The Internet: Its Influences on Environmental Communication and Environmental Movements

Karl Bruckmeier
2012 ◽  
Vol 62 ◽  
pp. 18-32
Indrė Petrauskaitė

Pilietinis dalyvavimas ir aktyvus piliečių įsitraukimas į valstybės politinį gyvenimą įvairiomis pilietinio dalyvavimo formomis yra neatskiriama tvaraus valdymo ir darnaus vystymosi dalis. Valstybėse vykdomi regionų plėtros projektai vis dažniau grindžiami darnaus vystymosi principais, ir vienas iš pagrindinių veiksnių – piliečių dalyvavimo skatinimas ir dalyvavimo formų priemonių užtikrinimas. Todėl vis daugiau dėmesio skiriama internetui ir naujosioms medijoms, kurios leidžia piliečiams lengviau bendradarbiauti, savo nuomonę svarbiais visuomeniniais klausimais pasakyti iniciatyvų internetinėje erdvėje būdu. Išpopuliarėjus socialinių tinklų svetainėms, medijoms tapus lengviau prieinamoms kiekvienam piliečiui, pasaulyje ėmė daugėti pilietinių iniciatyvų, kurios kartais peraugdavo į pilietinius judėjimus ar net revoliucijas. Straipsnyje remiantis socialinių tinklų, viešosios erdvės teorijomis siekiama nustatyti, kokią įtaką internetas ir naujosios medijos daro aplinkosaugos problemų sprendimui pilietiniu lygmeniu.Reikšminiai žodžiai: aplinkosauga, pilietinės iniciatyvos, naujosios medijos, socialiniai tinklai, viešoji erdvė, internetas, socialinių tinklų svetainės.Environmental Initiatives and Movements in the Context of new Media’s PossibilitiesIndrė Petrauskaitė SummaryCivic engagement and active involvement in the po­litical life of the various forms of participation is an integral part of sustainable government and sustain­able development. Nowadays, the state should en­courage ensuring the principles of sustainable devel­opment. One means to do it is promoting Citizen’s participation and its forms. A growing attention given to the Internet and new media through which the citizens can cooperate, their views on impor­tant issues and initiatives can take the online space for discussions and movements. Social networking websites, new media getting more and more popular every day hold a prominent place in the lives of a large number of people. That is why citizen in the world began to increase overall civic initiatives, which sometimes degenerate into civil movements or even revolutions. This paper examines the con­cept of civic participation and the impact of new media and the Internet on environmental initiatives and movements. The article is dedicated showing how the new media and the Internet influence civil participation in environmental issues. It discusses few important components of civil participations: the level of civil society, social capital, social net­works, public space, and defines changes of each level which are determined by the new media and the Internet. Also, the article explores changes of issues of environmental initiatives and movements and defines the fundamental changes that influence the growth of environmental movements nowadays. The research and conclusions on the impact of the new media and the Internet on environmental initia­tives are strengthen by academic observations and examples of environmental movements. Keywords: environmental initiatives and move­ments, civil initiatives, new media, social networks, public space, the Internet, sites of social networks.

2019 ◽  
pp. 98-109
Tetiana Haievska

The aim of this paper is to analyze the campaign on global warming raised by academic communities and taken up by civic (environmental) movements. The self-regulating system of these movements involved certain mechanisms that ensured communication of the social organization, and this, in turn, stimulated the informational and cognitive activity of society. Methodology. The author uses as a methodological basis of this study the principles and methods of the culturological approach to the analysis of numerous publications concerning problems of global warming raised by academic communities and taken up by civic (environmental) movements. Results. The alliance between scientists, environmentalists and opinion leaders has ultimately brought the issue of global environmental change into the public order of the day. Novelty. In the article, our attention is focused on two different types of civic movements (academic society and social movements, in our case environmental ones). A new environmental consciousness is being created that leads to the widespread awareness of the reality, causes and effects of climate change through science-driven civic movements operating in and through the media and the Internet. Using the Internet as an organizational and advisory facilitator to engage and unite citizens, the pressure is placed on governments to address environmental issues.

Nestor J. Zaluzec

The Information SuperHighway, Email, The Internet, FTP, BBS, Modems, : all buzz words which are becoming more and more routine in our daily life. Confusing terminology? Hopefully it won't be in a few minutes, all you need is to have a handle on a few basic concepts and terms and you will be on-line with the rest of the "telecommunication experts". These terms all refer to some type or aspect of tools associated with a range of computer-based communication software and hardware. They are in fact far less complex than the instruments we use on a day to day basis as microscopist's and microanalyst's. The key is for each of us to know what each is and how to make use of the wealth of information which they can make available to us for the asking. Basically all of these items relate to mechanisms and protocols by which we as scientists can easily exchange information rapidly and efficiently to colleagues in the office down the hall, or half-way around the world using computers and various communications media. The purpose of this tutorial/paper is to outline and demonstrate the basic ideas of some of the major information systems available to all of us today. For the sake of simplicity we will break this presentation down into two distinct (but as we shall see later connected) areas: telecommunications over conventional phone lines, and telecommunications by computer networks. Live tutorial/demonstrations of both procedures will be presented in the Computer Workshop/Software Exchange during the course of the meeting.

Angel L. Ball ◽  
Adina S. Gray

Pharmacological intervention for depressive symptoms in institutionalized elderly is higher than the population average. Among the patients on such medications are those with a puzzling mix of symptoms, diagnosed as “dementia syndrome of depression,” formerly termed “pseudodementia”. Cognitive-communicative changes, potentially due to medications, complicate the diagnosis even further. This discussion paper reviews the history of the terminology of “pseudodementia,” and examines the pharmacology given as treatment for depressive symptoms in the elderly population that can affect cognition and communication. Clinicians can reduce the risk of misdiagnosis or inappropriate treatment by having an awareness of potential side effects, including decreased attention, memory, and reasoning capacities, particularly due to some anticholinergic medications. A team approach to care should include a cohesive effort directed at caution against over-medication, informed management of polypharmacology, enhancement of environmental/communication supports and quality of life, and recognizing the typical nature of some depressive signs in elderly institutionalized individuals.

2001 ◽  
Vol 120 (5) ◽  
pp. A735-A735
P TSAI ◽  

1996 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 244-245 ◽  
L. Smessaert

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