scenario technique
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Games ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 90
Katarina Kostelić

This paper deals with one of the possible methodological approaches to an empirical examination of game awareness. Such an outline should enable the gathering of a deeper understanding of individuals’ awareness. The questionnaire is based on a scenario technique, and it is focused on game awareness in situations with possible strategic interactions. The goal is to assess the instrument regarding its reliability and validity. Internal reliability is assessed using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. A k-nn analysis was used to estimate divergent construct validity and criterion validity, and nonparametric factor analysis was used to estimate convergent construct validity. The questionnaire satisfies the requirements of reliability and validity. Moreover, there is an indication that each of the eight scenarios may be used separately, as they also meet the criteria for reliability and validity. Possible practical and theoretical implications involve questionnaire use as a basis for educational intervention, other instruments’ development, as well as for the collection and publication of behavioral insights about game awareness. Behavioral insights should enrich the theory and incite behavioral game theory models of game awareness and its implications.

2021 ◽  
Iris Gräßler ◽  
Jens Pottebaum ◽  
Philipp Scholle ◽  
Henrik Thiele

Due to climatic change, the number of high impact weather events is globally increasing. The European Commission aims at increasing the preparedness and protection of both citizens and enterprises to such events. The market potential of such services in public administrations is limited. Extending the scope to self-preparedness and self-protection is both promising and challenging. A novel approach for innovation management and strategic planning based on scenario-technique has been developed, applied and validated within four case studies of the European H2020 project ANYWHERE. The new approach combines fundamental domain knowledge, out-of-the-box thinking and agile scenario technique. Targeting both new innovative services as well as add-ons for established service frameworks was identified as key success factor of innovation in the difficult market of self-preparedness and self-protection services for citizens and enterprises.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 97
Christian Raulf ◽  
Moritz Proff ◽  
Tobias Huth ◽  
Thomas Vietor

Today, vehicle development is already in a process of substantial transformation. Mobility trends can be derived from global megatrends and have a significant influence on the requirements of the developed vehicles. The sociological, technological, economic, ecological, and political developments can be determined by using the scenario technique. The results are recorded in the form of differently shaped scenarios; however, they are mainly document-based. In order to ensure a holistic approach in the sense of model-based systems engineering and to be able to trace the interrelationships of the fast-changing trends and requirements, it is necessary to implement future scenarios in the system model. For this purpose, a method is proposed that enables the consideration of future scenarios in model-based vehicle development. The procedure of the method is presented, and the location of the future scenarios within the system architectures is named. The method is applied and the resulting system views are derived based on the application example of an autonomous people mover. With the help of the described method, it is possible to show the effects of a change of scenario (e.g., best-case and worst-case) and the connections with the highest level of requirements: stakeholder needs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Ellen A. Schmid ◽  
Kristin Knipfer ◽  
Claudia V. Peus

Leader narcissism has attracted substantial attention in leadership research and organizational practice. Yet, the exact relationship between leader narcissism and performance remains unclear. In this paper, we set out to illuminate the narcissism-leadership-performance puzzle. We build on research that points to a curvilinear relationship between leader narcissism and performance and open the black box behind this curvilinear relationship. Thereby, we take into consideration the context, in which narcissistic leaders act, and explore their leadership behaviors in a compelling context: entrepreneurial teams. In a quantitative study, we found that a moderate level of leader narcissism was associated with the best team performance as assessed by the quality of a business plan. In a qualitative follow-up interview study, we explored the patterns of leadership behaviors shown by narcissists to better understand how different behaviors combine into effective versus destructive leadership, shaping team performance eventually. Finally, in an experimental online study using the scenario technique, we investigated the relevance of these leadership patterns associated with different levels of narcissism across contexts. The results of our multi-method and multi-source studies suggest that the most promising avenue to understand the narcissism-leadership-performance puzzle is that it depends on the levels of narcissism and more specifically that it depends on the patterns of behaviors narcissistic leaders show—the context seems to play a less important role.

