Recombination-Line Observations of the Galactic Centre

1985 ◽  
pp. 371-376 ◽  
J. H. van Gorkom ◽  
U. J. Schwarz ◽  
J. D. Bregman
1985 ◽  
Vol 106 ◽  
pp. 371-376 ◽  
J.H. van Gorkom ◽  
U. J. Schwarz ◽  
J. D. Bregman

Aperture-synthesis observations of the H76α and H110α recombination lines are presented for the inner (3pc) region of the Galactic Nucleus. The large line width measured with single dishes (Pauls et al., 1974) is caused by well-ordered large-scale motions of the ionized gas. The velocities of the NeII clumps (Lacy et al., 1980) fit well into our smooth velocity field and smooth intensity distribution. We suggest therefore that the cloud picture of the NeII gas is (at least partly) invalid.

1973 ◽  
Vol 165 (2) ◽  
pp. 173-183 ◽  
H. E. Matthews ◽  
R. D. Davies ◽  
A. Pedlar

1977 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 150-152 ◽  
F. F. Gardner ◽  
J. B. Whiteoak

Although it is well known that HII regions are present in the innermost regions of the Galaxy their kinematics are still not fully understood. In one study Pauls et al. (1976) surveyed with a beamwidth of 3′ arc the 10 GHz recombination line emission in directions within 15′ arc of the nuclear radio source Sgr A. They found that the emission velocities varied from position to position within the range -50 to + 50 km s-1but appeared to lack any overall pattern. In contrast, we have recently observed the recombination line emission from the galactic centre region with a beamwidth of 4′.5 arc, and find strong evidence of ordered motions near the galactic nucleus.

1977 ◽  
Vol 178 (1) ◽  
pp. 37P-40P ◽  
A. Pedlar ◽  
R. D. Davies ◽  
L. Hart

1967 ◽  
Vol 31 ◽  
pp. 239-251 ◽  
F. J. Kerr

A review is given of information on the galactic-centre region obtained from recent observations of the 21-cm line from neutral hydrogen, the 18-cm group of OH lines, a hydrogen recombination line at 6 cm wavelength, and the continuum emission from ionized hydrogen.Both inward and outward motions are important in this region, in addition to rotation. Several types of observation indicate the presence of material in features inclined to the galactic plane. The relationship between the H and OH concentrations is not yet clear, but a rough picture of the central region can be proposed.

1967 ◽  
Vol 31 ◽  
pp. 177-179
W. W. Shane

In the course of several 21-cm observing programmes being carried out by the Leiden Observatory with the 25-meter telescope at Dwingeloo, a fairly complete, though inhomogeneous, survey of the regionl11= 0° to 66° at low galactic latitudes is becoming available. The essential data on this survey are presented in Table 1. Oort (1967) has given a preliminary report on the first and third investigations. The third is discussed briefly by Kerr in his introductory lecture on the galactic centre region (Paper 42). Burton (1966) has published provisional results of the fifth investigation, and I have discussed the sixth in Paper 19. All of the observations listed in the table have been completed, but we plan to extend investigation 3 to a much finer grid of positions.

1967 ◽  
Vol 31 ◽  
pp. 405
F. J. Kerr

A continuum survey of the galactic-centre region has been carried out at Parkes at 20 cm wavelength over the areal11= 355° to 5°,b11= -3° to +3° (Kerr and Sinclair 1966, 1967). This is a larger region than has been covered in such surveys in the past. The observations were done as declination scans.

