tracheid length
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2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Kewei Cai ◽  
Xueyan Zhou ◽  
Xiang Li ◽  
Ye Kang ◽  
Xiaoming Yang ◽  

Larix olgensis is a tall deciduous tree species that has many applications in the wood fiber industry. Bud mutations are somatic mutations in plants and are considered an ideal material to identify and describe the molecular mechanism of plant mutation. However, the molecular regulatory mechanisms of bud mutations in L. olgensis remain unknown. In this study, dwarfed (or stunted), short-leaved, and multi-branched mutants of L. olgensis were found and utilized to identify crucial genes and regulatory networks controlling the multiple branch structure of L. olgensis. The physiological data showed that the branch number, bud number, fresh and dry weight, tracheid length, tracheid length-width ratio, inner tracheid diameter, and epidermal cell area of mutant plants were higher than that of wild-type plants. Hormone concentration measurements found that auxin, gibberellin, and abscisic acid in the mutant leaves were higher than that in wild-type plants. Moreover, the transcriptome sequencing of all samples using the Illumina Hiseq sequencing platform. Transcriptome analysis identified, respectively, 632, 157, and 199 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in buds, leaves, and stems between mutant plants and wild type. DEGs were found to be involved in cell division and differentiation, shoot apical meristem activity, plant hormone biosynthesis, and sugar metabolism. Furthermore, bZIP, WRKY, and AP2/ERF family transcription factors play a role in bud formation. This study provides new insights into the molecular mechanisms of L. olgensis bud and branch formation and establishes a fundamental understanding of the breeding of new varieties in L. olgensis.

Jiri Pyörälä ◽  
Riikka Piispanen ◽  
Sauli Valkonen ◽  
Sven-Olof Lundqvist

Tracheid length and width patterns from pith to bark at a height of 0.6 m in uneven-aged Norway spruce (<i>Picea abies</i> L. (H.) Karst) trees were addressed. The identification of the main factors and a comparison with even-aged stands were also pursued. 96 trees were sampled from experimental stands in Southern Finland. The material encompassed the variation in tracheid properties from early years to silvicultural maturity, i.e. from corewood to outerwood up to a cambial age of 111 years. Data from 39 Norway spruce trees from even-aged stands we utilized for comparison. Models fitted to the data indicated that annual ring widths did not influence mean tracheid dimensions but the latewood proportion showed a significant influence on tracheid dimensions. Tracheids in uneven-aged stands were slightly wider and longer at the base of the stem with a similar tree diameter, cambial age, and annual ring number.

BioResources ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 7492-7508
Ewa Fabisiak ◽  
Beata Fabisiak

This study investigated the relationship between the length of the tracheids, the width of annual rings, and the wood density of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) obtained from the dominant, intermediate, and suppressed classes of a 60-year-old stand. Measurement of tracheid length was performed on the material macerated from the following annual rings: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, and thence every 5 annual rings. Basic density was determined on samples that included five annual rings from the core to bark. Tree position in the stand had a significant impact on the examined properties of wood. In a given biosocial class, tracheid length decreased as the width of annual rings increased. As the biosocial position of a tree in the stand improved, the length of the tracheids increased, and wood density decreased. In wood of the same density range, the increment in tracheid length was the greatest in wood of dominant trees and the lowest in wood of suppressed trees.

Forests ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (9) ◽  
pp. 1277
Qiulu Meng ◽  
Feng Fu ◽  
Jie Wang ◽  
Tuo He ◽  
Xiaomei Jiang ◽  

Ray traits affect secondary xylem development and wood properties. Pinus massonia and Cunninghamia lanceolata, commercially important timber species, were chosen to study the differences in wood ray traits of juvenile versus mature wood. Seven ray traits, i.e., percentage of rays, ray spacing, ray number, uniseriate ray height, fusiform ray height, ray parenchyma cell length and ray tracheid length, as well as eight wood axial tissue traits, were investigated quantitatively. Intraspecific variations in ray traits and axial tissue traits between juvenile wood and mature wood were displayed in violin plots. The results showed that anatomical differences between juvenile wood and mature wood were significant for both ray traits and axial tissue traits. Juvenile wood generally possessed the larger percentage of rays, higher ray spacing and ray number, smaller ray height and shorter ray cells than mature wood. A positive correlation was present between the ray parenchyma cell length and ray tracheid length. Negative correlations of the ray number and ray spacing with uniseriate ray height were found. Additionally, the axial tracheid cell wall thickness all had Pearson’s correlations with ray spacing, ray number and ray parenchyma cell length.

