Hardware and System Architectures

2009 ◽  
Do-Seob Ann ◽  
Hee Wook Kim ◽  
Dong-Chul Park

2021 ◽  
Vol 54 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-16
Abdus Salam ◽  
Rolf Schwitter ◽  
Mehmet A. Orgun

This survey provides an overview of rule learning systems that can learn the structure of probabilistic rules for uncertain domains. These systems are very useful in such domains because they can be trained with a small amount of positive and negative examples, use declarative representations of background knowledge, and combine efficient high-level reasoning with the probability theory. The output of these systems are probabilistic rules that are easy to understand by humans, since the conditions for consequences lead to predictions that become transparent and interpretable. This survey focuses on representational approaches and system architectures, and suggests future research directions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 97
Christian Raulf ◽  
Moritz Proff ◽  
Tobias Huth ◽  
Thomas Vietor

Today, vehicle development is already in a process of substantial transformation. Mobility trends can be derived from global megatrends and have a significant influence on the requirements of the developed vehicles. The sociological, technological, economic, ecological, and political developments can be determined by using the scenario technique. The results are recorded in the form of differently shaped scenarios; however, they are mainly document-based. In order to ensure a holistic approach in the sense of model-based systems engineering and to be able to trace the interrelationships of the fast-changing trends and requirements, it is necessary to implement future scenarios in the system model. For this purpose, a method is proposed that enables the consideration of future scenarios in model-based vehicle development. The procedure of the method is presented, and the location of the future scenarios within the system architectures is named. The method is applied and the resulting system views are derived based on the application example of an autonomous people mover. With the help of the described method, it is possible to show the effects of a change of scenario (e.g., best-case and worst-case) and the connections with the highest level of requirements: stakeholder needs.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (13) ◽  
pp. 3863
Tiago Alves ◽  
João Paulo N. Torres ◽  
Ricardo A. Marques Lameirinhas ◽  
Carlos A. F. Fernandes

The effect of partial shading in photovoltaic (PV) panels is one of the biggest problems regarding power losses in PV systems. When the irradiance pattern throughout a PV panel is inequal, some cells with the possibility of higher power production will produce less and start to deteriorate. The objective of this research work is to present, test and discuss different techniques to help mitigate partial shading in PV panels, observing and commenting the advantages and disadvantages for different PV technologies under different operating conditions. The motivation is to contribute with research, simulation, and experimental work. Several state-of-the-artsolutions to the problem will be presented: different topologies in the interconnection of the panels; different PV system architectures, and also introducing new solution hypotheses, such as different cell interconnections topologies. Alongside, benefits and limitations will be discussed. To obtain actual results, the simulation work was conducted by creating MATLAB/Simulink models for each different technique tested, all centered around the 1M5P PV cell model. The several techniques tested will also take into account different patterns and sizes of partial shading, different PV panel technologies, different values of source irradiation, and different PV array sizes. The results will be discussed and validated by experimental tests.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 2027-2036
Aschot Kharatyan ◽  
Julian Tekaat ◽  
Sergej Japs ◽  
Harald Anacker ◽  
Roman Dumitrescu

AbstractAs digitization progresses, the integration of information and communication technologies in technical systems is constantly increasing. Fascinating value potentials are emerging (e.g. autonomous driving), but also challenges in the system development. The constantly increasing product complexity and degree of networking require a systemic development, which is fulfilled by established approaches of Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE). To ensure the reliability of tomorrow's systems, an integrative and early consideration of security and safety is additionally required. In order to show the possibility and consequences of failures and attacks, the paper develops a modeling language that links established and partly isolated security and safety approaches within a consistent metamodel. The developer is enabled to synthesize system architectures transparently on an interdisciplinary level and to analyze attack and failure propagation integratively. The approach uncovers synergetic and especially contrasting goals and effects of architectural designs in terms of safety and security in order to make adequate architectural decisions based on trade-off analyses.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 1897-1906
Clemens Birk ◽  
Marc Zuefle ◽  
Albert Albers ◽  
Nikola Bursac ◽  
Dieter Krause

AbstractThis paper considers the orientation of product development structures towards interdisciplinary system architectures using the example of a tool machine manufacturer. Due to the change from simple mechanical products to extensively designed systems, whose successful development requires the integration of all disciplines involved, it is analyzed which requirements there are for these interdisciplinary system architectures in today's development environment. In addition, it is validated on the basis of the investigation environment that interdisciplinary system structures are necessary for the development on the different levels of the system view. In doing so, the investigation environment addresses the concept of extracting customer-relevant features (systems) from a physical-tailored modular system (supersystem) in order to develop and test them autonomously, as well as to transfer them to the entire product range in a standardized manner. The elaboration identifies basic requirements for the development of a knowledge base in interdisciplinary system structures and places them into the context of an agile modular kit development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 1448
Wenju Mao ◽  
Zhijie Liu ◽  
Heng Liu ◽  
Fuzeng Yang ◽  
Meirong Wang

Multi-robots have shown good application prospects in agricultural production. Studying the synergistic technologies of agricultural multi-robots can not only improve the efficiency of the overall robot system and meet the needs of precision farming but also solve the problems of decreasing effective labor supply and increasing labor costs in agriculture. Therefore, starting from the point of view of an agricultural multiple robot system architectures, this paper reviews the representative research results of five synergistic technologies of agricultural multi-robots in recent years, namely, environment perception, task allocation, path planning, formation control, and communication, and summarizes the technological progress and development characteristics of these five technologies. Finally, because of these development characteristics, it is shown that the trends and research focus for agricultural multi-robots are to optimize the existing technologies and apply them to a variety of agricultural multi-robots, such as building a hybrid architecture of multi-robot systems, SLAM (simultaneous localization and mapping), cooperation learning of robots, hybrid path planning and formation reconstruction. While synergistic technologies of agricultural multi-robots are extremely challenging in production, in combination with previous research results for real agricultural multi-robots and social development demand, we conclude that it is realistic to expect automated multi-robot systems in the future.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 731-740
Giovanni Formentini ◽  
Claudio Favi ◽  
Claude Cuiller ◽  
Pierre-Eric Dereux ◽  
Francois Bouissiere ◽  

AbstractOne of the most challenging activity in the engineering design process is the definition of a framework (model and parameters) for the characterization of specific processes such as installation and assembly. Aircraft system architectures are complex structures used to understand relation among elements (modules) inside an aircraft and its evaluation is one of the first activity since the conceptual design. The assessment of aircraft architectures, from the assembly perspective, requires parameter identification as well as the definition of the overall analysis framework (i.e., mathematical models, equations).The paper aims at the analysis of a mathematical framework (structure, equations and parameters) developed to assess the fit for assembly performances of aircraft system architectures by the mean of sensitivity analysis (One-Factor-At-Time method). The sensitivity analysis was performed on a complex engineering framework, i.e. the Conceptual Design for Assembly (CDfA) methodology, which is characterized by level, domains and attributes (parameters). A commercial aircraft cabin system was used as a case study to understand the use of different mathematical operators as well as the way to cluster attributes.

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