Review of High Precision Theory and Experiment for Helium

Gordon W. F. Drake
2005 ◽  
Vol 83 (4) ◽  
pp. 311-325 ◽  
G WF Drake ◽  
W Nörtershäuser ◽  
Z -C Yan

It is now well established that accurate relative values of the rms nuclear charge radius for light atoms can be extracted from a comparison between high-precision theory and experiment for the isotope shift in atomic transition frequencies. Results are available for isotopes of helium and lithium. This paper reviews and updates the interpretation of earlier measurements for 3He relative to 4He, and 6Li relative to 7Li. New results are presented for the quantum electrodynamic recoil corrections. Recent measurements for the halo nucleus 6He, and the short-lived nuclei 8Li, and 9Li are discussed. The derived nuclear charge radii of 2.054(14), 2.30(4), and 2.24(4)~fm, respectively, are compared with the predictions of various nuclear structure models.PACS Nos.: 31.15.Pf, 31.30.Jv, and 32.10.Hq

J. C. Russ ◽  
T. Taguchi ◽  
P. M. Peters ◽  
E. Chatfield ◽  
J. C. Russ ◽  

Conventional SAD patterns as obtained in the TEM present difficulties for identification of materials such as asbestiform minerals, although diffraction data is considered to be an important method for making this purpose. The preferred orientation of the fibers and the spotty patterns that are obtained do not readily lend themselves to measurement of the integrated intensity values for each d-spacing, and even the d-spacings may be hard to determine precisely because the true center location for the broken rings requires estimation. We have implemented an automatic method for diffraction pattern measurement to overcome these problems. It automatically locates the center of patterns with high precision, measures the radius of each ring of spots in the pattern, and integrates the density of spots in that ring. The resulting spectrum of intensity vs. radius is then used just as a conventional X-ray diffractometer scan would be, to locate peaks and produce a list of d,I values suitable for search/match comparison to known or expected phases.

K. Z. Botros ◽  
S. S. Sheinin

The main features of weak beam images of dislocations were first described by Cockayne et al. using calculations of intensity profiles based on the kinematical and two beam dynamical theories. The feature of weak beam images which is of particular interest in this investigation is that intensity profiles exhibit a sharp peak located at a position very close to the position of the dislocation in the crystal. This property of weak beam images of dislocations has an important application in the determination of stacking fault energy of crystals. This can easily be done since the separation of the partial dislocations bounding a stacking fault ribbon can be measured with high precision, assuming of course that the weak beam relationship between the positions of the image and the dislocation is valid. In order to carry out measurements such as these in practice the specimen must be tilted to "good" weak beam diffraction conditions, which implies utilizing high values of the deviation parameter Sg.

Gertrude F. Rempfer

I became involved in electron optics in early 1945, when my husband Robert and I were hired by the Farrand Optical Company. My husband had a mathematics Ph.D.; my degree was in physics. My main responsibilities were connected with the development of an electrostatic electron microscope. Fortunately, my thesis research on thermionic and field emission, in the late 1930s under the direction of Professor Joseph E. Henderson at the University of Washington, provided a foundation for dealing with electron beams, high vacuum, and high voltage.At the Farrand Company my co-workers and I used an electron-optical bench to carry out an extensive series of tests on three-electrode electrostatic lenses, as a function of geometrical and voltage parameters. Our studies enabled us to select optimum designs for the lenses in the electron microscope. We early on discovered that, in general, electron lenses are not “thin” lenses, and that aberrations of focal point and aberrations of focal length are not the same. I found electron optics to be an intriguing blend of theory and experiment. A laboratory version of the electron microscope was built and tested, and a report was given at the December 1947 EMSA meeting. The micrograph in fig. 1 is one of several which were presented at the meeting. This micrograph also appeared on the cover of the January 1949 issue of Journal of Applied Physics. These were exciting times in electron microscopy; it seemed that almost everything that happened was new. Our opportunities to publish were limited to patents because Mr. Farrand envisaged a commercial instrument. Regrettably, a commercial version of our laboratory microscope was not produced.

Klaus-Ruediger Peters

Differential hysteresis processing is a new image processing technology that provides a tool for the display of image data information at any level of differential contrast resolution. This includes the maximum contrast resolution of the acquisition system which may be 1,000-times higher than that of the visual system (16 bit versus 6 bit). All microscopes acquire high precision contrasts at a level of <0.01-25% of the acquisition range in 16-bit - 8-bit data, but these contrasts are mostly invisible or only partially visible even in conventionally enhanced images. The processing principle of the differential hysteresis tool is based on hysteresis properties of intensity variations within an image.Differential hysteresis image processing moves a cursor of selected intensity range (hysteresis range) along lines through the image data reading each successive pixel intensity. The midpoint of the cursor provides the output data. If the intensity value of the following pixel falls outside of the actual cursor endpoint values, then the cursor follows the data either with its top or with its bottom, but if the pixels' intensity value falls within the cursor range, then the cursor maintains its intensity value.

Physica ◽  
1952 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 1063-1065 ◽  

1991 ◽  
Vol 1 (12) ◽  
pp. 1669-1673 ◽  
Hans Gerd Evertz ◽  
Martin Hasenbusch ◽  
Mihail Marcu ◽  
Klaus Pinn ◽  
Sorin Solomon

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