BioResources ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 3494-3519
Yuanhe Li ◽  
Chao Li ◽  
Yi Song ◽  
Yu Guo ◽  
Lihong Yao

Anatomical characteristics of the plantation tree, Cunninghamia lanceolata were studied. Clonal variability and intra-tree variation, as well as its possibilities of application to the wood industry were analyzed for four clones. Tracheid length from the first to 17th annual ring within clones increased rapidly at first, and then plateaued. The maximum value appeared at the 14th annual ring of clone IV (3795 μm), and the minimum value appeared at the 1st annual ring of clone I (849 μm). Tracheid width and tracheid double wall thickness increased first and then tended to be flat or slightly decreased; tracheid length to width ratio showed an overall increasing trend; the variation of tracheid double wall thickness was not significant. Between clones, the variation coefficient of tracheid width, double wall thickness, and wall to cavity ratio were large. The tissue proportion within clones from large to small was the following: tracheid proportion > wood ray proportion > parenchyma proportion, and there was no significant difference between clones. The basic density within clones showed a gradual increase but a certain fluctuation; the difference between clones was not significant. The maximum crystallinity appeared in clone II (sapwood 55.1%, heartwood 51.2%), and the difference between clones was not significant.

2021 ◽  
Vol 70 (1) ◽  
pp. 186-194
Futoshi Ishiguri ◽  
Ikumi Nezu ◽  
Ryota Endo ◽  
Saki Kobayashi ◽  
Agus Ngadianto ◽  

Abstract Pine wilt disease is one of the most serious tree diseases occurring worldwide. Clones of Pinus densiflora Siebold et Zucc with pine wood nematode resistance were selected. In addition to resistance, wood quality is also an important criterion in the breeding program of P. densiflora because of its use as construction lumber. However, little information is available on the wood qualities of the progenies of resistant clones. The repeatabilities of the wood properties were investigated for 11 open-pollinated families of P. densiflora selected for their pine wood nematode resistance. Oven-dry density, latewood tracheid length, the microfibril angle (MFA) of the S2 layer in latewood tracheids, modulus of elasticity (MOE), and modulus of rupture (MOR) were measured in the third or fourth annual ring from the pith. No significant correlations were found between the wood properties and the stem diameter or tree height. However, significant correlations were found between oven-dry density and MOE or MOR, which suggests that oven-dry density is a good indicator for selecting wood with higher bending properties. Among the measured wood properties, oven-dry density had the highest repeatability (R=0.47), followed by MOR (R=0.33), tracheid length (R=0.21), and MFA (R=0.14). MOE had the lowest value (R=0.01). The 11 families examined were classified into three groups according to their growth characteristics, wood properties, and resistance to pine wilt disease. On the basis of the results, we conclude that genetic improvement of wood properties especially for wood density and MOR is possible for the resistant P. densiflora.

Joseph Dahlen ◽  
Mohamad Nabavi ◽  
David Auty ◽  
Laurence Schimleck ◽  
Thomas L Eberhardt

