Biophysics of cell wall architecture in secondary wall formation

J. D. Boyd
1952 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 385 ◽  
ABW Ardrop ◽  
HE Dadswell

Cell division, the nature of extra-cambial readjustment, and the development of the secondary wall in the tracheids of conifer stems have been investigated in both compression wood and normal wood. It has been shown that the reduction in tracheid length, accompanying the development of compression wood and, in normal wood, increased radial growth after suppression, result from an increase in the number of anticlinal divisions in the cambium. From observations of bifurcated and otherwise distorted cell tips in mature tracheids, of small but distinct terminal canals connecting the lumen to the primary wall in the tips of mature tracheids, and of the presence of only primary wall at the tips of partly differentiated tracheids, and from the failure to observe remnants of the parent primary walls at the ends of differentiating tracheids, it has been concluded that extra-cambial readjustment of developing cells proceeds by tip or intrusive growth. It has been further concluded that the development of the secondary wall is progressive towards the cell tips, on the bases of direct observation of secondary wall formation in developing tracheids and of the increase found in the number of turns of the micellar helix per cell with increasing cell length. The significance of this in relation to the submicroscopic organization of the cell wall has been discussed. Results of X-ray examinations and of measurements of� tracheid length in successive narrow tangential zones from the cambium into the xylem have indicated that secondary wall formation begins before the dimensional changes of differentiation are complete.

1969 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 229 ◽  
AB Wardrop

In Eryngium vesiculosum and E. rostratum, the leaf collenchyma is characterized by the development of a lignified secondary wall in the final stages of cell differentiation. The collenchyma wall is rich in pectic substances which are distributed uniformly. In the outer limiting region of the collenchyma wall the microfibril orientation is random and this structure is considered to be the wall formed at cell division. The collenchyma wall consists of six to eight layers in which the microfibrils are alternately transversely and longitudinally oriented. Each layer consists of a number of lamellae of microfibrils. In the secondary lignified wall the cellulose microfibrils are arranged helically, the direction of their orientation making an angle of 40-45° to the cell axis. Excised leaf segments showed greatest elongation in solutions of glucose and 3-indoleacetic acid, when the collenchyma walls were thin, and no elongation occurred in segments in which secondary wall formation had commenced. In radial sections layers of transversely oriented microfibrils could not be seen distant from the lumen although discontinuities in wall texture were apparent. Layers of transversely oriented microfibrils could be seen adjacent to the lumen. It is suggested that reorientation of layers of initially transversely oriented microfibrils takes place during elongation of the cells.

2013 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
Kouki Yoshida ◽  
Shingo Sakamoto ◽  
Tetsushi Kawai ◽  
Yoshinori Kobayashi ◽  
Kazuhito Sato ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (7) ◽  
pp. 3560
Ruixue Xiao ◽  
Chong Zhang ◽  
Xiaorui Guo ◽  
Hui Li ◽  
Hai Lu

The secondary wall is the main part of wood and is composed of cellulose, xylan, lignin, and small amounts of structural proteins and enzymes. Lignin molecules can interact directly or indirectly with cellulose, xylan and other polysaccharide molecules in the cell wall, increasing the mechanical strength and hydrophobicity of plant cells and tissues and facilitating the long-distance transportation of water in plants. MYBs (v-myb avian myeloblastosis viral oncogene homolog) belong to one of the largest superfamilies of transcription factors, the members of which regulate secondary cell-wall formation by promoting/inhibiting the biosynthesis of lignin, cellulose, and xylan. Among them, MYB46 and MYB83, which comprise the second layer of the main switch of secondary cell-wall biosynthesis, coordinate upstream and downstream secondary wall synthesis-related transcription factors. In addition, MYB transcription factors other than MYB46/83, as well as noncoding RNAs, hormones, and other factors, interact with one another to regulate the biosynthesis of the secondary wall. Here, we discuss the biosynthesis of secondary wall, classification and functions of MYB transcription factors and their regulation of lignin polymerization and secondary cell-wall formation during wood formation.

Planta ◽  
1980 ◽  
Vol 149 (3) ◽  
pp. 306-312 ◽  
Christian Pillonel ◽  
Antony J. Buchala ◽  
Hans Meier

2013 ◽  
Vol 25 (11) ◽  
pp. 4421-4438 ◽  
L.-B. Han ◽  
Y.-B. Li ◽  
H.-Y. Wang ◽  
X.-M. Wu ◽  
C.-L. Li ◽  

2010 ◽  
Vol 63 (3) ◽  
pp. 469-483 ◽  
Philippe Ranocha ◽  
Nicolas Denancé ◽  
Ruben Vanholme ◽  
Amandine Freydier ◽  
Yves Martinez ◽  

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