Neural Causality Detection for Multi-dimensional Point Processes

Tianyu Wang ◽  
Christian Walder ◽  
Tom Gedeon
2020 ◽  
Vol 57 (3) ◽  
pp. 775-791
David Dereudre ◽  
Thibaut Vasseur

AbstractWe provide a new proof of the existence of Gibbs point processes with infinite range interactions, based on the compactness of entropy levels. Our main existence theorem holds under two assumptions. The first one is the standard stability assumption, which means that the energy of any finite configuration is superlinear with respect to the number of points. The second assumption is the so-called intensity regularity, which controls the long range of the interaction via the intensity of the process. This assumption is new and introduced here since it is well adapted to the entropy approach. As a corollary of our main result we improve the existence results by Ruelle (1970) for pairwise interactions by relaxing the superstabilty assumption. Note that our setting is not reduced to pairwise interaction and can contain infinite-range multi-body counterparts.

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-14

Abstract We prove the Bernoulli property for determinantal point processes on $ \mathbb{R}^d $ with translation-invariant kernels. For the determinantal point processes on $ \mathbb{Z}^d $ with translation-invariant kernels, the Bernoulli property was proved by Lyons and Steif [Stationary determinantal processes: phase multiplicity, bernoullicity, and domination. Duke Math. J.120 (2003), 515–575] and Shirai and Takahashi [Random point fields associated with certain Fredholm determinants II: fermion shifts and their ergodic properties. Ann. Probab.31 (2003), 1533–1564]. We prove its continuum version. For this purpose, we also prove the Bernoulli property for the tree representations of the determinantal point processes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 178 ◽  
pp. 115025
Chunxia Zhang ◽  
Junmin Liu ◽  
Guanwei Wang ◽  
Guanghai Li

2020 ◽  
Vol 57 (4) ◽  
pp. 1298-1312
Martin Dirrler ◽  
Christopher Dörr ◽  
Martin Schlather

AbstractMatérn hard-core processes are classical examples for point processes obtained by dependent thinning of (marked) Poisson point processes. We present a generalization of the Matérn models which encompasses recent extensions of the original Matérn hard-core processes. It generalizes the underlying point process, the thinning rule, and the marks attached to the original process. Based on our model, we introduce processes with a clear interpretation in the context of max-stable processes. In particular, we prove that one of these processes lies in the max-domain of attraction of a mixed moving maxima process.

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