Abstract Loblolly pine is a major fibre source for the pulp and paper industry. Here we developed the first nonlinear models to predict the within-tree and regional variation of tracheid length and width for planted loblolly pine. Data were obtained from macerated tracheids and near-infrared spectroscopy calibration models from trees sampled in 109 stands across the southeastern United States. The fixed effects for the final tracheid length model, which included cambial age, height of disk within tree, and physiographic region, explained 71 percent of the variation with root mean square error (RMSE) of 0.28 mm, while the fixed effects for the final tracheid width model explained 57 percent of the variation with RMSE of 1.4 μm. There was significant variation in tracheid properties across the growing regions. Tree maps showing within-tree variability in tracheid properties were produced. Five simulated scenarios were compared using the models developed, with mean tracheid dimensions calculated on a whole-tree basis at a first and second thinnings, and at final harvest. Also from the final harvest, the tops of trees, and outerwood chips produced during lumber manufacturing were also simulated. For the whole tree scenarios, both mean tracheid length and width increased with age, increasing from 2.24 mm and 40.5 μm (age 12), to 2.51 mm and 41.3 μm (age 18), and to 2.73 and 41.8 μm at age 25, respectively. The tops of the trees at age 25 had a mean tracheid length of 2.46 mm and a mean width of 41.0 μm, while the chips had a mean tracheid length of 3.13 mm and a mean width of 42.5 μm. Due to the models representing samples collected from across the southeastern United States, and their relatively high precision, they are suitable for incorporation into growth and yield systems allowing for prediction of tracheid properties.

IAWA Journal ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-29 ◽  
Robin Adey-Johnson ◽  
J. Paul Mclean ◽  
Jan Van den Bulcke ◽  
Joris Van Acker ◽  
Peter J. McDonald

Abstract This study aimed to define the variability in the microstructure of Norway spruce within an annual ring by examining differences between earlywood and latewood. In particular, we were interested in obtaining new information on bordered pit occurrence and locations relative to tracheid ends, plus the lumina dimensions and longitudinal overlap of tracheids that collectively define the longitudinal hydraulic pathways. A stacked series of X-ray micro-CT scans of an annual ring of Norway spruce were made and stitched together longitudinally to form a three-dimensional volume. The imaging resolution was carefully chosen to capture both longitudinal and transverse anatomical details. Measurements of tracheid length, overlap, radial lumen diameter, and bordered pit location were made semi-automatically using image analysis. The distribution of radial lumen diameter was used to define earlywood and latewood. Then bordered pit linear density and spatial distribution, tracheid length and overlap were analysed, presented and contrasted for earlywood and latewood. Further differences between earlywood and latewood were found only in bordered pit linear density. Clear trends in radial lumen diameter and pit linear density were observed with radial position within the growth ring. These results provide new information on the variability of the Norway spruce microstructure within an annual ring.

Forests ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (7) ◽  
pp. 589 ◽  
Cyriac S. Mvolo ◽  
Ahmed Koubaa ◽  
Jean Beaulieu ◽  
Alain Cloutier ◽  
Maurice Defo ◽  

We examined phenotypic relationships among radial growth-related, physical (i.e., related to wood density), and anatomical (i.e., related to tracheid dimensions) wood properties in white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss), in order to determine the strength and significance of their correlations. Additionally, principal component analysis (PCA) was used to establish if all of the properties must be measured and to determine the key properties that can be used as proxies for the other variables. Radial growth-related and physical properties were measured with an X-ray densitometer, while anatomical properties were measured with a Fiber Quality Analyzer. Fifteen wood properties (tracheid length (TL) and diameter (TD), earlywood tracheid length (ETL) and diameter (ETD), latewood tracheid length (LTL) and diameter (LTD), ring width (RW), ring area (RA), earlywood width (EWW), latewood width (LWW), latewood proportion (LWP), ring density (RD), intra-ring density variation, earlywood density (EWD), and latewood density (LWD)) were assessed. Relationships were evaluated at intra-ring and inter-ring levels in the juvenile wood (JW) and mature wood (MW) zones. Except for a few cases when mature tracheid diameter (TD) was involved, all intra-ring anatomical properties were highly and significantly correlated. Radial growth properties were correlated, with stronger relationships in MW compared to JW. Physical properties were often positively and significantly correlated in both JW and MW. A higher earlywood density coupled with a lower latewood density favored wood uniformity, i.e., the homogeneity of ring density within a growth ring. Managing plantations to suppress trees growth during JW formation, and enhancing radial growth when MW formation starts will favor overall wood quality. In order, RW-EWW-RA, TL-ETL-LTL, and RD-EWD-LWP are the three clusters that appeared in the three wood zones, the whole pith-to-bark radial section, the juvenile wood zone, and the mature wood zone.

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