89.8%). These patients also needed histopathology classification to diagnose and finally choose the best method for the appropriate treatment. Key words: bladder cancer, histopathology, ultrasound, uroepithelial carcinoma, hematuria

1999 ◽  
Vol 161 (2) ◽  
pp. 665-667 ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Pengcheng Hu ◽  
Xin Lin ◽  
Weihai Zhuo ◽  
Hui Tan ◽  
Tianwu Xie ◽  

Abstract Purpose A 2-m axial field-of-view, total-body PET/CT scanner (uEXPLORER) has been recently developed to provide total-body coverage and ultra-high sensitivity, which together, enables opportunities for in vivo time-activity curve (TAC) measurement of all investigated organs simultaneously with high temporal resolution. This study aims at quantifying the cumulated activity and patient dose of 2-[F-18]fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose (F-18 FDG ) imaging by using delayed time-activity curves (TACs), measured out to 8-h post-injection, for different organs so that the comparison between quantifying approaches using short-time method (up to 75 min post-injection) or long-time method (up to 8 h post-injection) could be performed. Methods Organ TACs of 10 healthy volunteers were collected using total-body PET/CT in 4 periods after the intravenous injection of F-18 FDG. The 8-h post-injection TACs of 6 source organs were fitted using a spline method (based on Origin (version 8.1)). To compare with cumulated activity estimated from spline-fitted curves, the cumulated activity estimated from multi-exponential curve was also calculated. Exponential curve was fitted with shorter series of data consistent with clinical procedure and previous dosimetry works. An 8-h dynamic bladder wall dose model considering 2 voiding were employed to illustrate the differences in bladder wall dose caused by the different measurement durations. Organ absorbed doses were further estimated using Medical Internal Radiation Dose (MIRD) method and voxel phantoms. Results A short-time measurement could lead to significant bias in estimated cumulated activity for liver compared with long-time-measured spline fitted method, and the differences of cumulated activity were 18.38% on average. For the myocardium, the estimated cumulated activity difference was not statistically significant due to large variation in metabolism among individuals. The average residence time differences of brain, heart, kidney, liver, and lungs were 8.38%, 15.13%, 25.02%, 23.94%, and 16.50% between short-time and long-time methods. Regarding effective dose, the maximum differences of residence time between long-time-measured spline fitted curve and short-time-measured multi-exponential fitted curve was 9.93%. When using spline method, the bladder revealed the most difference in the effective dose among all the investigated organs with a bias up to 21.18%. The bladder wall dose calculated using a long-time dynamic model was 13.79% larger than the two-voiding dynamic model, and at least 50.17% lower than previous studies based on fixed bladder content volume. Conclusions Long-time measurement of multi-organ TACs with high temporal resolution enabled by a total-body PET/CT demonstrated that the clinical procedure with 20 min PET scan at 1 h after injection could be used for retrospective dosimetry analysis in most organs. As the bladder content contributed the most to the effective dose, a long-time dynamic model was recommended for the bladder wall dose estimation.

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-12
Maroeska J. Burggraaf ◽  
Lisette Waanders ◽  
Mariska Verlaan ◽  
Janneke Maaskant ◽  
Diane Houben ◽  

BACKGROUND: Bladder cancer is the ninth most common cancer in men. 70% of these tumors are classified as non-muscle invasive bladder cancer and those patients receive 6 intravesical instillations with Mycobacterium bovis BCG after transurethral resection. However, 30% of patients show recurrences after treatment and experience severe side effects that often lead to therapy discontinuation. Recently, another vaccine strain, Salmonella enterica typhi Ty21a, demonstrated promising antitumor activity in vivo. Here we focus on increasing bacterial retention in the bladder in order to reduce the number of instillations required and improve antitumor activity. OBJECTIVE: To increase the binding of Ty21a to the bladder wall by surface labeling of the bacteria with adhesion protein FimH and to study its effect in a bladder cancer mouse model. METHODS: Binding of Ty21a with surface-labeled FimH to the bladder wall was analyzed in vitro and in vivo. The antitumor effect of a single instillation of Ty21a+FimH in treatment was determined in a survival experiment. RESULTS: FimH-labeled Ty21a showed significant (p <  0.0001) improved binding to mouse and human cell lines in vitro. Furthermore, FimH labeled bacteria showed ∼5x more binding to the bladder than controls in vivo. Enhanced binding to the bladder via FimH labeling induced a modest improvement in median but not in overall mice survival. CONCLUSIONS: FimH labeling of Ty21a significantly improved binding to bladder tumor cells in vitro and the bladder wall in vivo. The improved binding leads to a modest increase in median survival in a single bladder cancer mouse study.

2021 ◽  
Vol 47 (4) ◽  
pp. 1115-1119
Shaheeda A. Adusei ◽  
Adriana V. Gregory ◽  
Eric C. Polley ◽  
Azra Alizad ◽  
Mostafa Fatemi

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