Towards a Multi-party, Blockchain-Based Identity Verification Solution to Implement Clear Name Laws for Online Media Platforms

Karl Pinter ◽  
Dominik Schmelz ◽  
René Lamber ◽  
Stefan Strobl ◽  
Thomas Grechenig
2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 212-232
Sam Abede Pareno ◽  
M Rif’an Arif

ABSTRACT Religious traditions in Indonesia are known to be very moderate and tolerant abroad is a reflection of the character of a great noble nation. Between religion, tradition and culture are able to perform compounds so as to create a genuine religious harmony. Because of this reality Indonesia is regarded as the largest Muslim majority country in the world that almost without conflict, in the midst of reality Muslim countries in the Middle East that impressed the dispute into the daily menu. However, the reality of Indonesia as a moderate nation is injured by the act of a group that is fond of terrorism and radicalism by riding Islamic religious teachings. Thus, this reversed religion is assumed as a source of cruelty.   It is through that phenomenon researcher, feel the need to examine the strategy of disseminating moderate Islam by Nahdlatul Ulama. The selection of this Islamic organization according to the authors due to its success in moderating Islam in Indonesia. In this study, the study using a qualitative approach or method as well as adopting the theory of Van Dijk discourse analysis as a scalpel to peel the discourse of moderate Islam published by PWNU East Java through the website. As for this research, the findings are important, among others are: 1) moderate Islamic discourse campaigned by Nahdlatul Ulama East Java is categorized into three segments, namely social, religious and nationality. 2) the text structure that builds moderate Islamic discourse NU East Java in Van Dijk perspective constructed in three domains, namely text, social cognition and social context. 3) the principles of Public Relationship implemented by NU through cyber (online media), among others; News publications and expert opinions, production of image and video-based information, and updating official NU information to the public about their attitudes and views on the phenomena that occur by promoting the values of Islamic moderatism. Key Word : Islamic Moderatism, Nahdlatul Ulama, Cyber Public Relationship

2014 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 8-17
Shefali Sharma ◽  
Ashutosh Kumar Singh ◽  
Rajiv Saxena ◽  

2020 ◽  
Amalia Farhani

Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengemukakan penyuntingan media dan media untuk menyunting yang ada dalam kehidupan sehari-hari sebagai sarana untuk memperbaiki kualitas karya. Metode penelitian ini ialah kajian pustaka dimulai dengan mengumpulkan informasi sebanyak-banyaknya, lalu diseleksi sesuai tema, penginterpretasian, lalu didapatkan hasil akhir penelitian. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa media penyuntingan dan menyunting media merupakan dua istilah yang berbeda. Media penyuntingan merupakan peralatan atau alat bantu yang dapat digunakan untuk mempermudah proses menyunting. Menyunting media merupakan salah satu kegiatan menyunting sebuah media baik online maupun offline. Media penyuntingan dapat diakses melalui web seperti sebuah portal jurnal. Akses tersebut membutuhkan jaringan internet atau sering disebut dalam jaringan. Media penyuntingan juga dapat diakses melalui luar jaringan. Penyuntingan media yang sering dijumpai ialah menyunting media massa, baik itu cetak maupun online. Media massa itu sering disebut sebagai koran. Selain koran, buku juga termasuk media yang dapat digunakan sebagai sarana kegiatan menyunting. Setiap penulis karya, harus dibekali dengan pelatihan mengenai kegiatan menyunting agar karya yang dihasilkan semakin berkualitas. Pelatihan tersebut dapat dimulai dengan menyunting teks tanpa tanda baca dilanjutkan dengan pelatihan menyunting yang memperhatikan kata serta kalimat di dalamnya.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 108-117
Herfia Rhomadhona ◽  
Jaka Permadi

Berita kriminalitas merupakan berita yang selalu menjadi trending topik di setiap media massa, khususnya media massa online. Media massa online terlah menyediakan beberapa fasilitas untuk mempermudah masyarakan dalam mencari sebuah berita berdasarkan topik. Media massa online melabeli suatu berita berdasarkan kategorinya. Namun, media massa online tidak memberikan sub kategori pada berita tersebut. Sebagai contoh jika seorang pengguna membuka kategori kriminal, maka yang ditampilkan adalah semua jenis berita kriminal tanpa memberikan informasi yang spesifik dari jenis kriminalitasnya. Permasalahan tersebut dapat diatasi dengan mengklasifikasikan berita kriminalitas berdasarkan subkategori. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Naïve Bayes Classifier (NBC)  untuk mengklasifikasi berita berdasarkan sub kategorinya. Adapun subkategori terbagi kedalam 5 kategori yaitu korupsi, narkoba, pencurian, pemerkosaan dan pembunuhan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan NBC dalam mengklasifikasi berita dengan melakukan pengujian menggunakan teknik K-Fold Cross Validation dengan nilai K dari 3 sampai 10. Hasil pengujian menyatakan bahwa NBC memiliki kemampuan dalam klasifikasi berita kriminal dengan nilai precision sebesar 98,53 %, nilai recall sebesar 98,44 % dan nilai accuracy sebesar 99,38 %.

