The Influence of Structural Components of Diamond-Bearing Mineral Ceramic Abrasive Material on Its Cutting Ability and the Treated Surface Quality

A. Bolotov ◽  
O. Novikova ◽  
V. Novikov
2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
Muslimin Muslimin ◽  
Azam Milah Muhamad

ABSTRACTSandblasting is an abrasive particles shooting to material surface for cleaning dust, paint, and rust, along as increasing material surface structure quality for coating, painting and other adhesive process. Al2O3 and steel grit are the most abrasive particles used in this process. Al2O3 is reusable particle inspite of more expensive and producing more dust. On the other hand, steel grit is cheaper and producing less dust. This article focuses on the use of the new and the reused steel grit G25 in sandblasting process of construction material low carbon steel. The objective is to study the effect of the new and reused abrasive material steel grit in sandblasting process on the surface quality. The methods of this experiments are comparing the surface quality of sandblasting process of new and once reused steel grit G25 using the same experimental parameters. Fixed parameter in this experiment is the nozzle pressure, 5 bar, while the independent variables are process distance (15 cm, 25 cm, and 30 cm) and the process time (25 s, 45 s, 120 s). Testing analyses in this experiments are roughness test ASTM D7127-13 and coating thickness test ASTM D-7091. Result of the experiment are coating thickness result are the highest 120 μm and the least 94,14 μm for the new steel grit, while 89,88 μm and 58,58 μm the highest and least for the once used steel grit. Highest roughness result for the new steel grit are 21,4 μm and once used steel grit 17,8 μm, while the least rough are 18,1 μm for the new steel grit and 3, 452 μm for once used steel grit. The once used steel grit G25 still can be accepted as abrasive material in sandblasting process but with less good quality than the new one.Key words :sandblasting, new steel grit G25, new steel grit G25, surface roughness.ABSTRAKSandblasting adalah suatu proses penembakan partikel abrasif ke suatu permukaan untuk membersihkan debu, cat, dan karat, dan membuat tekstur permukaan material agar lapisan pelindung dapat menempel lebih baik. Partikel abrasif yang banyak digunakan dalam proses sandblasting adalah Al2O3 dan steel grit. Partikel Al2O3 memiliki ketahanan abrasive yang tinggi, tetapi harganya lebih mahal dan menghasilkan debu proses lebih banyak. Sedangkan, steel grit harganya lebih murah dan sedikit menghasilkan debu proses. Penelitian ini berfokus pada penggunaan material abrasif steel grit G25 baru dan pemakaian ulang untuk proses sandblasting baja karbon rendah untuk material konstruksi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji pengaruh penggunaan steel grit G25 dan penggunaan ulangnya terhadap kualitas permukaan hasil sandblasting.Metode yang digunakan, yaitu dengan membandingkan hasil proses sandblasting dengan partikel steel grit G25 baru dan partikel steel grit G25 pemakaian ulang (1 kali pemakaian) dalam parameter uji yang sama. Parameter tetap yang digunakan yaitu tekanan nozzle sebesar 5 bar, sedangkan variabel bebasnya yaitu jarak (15 cm, 25 cm, dan 30 cm) dan waktu penembakkan (25 detik, 45 detik, dan 120 detik). Analisis pengujian yang digunakan adalah uji kekasaran ASTM D7127-13 dan uji ketebalan cat ASTM D7091. Nilai ketebalan cat tertinggi steel grit baru 120 μm, steel grit ulang 89,88 μm, dan terendah steel grit baru 94,14 μm, steel grit ulang 58,58 μm. Nilai kekasaran tertinggi steel grit baru 21,4 μm, steel grit ulang 17,8 μm, dan terendah steel grit baru 18,1 μm, steel grit ulang 3,452 μm. Penggunaan steel grit G25 penggunaan baru lebih baik dibandingkan dengan penggunaan ulangnya, dengan hasil pengujian steel grit baru yang lebih tinggi dengan penggunaan ulang.Katakunsi : sandblasting, steel grit G25 baru, Steel grit G25 sekali pakai, kekasaran permukaan.

