real option approach
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2021 ◽  
Jianfei Bi ◽  
Jing Li ◽  
Zhangxin John Chen ◽  
Yanling Gao ◽  
Yishan Liu ◽  

Abstract As the most potential Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) technology, CO2-enhanced oil recovery (CO2-EOR) can both improve oil recovery and relieve the pressure of reducing CO2 emission. However, CO2-EOR projects have not been substantially deployed in China due to the significant investment and high uncertainties of technology, market, and policy. Therefore, identifying potential bottlenecks, and developing effective investment strategies are of great necessity at present. In this work, a real option approach combined with reservoir simulation technologies is proposed, which can investigate the optimal deployment timing and the investment value of the CO2-EOR projects. Meanwhile, a sensitivity analysis is conducted to examine the effects of different uncertainties. The results show that real option approach is suitable for the evaluation of CO2-EOR projects because it can fully take the flexibility of investment time into account. And it is found that under the current investment environment, it is difficult for China to deploy CO2-EOR projects on a large scale before 2030. High oil prices, low CO2 purchase prices, and transportation of CO2 by pipeline can bring forward the investment time and increase the investment value. Besides, government subsidies and technological progress are also favorable for the deployment of the project. Compared with technological progress, the effect of subsidies is more obvious, while it should be noted that huge subsidies will bring a financial burden to the government. In a word to launch CO2-EOR projects earlier and make it play a more important role in China's carbon emission reduction, a compound strategy should be made based on consideration of all these influencing factors.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (5) ◽  
pp. 382-395
Jiawei Zhong ◽  
Eddie C. M. Hui

Vertical mixed-use development is a favourite choice in urban development in high-density Asian cities to increase the land use efficiency. The flexibility of construction timing and the restrictions by lease contracts in vertical mixeduse projects are usually different from horizontal ones and single-use properties. To improve the valuation for vertical mixed-use projects, this study re-examines the real option pricing model. Simultaneous development for different uses and a finite maximum waiting period are the major characteristics of these projects. An approach is introduced to determine whether to develop a mixed-use project vertically or horizontally on the basis of a statistics called the critical height premium. The vertical mixed-use project pricing model can be further verified by containing a height premium if market price information is derived from non-vertical mixed-use properties. This study suggests a more comprehensive real option approach to quantify the advantages and disadvantages of operating vertical mixed-use developments.

Ini Adinya ◽  
G. O. S. Ekhaguere

Using a real option approach, this paper models an arbitrary real life investment, which typically has a long maturity date, as a perpetual American call option in a Levy market. Expressions for the moments, characteristic function and infinitesimal generator of the associated jump-diffusion Levy process, defined by two independent compound Poisson processes and two correlated standard Brownian motions, are derived and these fundamental results are employed to determine the optimal time for investment. An application of the results to a Build Operate and Transfer investment is furnished.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 43-76
A. Gulabyan

The goal of this paper is to analyse and systematise the possible approaches to real options valuation, especially when considering the practical aspects of their application in real-life valuation problems. Therefore, the paper sets the following tasks: To outline the concept of fair value and analyse the traditional approaches to its calculation in the context of asset valuation To define the real-option approach to fair value estimation and analyse its theoretical background To determine the role of the real options approach in the traditional system of valuation techniques To analyse the practical aspects of their application in valuation problems considering the corresponding examples To provide the real-life example of this technique applied in current market conditions using the recent data. The object of this research is the option pricing models, and the subject is their application in estimation of real options embedded in corporate valuations, particularly considering the side.

Mathematics ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (12) ◽  
pp. 2213
Ana María Sánchez Pérez ◽  
Jorge Tarifa Fernández ◽  
Salvador Cruz Rambaud

Blockchain technology has demonstrated huge potential in providing simplicity and efficiency for different industries. However, its implementation in the automotive and aerospace industry is quite slow because of its difficulty to show value creation. Real option methodology, specifically the learning option, is an assessment tool which fits the conditions under which investment in blockchain technology is carried out. Thus, its application can help managers to wisely invest in this technology despite the complexity of this industry. This study offers a suitable tool to assess the strategic value of an investment in blockchain technology from a conservative position by using the real option approach, particularly the learning option. Specifically, this paper provides the mathematical expression to obtain the value of a project which includes the learning option for n periods. Likewise, it tries to raise awareness among managers of the importance to gather relevant information before making irreversible decisions. The results show that, despite the high profitability of the analyzed sector and the strategic value added by the learning option to the investment, the value of this option remains constant over the project lifespan. This indicates that the blockchain investment has to be implemented as soon as possible given that it is a highly profitable project whose value increases very slowly by waiting to get more new information. In this way, the immediate investment in blockchain technology in the automotive and aerospace industry is recommended to reap the competitive advantages offered by digital technologies.

2020 ◽  
Moustafa Ahmed AbdElaal ◽  
Nesrien Mohamed Elmohamady

Abstract This paper considers the state value using the real option approach. Our model allows adding unlimited number of factors which affects the state value. We adjusted Ornstein-Uhlenbeck stochastic process to be able to consider unlimited number of pricing factors to calculate the state value. We think this model may be useful to evaluate the performance of the government and making decision process via knowing the optimal value and the optimal time for the decision. This dynamic model differs from the traditional pricing model for evaluating the nation's wealth using the discounted cash flow model (DCF) which does not allows considering the market condition via using the risk-neutral approach. The states value determinants are divided into two classes, determinants and sub-determinants.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (13) ◽  
pp. 5406
Anne Van de Vijver ◽  
Danny Cassimon ◽  
Peter-Jan Engelen

Aggressive tax planning has become a sustainability problem, as governments have to cope with less tax revenue, which is crucial for investments in sustainable development goals. The OECD and the EU authorities have taken several initiatives against aggressive tax planning, such as the Action Plan against BEPS. However, these initiatives lack effectiveness, and aggressive tax planning is still omnipresent. We analyze the fight against aggressive corporate tax planning from a Real Option Theory perspective, in order to find an explanation for the difficult shift of companies’ aggressive tax planning strategies to more sustainable tax behavior. The Real Option Theory shows that, as long as the option to ‘delay’ the investment in sustainable tax behavior has too much value because the benefits of such investment are uncertain, companies will wait. Based on this new understanding, we suggest additional public policy interventions against aggressive tax planning. These interventions aim directly at reducing this real option value (of waiting).

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