Is Crowdsourcing for Optical Flow Ground Truth Generation Feasible?

Axel Donath ◽  
Daniel Kondermann
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 21
Roland Perko ◽  
Manfred Klopschitz ◽  
Alexander Almer ◽  
Peter M. Roth

Many scientific studies deal with person counting and density estimation from single images. Recently, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been applied for these tasks. Even though often better results are reported, it is often not clear where the improvements are resulting from, and if the proposed approaches would generalize. Thus, the main goal of this paper was to identify the critical aspects of these tasks and to show how these limit state-of-the-art approaches. Based on these findings, we show how to mitigate these limitations. To this end, we implemented a CNN-based baseline approach, which we extended to deal with identified problems. These include the discovery of bias in the reference data sets, ambiguity in ground truth generation, and mismatching of evaluation metrics w.r.t. the training loss function. The experimental results show that our modifications allow for significantly outperforming the baseline in terms of the accuracy of person counts and density estimation. In this way, we get a deeper understanding of CNN-based person density estimation beyond the network architecture. Furthermore, our insights would allow to advance the field of person density estimation in general by highlighting current limitations in the evaluation protocols.

2019 ◽  
Vol 53 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-39
Anjie Fang

Recently, political events, such as elections, have raised a lot of discussions on social media networks, in particular, Twitter. This brings new opportunities for social scientists to address social science tasks, such as understanding what communities said or identifying whether a community has an influence on another. However, identifying these communities and extracting what they said from social media data are challenging and non-trivial tasks. We aim to make progress towards understanding 'who' (i.e. communities) said 'what' (i.e. discussed topics) and 'when' (i.e. time) during political events on Twitter. While identifying the 'who' can benefit from Twitter user community classification approaches, 'what' they said and 'when' can be effectively addressed on Twitter by extracting their discussed topics using topic modelling approaches that also account for the importance of time on Twitter. To evaluate the quality of these topics, it is necessary to investigate how coherent these topics are to humans. Accordingly, we propose a series of approaches in this thesis. First, we investigate how to effectively evaluate the coherence of the topics generated using a topic modelling approach. The topic coherence metric evaluates the topical coherence by examining the semantic similarity among words in a topic. We argue that the semantic similarity of words in tweets can be effectively captured by using word embeddings trained using a Twitter background dataset. Through a user study, we demonstrate that our proposed word embedding-based topic coherence metric can assess the coherence of topics like humans [1, 2]. In addition, inspired by the precision at k metric, we propose to evaluate the coherence of a topic model (containing many topics) by averaging the top-ranked topics within the topic model [3]. Our proposed metrics can not only evaluate the coherence of topics and topic models, but also can help users to choose the most coherent topics. Second, we aim to extract topics with a high coherence from Twitter data. Such topics can be easily interpreted by humans and they can assist to examine 'what' has been discussed and 'when'. Indeed, we argue that topics can be discussed in different time periods (see [4]) and therefore can be effectively identified and distinguished by considering their time periods. Hence, we propose an effective time-sensitive topic modelling approach by integrating the time dimension of tweets (i.e. 'when') [5]. We show that the time dimension helps to generate topics with a high coherence. Hence, we argue that 'what' has been discussed and 'when' can be effectively addressed by our proposed time-sensitive topic modelling approach. Next, to identify 'who' participated in the topic discussions, we propose approaches to identify the community affiliations of Twitter users, including automatic ground-truth generation approaches and a user community classification approach. We show that the mentioned hashtags and entities in the users' tweets can indicate which community a Twitter user belongs to. Hence, we argue that they can be used to generate the ground-truth data for classifying users into communities. On the other hand, we argue that different communities favour different topic discussions and their community affiliations can be identified by leveraging the discussed topics. Accordingly, we propose a Topic-Based Naive Bayes (TBNB) classification approach to classify Twitter users based on their words and discussed topics [6]. We demonstrate that our TBNB classifier together with the ground-truth generation approaches can effectively identify the community affiliations of Twitter users. Finally, to show the generalisation of our approaches, we apply our approaches to analyse 3.6 million tweets related to US Election 2016 on Twitter [7]. We show that our TBNB approach can effectively identify the 'who', i.e. classify Twitter users into communities. To investigate 'what' these communities have discussed, we apply our time-sensitive topic modelling approach to extract coherent topics. We finally analyse the community-related topics evaluated and selected using our proposed topic coherence metrics. Overall, we contribute to provide effective approaches to assist social scientists towards analysing political events on Twitter. These approaches include topic coherence metrics, a time-sensitive topic modelling approach and approaches for classifying the community affiliations of Twitter users. Together they make progress to study and understand the connections and dynamics among communities on Twitter. Supervisors : Iadh Ounis, Craig Macdonald, Philip Habel The thesis is available at

