Twist Grain Boundary Phases

Heinz-Siegfried Kitzerow
J. E. Doherty ◽  
A. F. Giamei ◽  
B. H. Kear ◽  
C. W. Steinke

Recently we have been investigating a class of nickel-base superalloys which possess substantial room temperature ductility. This improvement in ductility is directly related to improvements in grain boundary strength due to increased boundary cohesion through control of detrimental impurities and improved boundary shear strength by controlled grain boundary micros true tures.For these investigations an experimental nickel-base superalloy was doped with different levels of sulphur impurity. The micros tructure after a heat treatment of 1360°C for 2 hr, 1200°C for 16 hr consists of coherent precipitates of γ’ Ni3(Al,X) in a nickel solid solution matrix.

P. Humble

There has been sustained interest over the last few years into both the intrinsic (primary and secondary) structure of grain boundaries and the extrinsic structure e.g. the interaction of matrix dislocations with the boundary. Most of the investigations carried out by electron microscopy have involved only the use of information contained in the transmitted image (bright field, dark field, weak beam etc.). Whilst these imaging modes are appropriate to the cases of relatively coarse intrinsic or extrinsic grain boundary dislocation structures, it is apparent that in principle (and indeed in practice, e.g. (1)-(3)) the diffraction patterns from the boundary can give extra independent information about the fine scale periodic intrinsic structure of the boundary.In this paper I shall describe one investigation into each type of structure using the appropriate method of obtaining the necessary information which has been carried out recently at Tribophysics.

L.E. Murr

Ledges in grain boundaries can be identified by their characteristic contrast features (straight, black-white lines) distinct from those of lattice dislocations, for example1,2 [see Fig. 1(a) and (b)]. Simple contrast rules as pointed out by Murr and Venkatesh2, can be established so that ledges may be recognized with come confidence, and the number of ledges per unit length of grain boundary (referred to as the ledge density, m) measured by direct observations in the transmission electron microscope. Such measurements can then give rise to quantitative data which can be used to provide evidence for the influence of ledges on the physical and mechanical properties of materials.It has been shown that ledge density can be systematically altered in some metals by thermo-mechanical treatment3,4.

J. W. Matthews ◽  
W. M. Stobbs

Many high-angle grain boundaries in cubic crystals are thought to be either coincidence boundaries (1) or coincidence boundaries to which grain boundary dislocations have been added (1,2). Calculations of the arrangement of atoms inside coincidence boundaries suggest that the coincidence lattice will usually not be continuous across a coincidence boundary (3). There will usually be a rigid displacement of the lattice on one side of the boundary relative to that on the other. This displacement gives rise to a stacking fault in the coincidence lattice.Recently, Pond (4) and Smith (5) have measured the lattice displacement at coincidence boundaries in aluminum. We have developed (6) an alternative to the measuring technique used by them, and have used it to find two of the three components of the displacement at {112} lateral twin boundaries in gold. This paper describes our method and presents a brief account of the results we have obtained.

Shiro Fujishiro

The Ti-6 wt.% Al-4 wt.% V commercial alloys have exhibited an improved formability at cryogenic temperature when the alloys were heat-treated prior to the tests. The author was interested in further investigating this unusual ductile behavior which may be associated with the strain-induced transformation or twinning of the a phase, enhanced at lower temperatures. The starting materials, supplied by RMI Co., Niles, Ohio were rolled mill products in the form of 40 mil sheets. The microstructure of the as-received materials contained mainly ellipsoidal α grains measuring between 1 and 5μ. The β phase formed an undefined grain boundary around the a grains. The specimens were homogenized at 1050°C for one hour, followed by aging at 500°C for two hours, and then quenched in water to produce the α/β mixed microstructure.

H.C. Eaton ◽  
B.N. Ranganathan ◽  
T.W. Burwinkle ◽  
R. J. Bayuzick ◽  
J.J. Hren

The shape of the emitter is of cardinal importance to field-ion microscopy. First, the field evaporation process itself is closely related to the initial tip shape. Secondly, the imaging stress, which is near the theoretical strength of the material and intrinsic to the imaging process, cannot be characterized without knowledge of the emitter shape. Finally, the problem of obtaining quantitative geometric information from the micrograph cannot be solved without knowing the shape. Previously published grain-boundary topographies were obtained employing an assumption of a spherical shape (1). The present investigation shows that the true shape deviates as much as 100 Å from sphericity and boundary reconstructions contain considerable error as a result.Our present procedures for obtaining tip shape may be summarized as follows. An empirical projection, D=f(θ), is obtained by digitizing the positions of poles on a field-ion micrograph.

