scholarly journals Isolation of Extracellular Vesicles from Stem Cells

Zixin Chen ◽  
Yongjun Li ◽  
Hong Yu ◽  
Yan Shen ◽  
Chengwei Ju ◽  
И.Б. Алчинова ◽  
М.В. Полякова ◽  
И.Н. Сабурина ◽  
М.Ю. Карганов

Механизм терапевтического действия мультипотентных мезенхимных стволовых клеток (ММСК) на облученный организм в последнее время вызывает повышенный интерес исследователей. В качестве активного участника паракринного механизма реализации этого эффекта предлагают рассматривать внеклеточные везикулы, секретируемые практически всеми клетками живого организма. Цель работы: выделить и охарактеризовать внеклеточные везикулы, продуцируемые стволовыми клетками различной природы. Материалы и методы. Суспензии внеклеточных везикул, выделенных по модифицированному протоколу дифференциального центрифугирования из культуральных жидкостей от культур ММСК костного мозга человека 2-го пассажа и ММСК жировой ткани крысы 4-го пассажа, были проанализированы методом просвечивающей электронной микроскопии и методом анализа траекторий наночастиц. Результаты. Исследование показало наличие в обоих образцах микрочастиц размерами до и около 100 нм, однако процентное содержание частиц разных размеров в суспензии различалось для двух анализируемых типов клеток. Заключение. Полученные результаты могут свидетельствовать о специфике секреции, обусловленной клеточным типом. A mechanism of the therapeutic effect of multipotent mesenchymal stem cells (MMSC) on irradiated body has recently arisen much interest of researchers. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) secreted by almost all cells of a living organism were suggested to actively contribute to the paracrine mechanism of this effect. The aim of the study was isolation and characterization of extracellular vesicles produced by various types of stem cells. Materials and methods. Suspensions of EVs were isolated from culture media of passage 2 human bone marrow-derived MMSC and passage 4 rat adipose tissue-derived MMSC using a modified protocol of differential centrifugation and then studied using transmission electron microscopy and nanoparticle tracking analysis. Results. The study showed the presence of microparticles with a size of >100 nm in the examined samples. However, the percent content of particles with different sizes in the suspension was different in two analyzed types of cell culture. Conclusion. The study results might reflect a specificity of secretion determined by the cell type.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (7) ◽  
pp. 623-638
Saeideh Gholamzadeh Khoei ◽  
Fateme Karimi Dermani ◽  
Sara Malih ◽  
Nashmin Fayazi ◽  
Mohsen Sheykhhasan

Background: Cardiovascular disease (CVD), including disorders of cardiac muscle and vascular, is the major cause of death globally. Many unsuccessful attempts have been made to intervene in the disease's pathogenesis and treatment. Stem cell-based therapies, as a regeneration strategy, cast a new hope for CVD treatment. One of the most well-known stem cells is mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), classified as one of the adult stem cells and can be obtained from different tissues. These cells have superior properties, such as proliferation and highly specialized differentiation. On the other hand, they have the potential to modulate the immune system and anti-inflammatory activity. One of their most important features is the secreting the extracellular vesicles (EVs) like exosomes (EXOs) as an intercellular communication system mediating the different physiological and pathophysiological affairs. Methods: In this review study, the importance of MSC and its secretory exosomes for the treatment of heart disease has been together and specifically addressed and the use of these promising natural and accessible agents is predicted to replace the current treatment modalities even faster than we imagine. Results: MSC derived EXOs by providing a pro-regenerative condition allowing innate stem cells to repair damaged tissues successfully. As a result, MSCs are considered as the appropriate cellular source in regenerative medicine. In the plethora of experiments, MSCs and MSC-EXOs have been used for the treatment and regeneration of heart diseases and myocardial lesions. Conclusions: Administration of MSCs has been provided a replacement therapeutic option for heart regeneration, obtaining great attention among the basic researcher and the medical doctors.

Biomedicines ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (6) ◽  
pp. 667
Gabriella Racchetti ◽  
Jacopo Meldolesi

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), the cells distributed in the stromas of the body, are known for various properties including replication, the potential of various differentiations, the immune-related processes including inflammation. About two decades ago, these cells were shown to play relevant roles in the therapy of numerous diseases, dependent on their immune regulation and their release of cytokines and growth factors, with ensuing activation of favorable enzymes and processes. Such discovery induced great increase of their investigation. Soon thereafter, however, it became clear that therapeutic actions of MSCs are risky, accompanied by serious drawbacks and defects. MSC therapy has been therefore reduced to a few diseases, replaced for the others by their extracellular vesicles, the MSC-EVs. The latter vesicles recapitulate most therapeutic actions of MSCs, with equal or even better efficacies and without the serious drawbacks of the parent cells. In addition, MSC-EVs are characterized by many advantages, among which are their heterogeneities dependent on the stromas of origin, the alleviation of cell aging, the regulation of immune responses and inflammation. Here we illustrate the MSC-EV therapeutic effects, largely mediated by specific miRNAs, covering various diseases and pathological processes occurring in the bones, heart and vessels, kidney, and brain. MSC-EVs operate also on the development of cancers and on COVID-19, where they alleviate the organ lesions induced by the virus. Therapy by MSC-EVs can be improved by combination of their innate potential to engineering processes inducing precise targeting and transfer of drugs. The unique properties of MSC-EVs explain their intense studies, carried out with extraordinary success. Although not yet developed to clinical practice, the perspectives for proximal future are encouraging.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 1375
María Carmen Carceller ◽  
María Isabel Guillén ◽  
María Luisa Gil ◽  
María José Alcaraz

