stable processes
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Arturo de Pablo ◽  
Fernando Quirós ◽  
Antonella Ritorto

2021 ◽  
Rachid Sabre

This work focuses on the symmetric alpha stable processes with continuous time frequently used in modeling the signal with indefinitely growing variance when the spectral measure is mixed: sum of a continuous meseare and discrete measure. The objective of this paper is to estimate the spectral density of the continuous part from discrete observations of the signal. For that, we propose a method based on a sample of the signal at a periodic instant. The Jackson polynomial kernel is used for construct a periodogram. We smooth this periodogram by two spectral windows taking into account the width of the interval where the spectral density is nonzero. This technique allows to circumvent the phenomenon of aliasing often encountered in the estimation from the discrete observations of a process with a continuous time.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-21
Young Shin Kim ◽  
Kum-Hwan Roh ◽  
Raphael Douady

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (2) ◽  
pp. 505-522
Zhenzhong Zhang ◽  
Jinying Tong ◽  
Qingting Meng ◽  
You Liang

AbstractWe focus on the population dynamics driven by two classes of truncated $\alpha$-stable processes with Markovian switching. Almost necessary and sufficient conditions for the ergodicity of the proposed models are provided. Also, these results illustrate the impact on ergodicity and extinct conditions as the parameter $\alpha$ tends to 2.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (2) ◽  
pp. 347-371
Yan Qu ◽  
Angelos Dassios ◽  
Hongbiao Zhao

AbstractThere are two types of tempered stable (TS) based Ornstein–Uhlenbeck (OU) processes: (i) the OU-TS process, the OU process driven by a TS subordinator, and (ii) the TS-OU process, the OU process with TS marginal law. They have various applications in financial engineering and econometrics. In the literature, only the second type under the stationary assumption has an exact simulation algorithm. In this paper we develop a unified approach to exactly simulate both types without the stationary assumption. It is mainly based on the distributional decomposition of stochastic processes with the aid of an acceptance–rejection scheme. As the inverse Gaussian distribution is an important special case of TS distribution, we also provide tailored algorithms for the corresponding OU processes. Numerical experiments and tests are reported to demonstrate the accuracy and effectiveness of our algorithms, and some further extensions are also discussed.

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