Advanced Control In Thermal Power Plants

Motomiki Uchida
2012 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 759-772 ◽  
Robert Mikulandric ◽  
Drazen Loncar ◽  
Dejan Cvetinovic ◽  
Gabriel Spiridon ◽  
Daniel Schneider

The necessity of the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, as formulated in the Kyoto Protocol, imposes the need for improving environmental aspects of existing thermal power plants operation. Improvements can be reached either by efficiency increment or by implementation of emission reduction measures. Investments in refurbishment of existing plant components or in plant upgrading by flue gas desulphurization, by primary and secondary measures of nitrogen oxides reduction, or by biomass co-firing, are usually accompanied by modernisation of thermal power plant instrumentation and control system including sensors, equipment diagnostics and advanced controls. Impact of advanced control solutions implementation depends on technical characteristics and status of existing instrumentation and control systems as well as on design characteristics and actual conditions of installed plant components. Evaluation of adequacy of implementation of advanced control concepts is especially important in Western Balkan region where thermal power plants portfolio is rather diversified in terms of size, type and commissioning year and where generally poor maintenance and lack of investments in power generation sector resulted in high greenhouse gases emissions and low efficiency of plants in operation. This paper is intended to present possibilities of implementation of advanced control concepts, and particularly those based on artificial intelligence, in selected thermal power plants in order to increase plant efficiency and to lower pollutants emissions and to comply with environmental quality standards prescribed in large combustion plant directive.

2013 ◽  
Raj Sekhar Choudhury ◽  
Sutapa Das ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-28
V. Ye. Mikhailov ◽  
S. P. Kolpakov ◽  
L. A. Khomenok ◽  
N. S. Shestakov

One of the most important issues for modern domestic power industry is the creation and further widespread introduction of solid propellant energy units for super-critical steam parameters with high efficiency (43–46%) and improved environmental parameters. This will significantly reduce the use of natural gas.At the same time, one of the major drawbacks of the operation of pulverized coal power units is the need to use a significant amount of fuel oil during start-up and shutdown of boilers to stabilize the burning of the coal torch in the variable boiler operating modes.In this regard, solid fuel TPPs need to be provided with fuel oil facilities, with all the associated problems to ensure the performance (heating of fuel oil in winter), reliability and safety. All of the above problems increase both the TPP capital construction costs, and the electricity generating cost.A practical solution to the above problems at present is the use of a plasma technology for coal torch ignition based on thermochemical preparation of fuel for combustion. The materials of the developments of JSC “NPO CKTI” on application of plasmatrons in boilers of thermal power plants at metallurgical complexes of the Russian Federation are also considered.Plasma ignition systems for solid fuels in boilers were developed by Russian specialists and were introduced at a number of coal-fi red power plants in the Russian Federation, Mongolia, North Korea, and Kazakhstan. Plasma ignition of solid fuels is widely used in China for almost 30% of power boilers.The introduction of plasma-energy technologies will improve the energy efficiency of domestic solid-fuel thermal power plants and can be widely implemented in the modernization of boilers.During the construction of new TPPs, the construction of fuel oil facilities can be abandoned altogether, which will reduce the capital costs of the construction of thermal power plants, reduce the construction footprint, and increase the TPP safety.

Ye. G. Polenok ◽  
S. A. Mun ◽  
L. A. Gordeeva ◽  
A. A. Glushkov ◽  
M. V. Kostyanko ◽  

Introduction.Coal dust and coal fi ring products contain large amounts of carcinogenic chemicals (specifically benz[a]pyrene) that are different in influence on workers of coal mines and thermal power plants. Specific immune reactions to benz[a]pyrene therefore in these categories of workers can have specific features.Objective.To reveal features of antibodies specifi c to benz[a]pyrene formation in workers of coal mines and thermal power plants.Materials and methods.The study covered A and G class antibodies against benz[a]pyrene (IgA-Bp and IgG-Bp) in serum of 705 males: 213 donors of Kemerovo blood transfusion center (group 1, reference); 293 miners(group 2) and 199 thermal power plant workers (group 3). Benz[a]pyrene conjugate with bovine serum albumin as an adsorbed antigen was subjected to immune-enzyme assay.Results.IgA-Bp levels in the miners (Me = 2.7) did not differ from those in the reference group (Me = 2.9), but in the thermal power plant workers (Me = 3.7) were reliably higher than those in healthy men and in the miners (p<0.0001). Levels of IgG-Bp in the miners (Me = 5.0) appeared to be lower than those in the reference group (Me = 6.4; (p = 0.05). IgG-Bb level in the thermal power plantworkers (Me = 7.4) exceeded the parameters in the healthy donors and the miners (p<0.0001). Non-industrial factors (age and smoking) appeared tohave no influence on specific immune reactions against benz[a]pyrene in the miners and the thermal power plant workers.Conclusions.Specific immune reactions against benz[a]pyrene in the miners and the thermal power plant workers are characterized by peculiarities: the miners demonstrate lower levels of class A serum antibodies to benz[a]pyrene; the thermal power plant workers present increased serum levels of class G antibodies to benz[a]pyrene. These peculiarities result from only the occupational features, but do not depend on such factors as age, smoking and length of service at hazardous production. It is expedient to study specific immune reactions to benz[a]pyrene in workers of coal mines and thermal power plants, to evaluate individual oncologic risk and if malignancies occur.

2019 ◽  
Matthias Schnellmann ◽  
David Reiner ◽  
Stuart Scott ◽  
Chi Kong Chyong

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