Adipose tissue represents an abundant source of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) for therapeutic purposes. Previous studies have demonstrated the anti-inflammatory potential of adipose tissue-derived MSC (ASC). Extracellular vesicles (EV) present in the conditioned medium (CM) have been shown to mediate the cytoprotective effects of human ASC secretome. Nevertheless, the role of EV in the anti-inflammatory effects of mouse-derived ASC is not known. The current study has investigated the influence of mouse-derived ASC CM and its fractions on the response of mouse-derived peritoneal macrophages against lipopolysaccharide (LPS). CM and its soluble fraction reduced the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines, adenosine triphosphate and nitric oxide in stimulated cells. They also enhanced the migration of neutrophils or monocytes, in the absence or presence of LPS, respectively, which is likely related to the presence of chemokines, and reduced the phagocytic response. The anti-inflammatory effect of CM may be dependent on the regulation of toll-like receptor 4 expression and nuclear factor-κB activation. Our results demonstrate the anti-inflammatory effects of mouse-derived ASC secretome in mouse-derived peritoneal macrophages stimulated with LPS and show that they are not mediated by EV.

2021 ◽  
pp. 039139882098680
Xuefeng Zhang ◽  
Nan Wang ◽  
Yuhua Huang ◽  
Yan Li ◽  
Gang Li ◽  

Background: Three-dimensional (3D) culture has been reported to increase the therapeutic potential of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). The present study assessed the therapeutic efficacy of extracellular vesicles (EVs) from 3D cultures of human placental MSCs (hPMSCs) for acute kidney injury (AKI). Methods: The supernatants from monolayer culture (2D) and 3D culture of hPMSCs were ultra-centrifuged for EVs isolation. C57BL/6 male mice were submitted to 45 min bilateral ischemia of kidney, followed by renal intra-capsular administration of EVs within a 72 h reperfusion period. Histological, immunohistochemical, and ELISA analyses of kidney samples were performed to evaluate cell death and inflammation. Kidney function was evaluated by measuring serum creatinine and urea nitrogen. The miRNA expression profiles of EVs from 2D and 3D culture of hPMSCs were evaluated using miRNA microarray analysis. Results: The 3D culture of hPMSCs formed spheroids with different diameters depending on the cell density seeded. The hPMSCs produced significantly more EVs in 3D culture than in 2D culture. More importantly, injection of EVs from 3D culture of hPMSCs into mouse kidney with ischemia-reperfusion (I/R)-AKI was more beneficial in protecting from progression of I/R than those from 2D culture. The EVs from 3D culture of hPMSCs were more efficient against apoptosis and inflammation than those from 2D culture, which resulted in a reduction in tissue damage and amelioration of renal function. MicroRNA profiling analysis revealed that a set of microRNAs were significantly changed in EVs from 3D culture of hPMSCs, especially miR-93-5p. Conclusion: The EVs from 3D culture of hPMSCs have therapeutic potential for I/R-AKI.

Membranes ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (7) ◽  
pp. 484
Yue Gao ◽  
Anna Jablonska ◽  
Chengyan Chu ◽  
Piotr Walczak ◽  
Miroslaw Janowski

Rapidly ageing populations are beset by tissue wear and damage. Stem cell-based regenerative medicine is considered a solution. Years of research point to two important aspects: (1) the use of cellular imaging to achieve sufficient precision of therapeutic intervention, and the fact that (2) many therapeutic actions are executed through extracellular vesicles (EV), released by stem cells. Therefore, there is an urgent need to interrogate cellular labels in the context of EV release. We studied clinically applicable cellular labels: superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPION), and radionuclide detectable by two main imaging modalities: MRI and PET. We have demonstrated effective stem cell labeling using both labels. Then, we obtained EVs from cell cultures and tested for the presence of cellular labels. We did not find either magnetic or radioactive labels in EVs. Therefore, we report that stem cells do not lose labels in released EVs, which indicates the reliability of stem cell magnetic and radioactive labeling, and that there is no interference of labels with EV content. In conclusion, we observed that direct cellular labeling seems to be an attractive approach to monitoring stem cell delivery, and that, importantly, labels neither locate in EVs nor affect their basic properties.

2021 ◽  
Vol 165 ◽  
pp. 33
Cristina Mas-Bargues ◽  
Jorge Sanz-Ros ◽  
Aurora Román-Domínguez ◽  
Lucia Gimeno-Mallench ◽  
Jose Viña ◽  

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