Materials Science Forum
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Published By Trans Tech Publications


2022 ◽  
Vol 1049 ◽  
pp. 39-44
Andrey Chumaevskii ◽  
Denis Gurianov ◽  
Anastasiya Gusarova ◽  
Anna Zykova ◽  
Aleksandr Panfilov ◽  

Model research tests of plastic deformation, fragmentation and flow of aluminum alloy material of Al-Mg-Sc-Zr system under high loaded friction in pair with a steel counterbody of a complex shape and comparison of the obtained result with the structure formed by friction stir welding have been carried out. The conducted studies show that the structure formed by extrusion of the material from the friction zone and its compaction in the channel of the counterbody is, in general, close in structure to the structure formed by friction stir welding of similar material. The distinguishing features of the structure formed in the model experiments on friction include the introduction into the stirring zone of material with deformed large-crystal structure, increased grain size of the stirring zone, the presence of defects and differences in the geometry of the stirring zone.

2022 ◽  
Vol 1049 ◽  
pp. 18-23
Vladimir F. Korostelev ◽  
M.S. Denisov

The properties of bulk metal products are formed when molten metal transforms from an unstructured liquid into a solid crystal state. We suggest a new approach to the automation of the control over crystallized metal shrinkage compensation based on controlling the law of change in pressure applied to crystallizing metal through a program taking into account the transition process in the hydraulic system of the production equipment. We observed the increase in rigidity, durability, and pliability of В95-alloy samples as compared to cast aluminum alloys. The metal utilization rate can be increased up to 0.90 of the liquid metal volume.

2022 ◽  
Vol 1049 ◽  
pp. 53-61
Valeriy Lykhoshva ◽  
Dmitry Glushkov ◽  
Elena Reintal ◽  
Valeriy V. Savin ◽  
Ludmila Alexeyevna Savina ◽  

The hydrodynamic and thermal state in the contact zone of the layers of a bimetallic product obtained by pouring liquid iron onto a solid steel billet, which changes in time and is responsible for the strength of the diffusion joint and the geometric parameters of the transition layer, has been investigated. Simplified analytical dependences, mathematical modeling data and experimental results of the liquid phase existence time in the contact zone based on research of the melt velocities during pouring and changes in the thermal field are presented. It is shown that simplified calculations data coincide in order and are close in values ​​to the calculations of mathematical modeling and experimental data, which makes it possible to use them for preliminary rough estimates by technologists and metallurgists.

2022 ◽  
Vol 1049 ◽  
pp. 218-223
Aleksandr S. Kazachenko ◽  
Yuriy N. Malyar ◽  
Anna S. Kazachenko

Sulfated derivatives of polysaccharides have anticoagulant, hypolipedimic and other biological activity. In this work, a complex mixed ester of galactomannan, its sulfate-citrate, was obtained for the first time. The introduction of citrate and sulfate groups was proved by FTIR spectroscopy by the appearance of corresponding absorption bands. It was shown by X-ray diffraction that the introduction of the citrate group leads to the amorphization of the galactomannan structure.

2022 ◽  
Vol 1049 ◽  
pp. 11-17
Ivan Kaplunov ◽  
Taras Malinskiy ◽  
S.I. Mikolutskiy ◽  
Vladimir Rogalin ◽  
Yuriy Khomich ◽  

We investigated the process of laser heat treatment of polished brass samples (36% zinc, containing a small amount of lead, which does not dissolve in the alloy and is in the form of inclusions, having micron and submicron size) by impacting to a series of 25 - 30 ultraviolet (UV) pulses of a Nd:YAG laser (third harmonic, wavelength λ = 355 nm, duration τ = 10 ns, pulse repetition rate f = 10 Hz, pulse energy density ~ 0.15 - 1.0 J/cm2) in the stationary spot mode. Copper and its alloys absorb up to 90% of the energy of this laser. It is found that the relaxation of the absorbed energy of laser radiation in the metal occurs nonuniformly. Defects in the metal structure such as grain boundaries and lead inclusions are visualized. Traces of crystallographic sliding appear inside some grains. With an increase in the number of impacting impulses, accumulation of damage is observed. A further increase in the radiation energy density leads to an aggravation of the observed phenomena.

