Have Information Technologies Forgotten Pedestrians? To What Extent Can It/Its Improve Pedestrian’s Mobility and Safety

Hector Monterde-i-Bort ◽  
Socrates Basbas ◽  
Charlotta Johansson ◽  
Lars Leden ◽  
Per Gårder
2020 ◽  
Vol 0 (41) ◽  
pp. 163-168
Dmytro Hnatchenko ◽  
Tetiana Hnatchenko ◽  
Vitalii Maliar

M. V. Noskov ◽  
M. V. Somova ◽  
I. M. Fedotova

The article proposes a model for forecasting the success of student’s learning. The model is a Markov process with continuous time, such as the process of “death and reproduction”. As the parameters of the process, the intensities of the processes of obtaining and assimilating information are offered, and the intensity of the process of assimilating information takes into account the attitude of the student to the subject being studied. As a result of applying the model, it is possible for each student to determine the probability of a given formation of ownership of the material being studied in the near future. Thus, in the presence of an automated information system of the university, the implementation of the model is an element of the decision support system by all participants in the educational process. The examples given in the article are the results of an experiment conducted at the Institute of Space and Information Technologies of Siberian Federal University under conditions of blended learning, that is, under conditions when classroom work is accompanied by independent work with electronic resources.

2020 ◽  
pp. 3-10
I. V. Levchenko

The article considers the feasibility of integrating artificial intelligence technologies into school education and identifies a problem in identifying didactic elements in the field of artificial intelligence, which must be mastered in a school informatics course. The purpose of the article is to propose variant of the content of teaching the elements of artificial intelligence for the general education of schoolchildren as part of the curricular and extracurricular activities in informatics. An analysis of the psychological, pedagogical and scientific-methodical literature in the field of artificial intelligence made it possible to identify the appropriateness of teaching schoolchildren the elements of artificial intelligence in the framework of a comprehensive informatics course, as the theoretical foundations of modern information technologies. Summarizing and systematizing the learning experience of schoolchildren in the field of artificial intelligence made it possible to form variant of the content of teaching the elements of artificial intelligence, which can be implemented in a compulsory informatics course for 9th grade, as well as in elective classes. The results of the study are the theoretical basis for the further development of the components of the methodological system of teaching the elements of artificial intelligence in a school informatics course. The research materials may be useful to specialists in the field of teaching informatics and to informatics teachers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-33
Iu. V. Amelina ◽  
R. V. Amelin

The article discusses the prospects of role-playing games in the educational process to increase students’ motivation and involvement, as well as the possibility of modern information technologies (primarily social networks) for constructing innovative forms of such games. The author’s format of the live-action role-playing game is presented. It was developed and tested at the Saratov State University. It involves the integration of numerous educational tasks into a single plot, within which each participant plays a role and communicates with other participants to complete tasks. The main interaction, plot development and group activities occur in dialogs, conversations and groups of social networks. This approach has shown its viability in teaching legal disciplines, and also has prospects for use in IT education.

K. R. Ovchinnikova

The relevance of the issue under consideration in the article is connected with the confusion in scientific publications of the concepts of “electronic educational materials” and “electronic educational resources”. The article discusses the concept of “electronic educational materials” from the perspective of general systems theory. And their system character is proved. This allows them to be represented as a single complex of structured information of a specific subject area and didactic materials. These didactic materials support the learning process at all stages of its didactic cycle in accordance with the chosen learning technology based on the didactic capabilities of information technologies. It is concluded that the system of high school electronic materials allows to expand the boundaries of the design activity of the teacher, provide management of the student’s thinking activity, to implement a competence approach to the learning process at university

O. S. Korneva

Within the implementation of the national strategy for improving financial competency and financial education in Russia, aimed at the broad masses of the population, any experience in promoting financial competency among young people, accumulated in the system of training bachelors of Economics, will be useful. The purpose of the article is to present the methodological and practical aspects of teaching the basics of financial calculations of future economists and the formation of computer modeling skills in the field of financial and economic activity. The reason for writing the article was the problem of interdisciplinary integration in the system of financial and economic education. The analysis of educational literature and curricula of the system of secondary and higher professional education, as well as the study and generalization of pedagogical experience showed weak integration of mathematical and economic disciplines with information technologies. The article also presents the problems associated with the calculations in the financial and economic activities with the use of computer modeling. The elements of the presented methods of teaching the basics of financial computing in conjunction with the modeling of financial problems on the computer can be useful for both school teachers and university teachers of mathematics and computer science.

D. M. Nazarov

The article describes the training methods in the course “Information Technologies” for the future bachelors of the directions “Economics”, “Management”, “Finance”, “Business Informatics”, the development of metasubject competencies of the student while his use of tools for data processing by means of the language R. The metasubject essence of the work is to update traditional economic knowledge and skills through various presentation forms of the same data sets. As part of the laboratory work described in the article, future bachelors learn to use the basic tools of the R language and acquire specific skills and abilities in R-Studio using the example of processing currency exchange data. The description of the methods is presented in the form of the traditional Key-by-Key technology, which is widely used in teaching information technologies.

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