2013 ◽  
Vol 31 (12) ◽  
pp. 921-934 ◽  
Ruan Lakemond ◽  
Clinton Fookes ◽  
Sridha Sridharan

V. V. Kniaz ◽  
V. A. Mizginov ◽  
L. V. Grodzitkiy ◽  
N. A. Fomin ◽  
V. A. Knyaz

Abstract. Structured light scanners are intensively exploited in various applications such as non-destructive quality control at an assembly line, optical metrology, and cultural heritage documentation. While more than 20 companies develop commercially available structured light scanners, structured light technology accuracy has limitations for fast systems. Model surface discrepancies often present if the texture of the object has severe changes in brightness or reflective properties of its texture. The primary source of such discrepancies is errors in the stereo matching caused by complex surface texture. These errors result in ridge-like structures on the surface of the reconstructed 3D model. This paper is focused on the development of a deep neural network LineMatchGAN for error reduction in 3D models produced by a structured light scanner. We use the pix2pix model as a starting point for our research. The aim of our LineMatchGAN is a refinement of the rough optical flow A and generation of an error-free optical flow B̂. We collected a dataset (which we term ZebraScan) consisting of 500 samples to train our LineMatchGAN model. Each sample includes image sequences (Sl, Sr), ground-truth optical flow B and a ground-truth 3D model. We evaluate our LineMatchGAN on a test split of our ZebraScan dataset that includes 50 samples. The evaluation proves that our LineMatchGAN improves the stereo matching accuracy (optical flow end point error, EPE) from 0.05 pixels to 0.01 pixels.

Shibaprasad Sen ◽  
Ankan Bhattacharyya ◽  
Ram Sarkar ◽  
Kaushik Roy

The work reported in this article deals with the ground truth generation scheme for online handwritten Bangla documents at text-line, word, and stroke levels. The aim of the proposed scheme is twofold: firstly, to build a document level database so that future researchers can use the database to do research in this field. Secondly, the ground truth information will help other researchers to evaluate the performance of their algorithms developed for text-line extraction, word extraction, word segmentation, stroke recognition, and word recognition. The reported ground truth generation scheme starts with text-line extraction from the online handwritten Bangla documents, then words extraction from the text-lines, and finally segmentation of those words into basic strokes. After word segmentation, the basic strokes are assigned appropriate class labels by using modified distance-based feature extraction procedure and the MLP ( Multi-layer Perceptron ) classifier. The Unicode for the words are then generated from the sequence of stroke labels. XML files are used to store the stroke, word, and text-line levels ground truth information for the corresponding documents. The proposed system is semi-automatic and each step such as text-line extraction, word extraction, word segmentation, and stroke recognition has been implemented by using different algorithms. Thus, the proposed ground truth generation procedure minimizes huge manual intervention by reducing the number of mouse clicks required to extract text-lines, words from the document, and segment the words into basic strokes. The integrated stroke recognition module also helps to minimize the manual labor needed to assign appropriate stroke labels. The freely available and can be accessed at .

Sensors ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
pp. 807
Cong Shi ◽  
Zhuoran Dong ◽  
Shrinivas Pundlik ◽  
Gang Luo

This work proposes a hardware-friendly, dense optical flow-based Time-to-Collision (TTC) estimation algorithm intended to be deployed on smart video sensors for collision avoidance. The algorithm optimized for hardware first extracts biological visual motion features (motion energies), and then utilizes a Random Forests regressor to predict robust and dense optical flow. Finally, TTC is reliably estimated from the divergence of the optical flow field. This algorithm involves only feed-forward data flows with simple pixel-level operations, and hence has inherent parallelism for hardware acceleration. The algorithm offers good scalability, allowing for flexible tradeoffs among estimation accuracy, processing speed and hardware resource. Experimental evaluation shows that the accuracy of the optical flow estimation is improved due to the use of Random Forests compared to existing voting-based approaches. Furthermore, results show that estimated TTC values by the algorithm closely follow the ground truth. The specifics of the hardware design to implement the algorithm on a real-time embedded system are laid out.

2016 ◽  
Daniel Schetelig ◽  
Dennis Säring ◽  
Till Illies ◽  
Jan Sedlacik ◽  
Fabian Kording ◽  

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