Nicholas Mee

The Cosmic Mystery Tour is a brief account of modern physics and astronomy presented in a broad historical and cultural context. The book is attractively illustrated and aimed at the general reader. Part I explores the laws of physics including general relativity, the structure of matter, quantum mechanics and the Standard Model of particle physics. It discusses recent discoveries such as gravitational waves and the project to construct LISA, a space-based gravitational wave detector, as well as unresolved issues such as the nature of dark matter. Part II begins by considering cosmology, the study of the universe as a whole and how we arrived at the theory of the Big Bang and the expanding universe. It looks at the remarkable objects within the universe such as red giants, white dwarfs, neutron stars and black holes, and considers the expected discoveries from new telescopes such as the Extremely Large Telescope in Chile, and the Event Horizon Telescope, currently aiming to image the supermassive black hole at the galactic centre. Part III considers the possibility of finding extraterrestrial life, from the speculations of science fiction authors to the ongoing search for alien civilizations known as SETI. Recent developments are discussed: space probes to the satellites of Jupiter and Saturn; the discovery of planets in other star systems; the citizen science project SETI@Home; Breakthrough Starshot, the project to develop technologies to send spacecraft to the stars. It also discusses the Fermi paradox which argues that we might actually be alone in the cosmos

2019 ◽  
Vol 489 (4) ◽  
pp. 4862-4874
L G Hou ◽  
X Y Gao

ABSTRACT Many of the Spitzer infrared bubbles identified by the Milky Way Project (MWP) are suggested to be $\rm{H \small {II}} $ regions in nature. More than 70 per cent of the ∼5000 known bubbles do not have radio recombination line (RRL) observations, hence have not been confirmed as $\rm{H \small {II}} $ regions. A systematic RRL survey should be helpful to identify the nature of the bubbles. With the Shanghai TianMa 65-m radio telescope, we searched for RRLs towards 216 selected Spitzer bubbles by simultaneously observing 19 RRLs in the C band (4–8 GHz). RRLs are detected in the directions of 75 of the 216 targets. 31 of the 75 RRL sources are classified as new detections, which are possibly from new $\rm{H \small {II}} $ regions or diffuse warm ionized medium; 36 of them are probably from the outskirts of nearby bright $\rm{H \small {II}} $ regions, rather than bubble-encircled ionized gas; and the detected RRLs towards 8 bubbles are identified from known $\rm{H \small {II}} $ regions. For 58 of the 75 RRL sources, we obtained their distances after resolving the kinematic distance ambiguity by combining the results of the H2CO absorption method, the $\rm{H \small {I}} $ emission/absorption method, and the $\rm{H \small {I}} $ self-absorption method. The low detection rate of new $\rm{H \small {II}} $ regions implies that a number of MWP bubbles in the DR1 catalogue are too faint if they are $\rm{H \small {II}} $ regions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 501 (1) ◽  
pp. 730-746
Omri Ginzburg ◽  
Marc Huertas-Company ◽  
Avishai Dekel ◽  
Nir Mandelker ◽  
Gregory Snyder ◽  

ABSTRACT We use deep learning to explore the nature of observed giant clumps in high-redshift disc galaxies, based on their identification and classification in cosmological simulations. Simulated clumps are detected using the 3D gas and stellar densities in the VELA zoom-in cosmological simulation suite, with ${\sim}25\ \rm {pc}$ maximum resolution, targeting main-sequence galaxies at 1 < z < 3. The clumps are classified as long-lived clumps (LLCs) or short-lived clumps (SLCs) based on their longevity in the simulations. We then train neural networks to detect and classify the simulated clumps in mock, multicolour, dusty, and noisy HST-like images. The clumps are detected using an encoder–decoder convolutional neural network (CNN), and are classified according to their longevity using a vanilla CNN. Tests using the simulations show our detector and classifier to be ${\sim}80{{\ \rm per\ cent}}$ complete and ${\sim}80{{\ \rm per\ cent}}$ pure for clumps more massive than ∼107.5 M⊙. When applied to observed galaxies in the CANDELS/GOODS S+N fields, we find both types of clumps to appear in similar abundances in the simulations and the observations. LLCs are, on average, more massive than SLCs by ∼0.5 dex, and they dominate the clump population above Mc ≳ 107.6 M⊙. LLCs tend to be found closer to the galactic centre, indicating clump migration to the centre or preferential formation at smaller radii. The LLCs are found to reside in high-mass galaxies, indicating better clump survivability under supernova feedback there, due to clumps being more massive in these galaxies. We find the clump masses and radial positions in the simulations and the observations to agree within a factor of 2.

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