MAC Address Randomization to Limit User/Device Tracking

2021 ◽  
pp. 179-182
Raj Badhwar
2017 ◽  
Vol 2017 (2) ◽  
pp. 133-148 ◽  
Justin Brookman ◽  
Phoebe Rouge ◽  
Aaron Alva ◽  
Christina Yeung

Abstract Internet advertising and analytics technology companies are increasingly trying to find ways to link behavior across the various devices consumers own. This cross-device tracking can provide a more complete view into a consumer’s behavior and can be valuable for a range of purposes, including ad targeting, research, and conversion attribution. However, consumers may not be aware of how and how often their behavior is tracked across different devices. We designed this study to try to assess what information about cross-device tracking (including data flows and policy disclosures) is observable from the perspective of the end user. Our paper demonstrates how data that is routinely collected and shared online could be used by online third parties to track consumers across devices.

Facial emotion analysis is the basic idea to train the system to understand the different facial expressions of human beings. The Facial expressions are recorded by the use of camera which is attached to user device. Additionally this project will be helpful for the online marketing of the products as it can detect the facial expressions and sentiment of the person. It is the study of people sentiment, opinions and emotions. Sentiment analysis is the method by which information is taken from the facial expressions of people in regard to different situations. The main aim is to read the facial expressions of the human beings using a good resolution camera so that the machine can identify the human sentiments. Convolutional neural network is used as an existing system which is unsupervised neural network to replace that with a supervised mechanism which is called supervised neural network. It can be used in gaming sector, unlock smart phones, automated facial language translation etc.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2.12) ◽  
pp. 174
Yong Ho Kim ◽  
Hui IL Chang

Background/Objectives: It is a common for existing golf courses to manage all lighting facilities in batches because it is hard to controllighting individually. That is very much part of the golf courses and forces the whole golf course to light on even though play was finished due to the difficulty of real time checking situationMethods/Statistical analysis: Lighting control device and method in this study are provided not only to control remotely individual lighting installed each hole in golf course but to inspect failure of lighting. There is no longer to stay golf course in person to control lighting system.Findings:Lighting control device and method to be able to control individual lighting installed each hole in golf course is provided to response for the problem in a waste of electricity after playing. User device makes it possible to remotely control lighting and inspect failure of itImprovements/Applications: It can expect to reduce golf course operation management cost by building a smart tower remote control system  

AORN Journal ◽  
1995 ◽  
Vol 62 (2) ◽  
pp. 260-265
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