Well-Posedness and Asymptotic Behavior for a Nonlinear Wave Equation

Fágner Dias Araruna ◽  
Frederico de Oliveira Matias ◽  
Milton de Lacerda Oliveira ◽  
Shirley Maria Santos e Souza
2021 ◽  
Vol 62 (3) ◽  
pp. 031512
Adel M. Al-Mahdi ◽  
Mohammad M. Al-Gharabli ◽  
Mohammad Kafini ◽  
Shadi Al-Omari

Tadahiro Oh ◽  
Tristan Robert ◽  
Yuzhao Wang

AbstractWe study the two-dimensional stochastic nonlinear heat equation (SNLH) and stochastic damped nonlinear wave equation (SdNLW) with an exponential nonlinearity $$\lambda \beta e^{\beta u }$$ λ β e β u , forced by an additive space-time white noise. (i) We first study SNLH for general $$\lambda \in {\mathbb {R}}$$ λ ∈ R . By establishing higher moment bounds of the relevant Gaussian multiplicative chaos and exploiting the positivity of the Gaussian multiplicative chaos, we prove local well-posedness of SNLH for the range $$0< \beta ^2 < \frac{8 \pi }{3 + 2 \sqrt{2}} \simeq 1.37 \pi $$ 0 < β 2 < 8 π 3 + 2 2 ≃ 1.37 π . Our argument yields stability under the noise perturbation, thus improving Garban’s local well-posedness result (2020). (ii) In the defocusing case $$\lambda >0$$ λ > 0 , we exploit a certain sign-definite structure in the equation and the positivity of the Gaussian multiplicative chaos. This allows us to prove global well-posedness of SNLH for the range: $$0< \beta ^2 < 4\pi $$ 0 < β 2 < 4 π . (iii) As for SdNLW in the defocusing case $$\lambda > 0$$ λ > 0 , we go beyond the Da Prato-Debussche argument and introduce a decomposition of the nonlinear component, allowing us to recover a sign-definite structure for a rough part of the unknown, while the other part enjoys a stronger smoothing property. As a result, we reduce SdNLW into a system of equations (as in the paracontrolled approach for the dynamical $$\Phi ^4_3$$ Φ 3 4 -model) and prove local well-posedness of SdNLW for the range: $$0< \beta ^2 < \frac{32 - 16\sqrt{3}}{5}\pi \simeq 0.86\pi $$ 0 < β 2 < 32 - 16 3 5 π ≃ 0.86 π . This result (translated to the context of random data well-posedness for the deterministic nonlinear wave equation with an exponential nonlinearity) solves an open question posed by Sun and Tzvetkov (2020). (iv) When $$\lambda > 0$$ λ > 0 , these models formally preserve the associated Gibbs measures with the exponential nonlinearity. Under the same assumption on $$\beta $$ β as in (ii) and (iii) above, we prove almost sure global well-posedness (in particular for SdNLW) and invariance of the Gibbs measures in both the parabolic and hyperbolic settings. (v) In Appendix, we present an argument for proving local well-posedness of SNLH for general $$\lambda \in {\mathbb {R}}$$ λ ∈ R without using the positivity of the Gaussian multiplicative chaos. This proves local well-posedness of SNLH for the range $$0< \beta ^2 < \frac{4}{3} \pi \simeq 1.33 \pi $$ 0 < β 2 < 4 3 π ≃ 1.33 π , slightly smaller than that in (i), but provides Lipschitz continuity of the solution map in initial data as well as the noise.

2021 ◽  
Vol 275 ◽  
pp. 234-249
Daniel Oliveira da Silva ◽  
Alejandro J. Castro

Bjoern Bringmann

Abstract We study the derivative nonlinear wave equation $- \partial _{tt} u + \Delta u = |\nabla u|^2$ on $\mathbb{R}^{1 +3}$. The deterministic theory is determined by the Lorentz-critical regularity $s_L = 2$, and both local well-posedness above $s_L$ as well as ill-posedness below $s_L$ are known. In this paper, we show the local existence of solutions for randomized initial data at the super-critical regularities $s\geqslant 1.984$. In comparison to the previous literature in random dispersive equations, the main difficulty is the absence of a (probabilistic) nonlinear smoothing effect. To overcome this, we introduce an adaptive and iterative decomposition of approximate solutions into rough and smooth components. In addition, our argument relies on refined Strichartz estimates, a paraproduct decomposition, and the truncation method of de Bouard and Debussche.

2011 ◽  
Vol 08 (01) ◽  
pp. 1-8 ◽  

The Cauchy problem for the nonlinear wave equation [Formula: see text] in three space dimensions is considered. The data (u0, u1) are assumed to belong to [Formula: see text], where [Formula: see text] is defined by the norm [Formula: see text] Local well-posedness is shown in the parameter range 2 ≥ r > 1, [Formula: see text]. For r = 2 this coincides with the result of Ponce and Sideris, which is optimal on the Hs-scale by Lindblad's counterexamples, but nonetheless leaves a gap of ½ derivative to the scaling prediction. This gap is closed here except for the endpoint case. Corresponding results for □u = ∂u2 are obtained, too.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2019 (21) ◽  
pp. 6797-6817
Benjamin Dodson

Abstract In this paper we study the defocusing, cubic nonlinear wave equation in three dimensions with radial initial data. The critical space is $\dot{H}^{1/2} \times \dot{H}^{-1/2}$. We show that if the initial data is radial and lies in $\left (\dot{H}^{s} \times \dot{H}^{s - 1}\right ) \cap \left (\dot{H}^{1/2} \times \dot{H}^{-1/2}\right )$ for some $s&gt; \frac{1}{2}$, then the cubic initial value problem is globally well-posed. The proof utilizes the I-method, long time Strichartz estimates, and local energy decay. This method is quite similar to the method used in [11].

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