A.H. Advani ◽  
L.E. Murr ◽  
D. Matlock

Thermomechanically induced strain is a key variable producing accelerated carbide precipitation, sensitization and stress corrosion cracking in austenitic stainless steels (SS). Recent work has indicated that higher levels of strain (above 20%) also produce transgranular (TG) carbide precipitation and corrosion simultaneous with the grain boundary phenomenon in 316 SS. Transgranular precipitates were noted to form primarily on deformation twin-fault planes and their intersections in 316 SS.Briant has indicated that TG precipitation in 316 SS is significantly different from 304 SS due to the formation of strain-induced martensite on 304 SS, though an understanding of the role of martensite on the process has not been developed. This study is concerned with evaluating the effects of strain and strain-induced martensite on TG carbide precipitation in 304 SS. The study was performed on samples of a 0.051%C-304 SS deformed to 33% followed by heat treatment at 670°C for 1 h.

Nancy J. Tighe

Silicon nitride is one of the ceramic materials being considered for the components in gas turbine engines which will be exposed to temperatures of 1000 to 1400°C. Test specimens from hot-pressed billets exhibit flexural strengths of approximately 50 MN/m2 at 1000°C. However, the strength degrades rapidly to less than 20 MN/m2 at 1400°C. The strength degradition is attributed to subcritical crack growth phenomena evidenced by a stress rate dependence of the flexural strength and the stress intensity factor. This phenomena is termed slow crack growth and is associated with the onset of plastic deformation at the crack tip. Lange attributed the subcritical crack growth tb a glassy silicate grain boundary phase which decreased in viscosity with increased temperature and permitted a form of grain boundary sliding to occur.

H.-J. Ou ◽  
J. M. Cowley

Using the dedicate VG-HB5 STEM microscope, the crystal structure of high Tc superconductor of YBa2Cu3O7-x has been studied via high resolution STEM (HRSTEM) imaging and nanobeam (∽3A) diffraction patterns. Figure 1(a) and 2(a) illustrate the HRSTEM image taken at 10' times magnification along [001] direction and [100] direction, respectively. In figure 1(a), a grain boundary with strong field contrast is seen between two crystal regions A and B. The grain boundary appears to be parallel to a (110) plane, although it is not possible to determine [100] and [001] axes as it is in other regions which contain twin planes [3]. Following the horizontal lattice lines, from left to right across the grain boundary, a lattice bending of ∽4° is noticed. Three extra lattice planes, indicated by arrows, were found to terminate at the grain boundary and form dislocations. It is believed that due to different chemical composition, such structure defects occur during crystal growth. No bending is observed along the vertical lattice lines.

Bradley L. Thiel ◽  
Chan Han R. P. ◽  
Kurosky L. C. Hutter ◽  
I. A. Aksay ◽  
Mehmet Sarikaya

The identification of extraneous phases is important in understanding of high Tc superconducting oxides. The spectroscopic techniques commonly used in determining the origin of superconductivity (such as RAMAN, XPS, AES, and EXAFS) are surface-sensitive. Hence a grain boundary phase several nanometers thick could produce irrelevant spectroscopic results and cause erroneous conclusions. The intergranular phases present a major technological consideration for practical applications. In this communication we report the identification of a Cu2O grain boundary phase which forms during the sintering of YBa2Cu3O7-x (1:2:3 compound).Samples are prepared using a mixture of Y2O3. CuO, and BaO2 powders dispersed in ethanol for complete mixing. The pellets pressed at 20,000 psi are heated to 950°C at a rate of 5°C per min, held for 1 hr, and cooled at 1°C per min to room temperature. The samples show a Tc of 91K with a transition width of 2K. In order to prevent damage, a low temperature stage is used in milling to prepare thin foils which are then observed, using a liquid nitrogen holder, in a Philips 430T at 300 kV.

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