Laudiceia Normando de Souza ◽  
Ana Eleonora Almeida Paixão ◽  
Cleide Ane Barbosa da Cruz ◽  
Teresinha Fonseca

The prospective scenarios technique conducts strategic planning as a futuristic signpost for the management goals of Industry 4.0 in its technological advances, directed towards the development of productive digitalization and creation of value connected to Intellectual Capital as an aggregator of economic value in the organizational process. The objective of this research is to propose a hybrid modality of bibliometrics and the prospective scenario technique for Industry 4.0 associated with Intellectual Capital. In the methodological stages of this study, the insertion of the Bibliometric Laws of Lotka, Bradford, and Zipf and its informative potential stand out, aiming to assist in the decision-making process of strategic planners.

Joanna H. Spielvogel ◽  
Barbara J. Ehren

Purpose The purpose of this study was to determine if a direct, explicit method of teaching vocabulary with the Vocabulary Scenario Technique – General Education 16 Encounter (VSTGE16) protocol would yield gains in the vocabulary knowledge of fourth grade students in a general education classroom. Two research questions examined whether fourth grade students receiving VST-GE16 instruction with 16 instructor-led encounters per word, eight words taught per week for 90 min a week over 4 weeks demonstrated greater gains on a multiple-choice synonym test and a fill-in-the-blank words-in-context test than fourth grade students taught the same number of words, in the same time frame, using a vocabulary teaching method typically employed by a fourth grade teacher. Method The study was a quasi-experimental design, with a pretest and posttest multiple-choice synonym and fill-in-the-blank words-in-context measures administered. Students with complete data sets were included in the analyses (synonym, N = 38; words-in-context, N = 37). Participants in both groups were taught eight curriculum vocabulary words per week for 90 min a week across four consecutive weeks (32 words). Results An analysis of covariance on posttreatment outcomes yielded the following: The treatment group scored significantly higher on the synonym measure, F (1, 35) = 14.76, p < .001; g = 1.04, and the words-in-context measure, F (1, 34) = 43.66, p < .001; g = 1.59, than did the comparison group. Conclusions The results indicated that the VST-GE16 protocol has potential as an effective, efficient method to use when directly teaching curriculum vocabulary words to fourth grade students in general education classrooms .

Barbara Neuhofer ◽  
Bianca Magnus ◽  
Krzysztof Celuch

Abstract Digital technologies are transforming human relations, interactions and experiences in the business landscape. Whilst a great potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in the service industries is predicted, the concrete influence of AI on customer experiences remains little understood. Drawing upon the service-dominant (SD) logic as a theoretical lens and a scenario technique approach, this study explores the impact of artificial intelligence as an operant resource on event experiences. The findings offer a conceptualisation of three distinct future scenarios for the year 2026 that map out a spectrum of experiences from value co-creation to value co-destruction of events. The paper makes a theoretical contribution in that it bridges marketing, technology and experience literature, and zooms in on AI as a non-human actor of future experience life ecosystems. A practical guideline for event planners is offered on how to implement AI across each touch point of the events ecosystem.

2020 ◽  
Iris Gräßler

Digitization of mechatronic products and the trend towards platforms and eco-system challenges providers of mechatronic products in the development of new, digital business models and sucessful innovations. In this paper, a novel tool forstrategic planning by means of scenario-technique directly linked to a -platform is presented. An efficient tool for strategic planning is offered to the providers of mechatronic systems who want to enhance the capabilties of their products by usingservices on the plattform to achieve an added value. By linking the tool to the platform, generic influence factors and selection rules can be provided. Thereby, the required effort for strategic planning can be significantly reduced. Providersof mechatronic systems are enabled to anticipate future scenarios and to identify business opportunities in an autonomous way. The integrated tool for strategic planning is validated in a case study. The case study comprises the mechatronicproduct of a low-cost flood level warning system which uses a pan-european data platform.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 147-156
I. Gräßler ◽  
P. Scholle ◽  
H. Thiele

AbstractTo enhance the success of innovations, various methods for foresight have been developed. Automatization yields the potential of shifting effort away from the process to the actual in-depth analysis of resulting scenarios in scenario-technique. Within this paper, an approach based on a user-specific classification of input factors (consistency values) is presented. Generic consistency patterns used for a semi-automatized consistency assessment based on artificial neural networks are identified using a case study approach. Hereby, the effort for scenario-technique can be reduced significantly.

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