C Schnakovszky ◽  
E Herghelegiu ◽  
M C Radu ◽  
N C Tampu

2006 ◽  
Vol 532-533 ◽  
pp. 488-491 ◽  
Ju Long Yuan ◽  
Bing Hai Lv ◽  
Zhao Zhong Zhou ◽  
Bao Chun Tao

The surface quality is a critical factor affecting the performance and reliability of advanced ceramics. This paper focuses on the application of Taguchi method for optimization of advanced ceramics lapping process parameters to obtain the best finish. An optimization experiment for lapping silicon wafer with Al2O3 was designed by Taguchi method. Surface roughness Ra and Rt are considered as criteria for optimization. Influence of parameters involving load, speed, and slurry concentration for a given workmaterial with given abrasive (material and size) are discussed, and the optimum lapping conditions are figured out. Compared with single parameter experimental results, it illustrates that the experiment design based on Taguchi method can successfully applied to determine the optimum processing conditions for advanced ceramics lapping process.

10.14311/1598 ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 52 (4) ◽  
Ondrej Jusko

This paper focuses on the influence of various types of abrasive grains on cutting properties during the grinding process for bearing steel. In this experiment, not only conventional super-hard abrasive materials but also a new type of abrasive material were employed in grinding wheels. The measurement results were compared, and an evaluation was made of the cutting properties of the new abrasive material. The options were then evaluated for their practical applicability. The measurement results indicated that a grinding wheel with Abral and SG grains is the most suitable for grinding hardened bearing steel in order to achieve the best roughness and geometrical accuracy.

A. J. Tousimis

The elemental composition of amino acids is similar to that of the major structural components of the epithelial cells of the small intestine and other tissues. Therefore, their subcellular localization and concentration measurements are not possible by x-ray microanalysis. Radioactive isotope labeling: I131-tyrosine, Se75-methionine and S35-methionine have been successfully employed in numerous absorption and transport studies. The latter two have been utilized both in vitro and vivo, with similar results in the hamster and human small intestine. Non-radioactive Selenomethionine, since its absorption/transport behavior is assumed to be the same as that of Se75- methionine and S75-methionine could serve as a compound tracer for this amino acid.

Nicholas J Severs

In his pioneering demonstration of the potential of freeze-etching in biological systems, Russell Steere assessed the future promise and limitations of the technique with remarkable foresight. Item 2 in his list of inherent difficulties as they then stood stated “The chemical nature of the objects seen in the replica cannot be determined”. This defined a major goal for practitioners of freeze-fracture which, for more than a decade, seemed unattainable. It was not until the introduction of the label-fracture-etch technique in the early 1970s that the mould was broken, and not until the following decade that the full scope of modern freeze-fracture cytochemistry took shape. The culmination of these developments in the 1990s now equips the researcher with a set of effective techniques for routine application in cell and membrane biology.Freeze-fracture cytochemical techniques are all designed to provide information on the chemical nature of structural components revealed by freeze-fracture, but differ in how this is achieved, in precisely what type of information is obtained, and in which types of specimen can be studied.

Richard B. Vallee

Microtubules are involved in a number of forms of intracellular motility, including mitosis and bidirectional organelle transport. Purified microtubules from brain and other sources contain tubulin and a diversity of microtubule associated proteins (MAPs). Some of the high molecular weight MAPs - MAP 1A, 1B, 2A, and 2B - are long, fibrous molecules that serve as structural components of the cytamatrix. Three MAPs have recently been identified that show microtubule activated ATPase activity and produce force in association with microtubules. These proteins - kinesin, cytoplasmic dynein, and dynamin - are referred to as cytoplasmic motors. The latter two will be the subject of this talk.Cytoplasmic dynein was first identified as one of the high molecular weight brain MAPs, MAP 1C. It was determined to be structurally equivalent to ciliary and flagellar dynein, and to produce force toward the minus ends of microtubules, opposite to kinesin.

J.L. Carrascosa ◽  
G. Abella ◽  
S. Marco ◽  
M. Muyal ◽  
J.M. Carazo

Chaperonins are a class of proteins characterized by their role as morphogenetic factors. They trantsiently interact with the structural components of certain biological aggregates (viruses, enzymes etc), promoting their correct folding, assembly and, eventually transport. The groEL factor from E. coli is a conspicuous member of the chaperonins, as it promotes the assembly and morphogenesis of bacterial oligomers and/viral structures.We have studied groEL-like factors from two different bacteria:E. coli and B.subtilis. These factors share common morphological features , showing two different views: one is 6-fold, while the other shows 7 morphological units. There is also a correlation between the presence of a dominant 6-fold view and the fact of both bacteria been grown at low temperature (32°C), while the 7-fold is the main view at higher temperatures (42°C). As the two-dimensional projections of groEL were difficult to interprete, we studied their three-dimensional reconstruction by the random conical tilt series method from negatively stained particles.

1972 ◽  
Vol 51 (5) ◽  
pp. 171 ◽  
J. Halling

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