2022 ◽  
Vol 1049 ◽  
pp. 108-113
Nikolay Kurlaev ◽  
Ahmed Soliman Mohamed Sherif ◽  
Nikolay Ryngach

Bellows are a cylindrical shell with a corrugated part, widely used in aviation engineering as a movable sealing element to balance pressure and temperature differences, which ensure continuous and accurate system operation. The use of bellows expansion joints provides reliable and effective protection of pipelines from static and dynamic loads arising from deformations and vibration. Welded-edge bellows are a popular choice for regulating and controlling fuel supply in aircraft devices. The ability of the compensator to perceive deformations is determined by its assigned operating time, which describes how many cycles, and with what amplitude, the bellows compensator perceives without damage. A method for stamping bellows from tubular billets by using magnetic-pulse field in rigid dies, including sequential shaping of corrugations by distributing the internal magnetic pressure with axial movement of the free end of a tubular billet, characterized in that the material of the tubular billet for shaping corrugations is selected in accordance with its relative elongation.

2022 ◽  
Vol 1049 ◽  
pp. 130-137
Natalia Antonova

New porous films based on polyanionic cellulose with AlOOH nanoparticles have been developed. The morphology of the films has been studied by electron microscopy: the size of the formed pores is 1000-500 microns; the total surface porosity of the films is 30%. Using infrared microscopy, it was shown that during the formation of porous films, their chemical composition remains unchanged. Differential scanning calorimetry was used to determine the threshold for thermal destruction of porous films: 306 С. The possibility of using the obtained materials as antifriction coatings when filling the pores with solid lubricant MoS2 is considered. It is shown that for a steel sample protected by a porous coating with MoS2, the friction coefficient decreases by 50% compared to the friction coefficient for a steel surface under a load of up to 450 MPa.

2022 ◽  
Vol 1049 ◽  
pp. 124-129
Sergey Yu. Kireev ◽  
Svetlana N. Kireeva ◽  
Anatoly Frolov ◽  
Alfiya Yangurazova ◽  
Konstantin Anopin

Technological parameters for electroplating cadmium alloy (Cd (24)-In and Cd (33)-Sn) coatings from low toxic solutions have been proposed. Since the fabricated alloy coatings possess low internal stress and microhardness, good adhesion property, high corrosion and wear resistance, they can be used as protective coatings for machine building products to enhance reliability and operability thereof. The presence of good solderability and low values of transient electric resistance in climatic testing favor these coatings to be applied in hetero-structured contact systems of instrument making products for increasing their reliability and operability in a tropical marine climate.

2022 ◽  
Vol 1049 ◽  
pp. 180-185
Viktor Mavrinskii ◽  
Evgeniy A. Belenkov

Calculations of the structural and energy parameters, band structure and density of electronic states of new structural varieties of graphyne have been performed by the density functional theory method. The initial structure of the nine polymorphs was theoretically constructed on the basis of the 5-7a graphene layer. As a result of the calculations, the structure of only five graphyne layers was found to be stable: α-L5-7a, β1-L5-7a, β2-L5-7a, β3-L5-7a and β4-L5-7a. The structure of layers γ1-L5-7a, γ2-L5-7a, and γ3-L5-7a is transformed into the structure of graphene layers by geometric optimization, and the graphyne layer γ4-L5-7a is transformed sp+sp2 layer L3-6-13. The sublimation energy of the stable graphyne polymorphs varies from 6.66 to 6.78 eV/atom. The density of electronic states at the Fermi energy level for all α-L5-7a and β-L5-7a layers of graphyne is different from zero, so the new graphyne polymorphs should have metallic properties.

2022 ◽  
Vol 1049 ◽  
pp. 186-191
Mirzo Z. Sharipov ◽  
Dilshod E. Hayitov ◽  
Mirzohid N. Rizoqulov

A model of the rearrangement of the domain structure of the Tb0.2Y2.8Fe5O12 garnet ferrite in the temperature region of the spontaneous reorientation of the easy magnetization axis is proposed, which makes it possible to consistently describe (at a qualitative level) the entire set of experimental results obtained. The latter makes it possible to make a choice in favor of the fluctuation mechanism of nucleation of domains of a new magnetic phase in the process of reorientation of the direction of the easy magnetization axis.

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