2020 ◽  
Antonio Santisteban ◽  
Julia Moran ◽  
Miguel Ángel Martín Piedra ◽  
Antonio Campos Muñoz ◽  
José Antonio Moral Muñoz ◽  

BACKGROUND Tissue engineering (TE) constitutes a multidisciplinary field aiming to construct artificial tissues to regenerate end-staged organs. Its development has taken placed since the last decade of the 20th century, entailing a clinical revolution. In this sense, TE research groups have worked and shared relevant information in the mass media era. Thus, it would be interesting to study the online dimension of TE research and to compare it with traditional measures of scientific impact. OBJECTIVE To evaluate TE online dimension from 2012 to 2018 by using metadata obtained from the Web of Science (WoS) and Altmetrics and to develop a prediction equation for the impact of TE documents from Almetrics scores. METHODS We have analyzed 23,719 TE documents through descriptive and statistical methods. First, TE temporal evolution was exposed for WoS and fifteen online platforms (News, Blogs, Policy, Twitter, Patents, Peer review, Weibo, Facebook, Wikipedia, Google, Reddit, F1000, Q&A, Video and Mendeley readers). The 10 most-cited TE original articles were ranked according to WoS citations and the Altmetric Attention Score. Second, in order to better comprehend TE online framework, a correlation and factorial analysis were performed based on the suitable results previously obtained for the Bartlett Sphericity and Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin tests. Finally, the liner regression model was applied to elucidate the relation between academy and online media and to construct a prediction equation for TE from Altmetrics data. RESULTS TE dynamic shows an upward trend in WoS citations, Twitter, Mendeley Readers and Altmetric Scores. However, WoS and Altmetrics rankings for the most cited documents clearly differs. When compared, the best correlation results were obtained for Mendeley readers and WoS (ρ=0.71). In addition, the factorial analysis identified six factors that could explain the previously observed differences between TE academy, and the online platforms evaluated. At this point, the mathematical model constructed is able to predict and explain more than the 40% of TE WoS citations from Altmetrics scores. CONCLUSIONS The scientific information related to the construction of bioartificial tissues increasingly reaches society through different online media. Because of the focus of TE research importantly differs when the academic institutions and online platforms are compared, it could be stated that basic and clinical research groups, academic institutions and health politicians should take it into account in a coordinated effort oriented to the design and implementation of adequate strategies for information diffusion and population health education.

Yochai Benkler ◽  
Robert Faris ◽  
Hal Roberts

This chapter presents the book’s macrolevel findings about the architecture of political communication and the news media ecosystem in the United States from 2015 to 2018. Two million stories published during the 2016 presidential election campaign are analyzed, along with another 1.9 million stories about Donald Trump’s presidency during his first year. The chapter examines patterns of interlinking between online media sources to understand the relations of authority and credibility among publishers, as well as the media sharing practices of Twitter and Facebook users to elucidate social media attention patterns. The data and mapping reveal not only a profoundly polarized media landscape but stark asymmetry: the right is more insular, skewed towards the extreme, and set apart from the more integrated media ecosystem of the center, center-left, and left.

Leonard Greenspoon

The comic strip as a mainstay of print and more recently online media is an American invention that began its development in the last decades of the 1800s. For many decades in the mid-twentieth century, comic strips were among the most widely disseminated forms of popular culture. With their succession of panels, pictures, and pithy perspectives, comics have come to cover an array of topics, including religion. This chapter looks at how the Bible (Old and New Testament) figures in comic strips, focusing specifically on three areas: the depiction of the divine, renderings of specific biblical texts, and how comic strips can function as sites in which religious identity and controversies play out. Relevant examples are drawn from several dozen strips. Special attention is also paid to a few, like Peanuts and BC, in which biblical imagery, ideology, and idiom are characteristically portrayed in distinctive ways.

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