ionized gas
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Galaxies ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Christian Henkel ◽  
Leslie K. Hunt ◽  
Yuri I. Izotov

Dwarf galaxies are by far the most numerous galaxies in the Universe, showing properties that are quite different from those of their larger and more luminous cousins. This review focuses on the physical and chemical properties of the interstellar medium of those dwarfs that are known to host significant amounts of gas and dust. The neutral and ionized gas components and the impact of the dust will be discussed, as well as first indications for the existence of active nuclei in these sources. Cosmological implications are also addressed, considering the primordial helium abundance and the similarity of local Green Pea galaxies with young, sometimes protogalactic sources in the early Universe.

Sensors ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 398
Anna V. Bogatskaya ◽  
Andrey E. Schegolev ◽  
Nikolay V. Klenov ◽  
Evgeniy M. Lobov ◽  
Maxim V. Tereshonok ◽  

We consider two of the most relevant problems that arise when modeling the properties of a tunnel radio communication channel through a plasma layer. First, we studied the case of the oblique incidence of electromagnetic waves on a layer of ionized gas for two wave polarizations. The resonator parameters that provide signal reception at a wide solid angle were found. We also took into account the unavoidable presence of a protective layer between the plasma and the resonator, as well as the conducting elements of the antenna system in the dielectric itself. This provides the first complete simulation for a tunnel communication channel. Noise immunity and communication range studies were conducted for a prospective spacecraft radio line.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 59
Mikhail Gushchin ◽  
Alexey Palitsin ◽  
Askold Strikovskiy ◽  
Ilya Zudin ◽  
Sergey Korobkov ◽  

A large-scale coaxial line filled with the plasma of RF discharge has been developed for laboratory modeling of the effects of the interaction of ultrashort electromagnetic pulses (EMPs) with the atmosphere and the ionosphere in the KROT facility. The oversized coaxial line ensures pulse transmission through an ionized medium in the TEM mode, which corresponds to the polarization of the transverse electromagnetic wave in free space, and in uniform isotropic plasma. The coaxial line has a length of 10 m and a diameter of 140 cm. The processes of propagation of the nanosecond and subnanosecond pulses in this line, in vacuum and with plasma, have been simulated numerically.

Universe ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (12) ◽  
pp. 484
Paola Marziani ◽  
Marco Berton ◽  
Swayamtrupta Panda ◽  
Edi Bon

The issue of the difference between optical and UV properties of radio-quiet and radio-loud (relativistically “jetted”) active galactic nuclei (AGN) is a long standing one, related to the fundamental question of why a minority of powerful AGN possess strong radio emission due to relativistic ejections. This paper examines a particular aspect: the singly-ionized iron emission in the spectral range 4400–5600 Å, where the prominent HI Hβ and [Oiii]λλ4959,5007 lines are also observed. We present a detailed comparison of the relative intensity of Feii multiplets in the spectral types of the quasar main sequence where most jetted sources are found, and afterwards discuss radio-loud narrow-line Seyfert 1 (NLSy1) nuclei with γ-ray detection and with prominent Feii emission. An Feii template based on I Zw 1 provides an accurate representation of the optical Feii emission for RQ and, with some caveats, also for RL sources. CLOUDY photoionization simulations indicate that the observed spectral energy distribution can account for the modest Feii emission observed in composite radio-loud spectra. However, spectral energy differences alone cannot account for the stronger Feii emission observed in radio-quiet sources, for similar physical parameters. As for RL NLSy1s, they do not seem to behave like other RL sources, likely because of their different physical properties, that could be ultimately associated with a higher Eddington ratio. active galactic nuclei; optical spectroscopy; ionized gas; broad line region

2021 ◽  
Vol 923 (1) ◽  
pp. 83
Alberto D. Bolatto ◽  
Adam K. Leroy ◽  
Rebecca C. Levy ◽  
David S. Meier ◽  
Elisabeth A. C. Mills ◽  

Abstract We present the ALMA detection of molecular outflowing gas in the central regions of NGC 4945, one of the nearest starbursts and also one of the nearest hosts of an active galactic nucleus (AGN). We detect four outflow plumes in CO J = 3 − 2 at ∼0.″3 resolution that appear to correspond to molecular gas located near the edges of the known ionized outflow cone and its (unobserved) counterpart behind the disk. The fastest and brightest of these plumes has emission reaching observed line-of-sight projected velocities of over 450 km s−1 beyond systemic, equivalent to an estimated physical outflow velocity v ≳ 600 km s−1 for the fastest emission. Most of these plumes have corresponding emission in HCN or HCO+ J = 4 − 3. We discuss a kinematic model for the outflow emission where the molecular gas has the geometry of the ionized gas cone and shares the rotation velocity of the galaxy when ejected. We use this model to explain the velocities we observe, constrain the physical speed of the ejected material, and account for the fraction of outflowing gas that is not detected due to confusion with the galaxy disk. We estimate a total molecular mass outflow rate M ̇ mol ∼ 20 M ⊙ yr−1 flowing through a surface within 100 pc of the disk midplane, likely driven by a combination of the central starburst and AGN.

2021 ◽  
Vol 923 (2) ◽  
pp. 160
Anne M. Medling ◽  
Lisa J. Kewley ◽  
Daniela Calzetti ◽  
George C. Privon ◽  
Kirsten Larson ◽  

Abstract We study the ionization and excitation structure of the interstellar medium in the late-stage gas-rich galaxy merger NGC 6240 using a suite of emission-line maps at ∼25 pc resolution from the Hubble Space Telescope, Keck/NIRC2 with Adaptive Optics, and the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA). NGC 6240 hosts a superwind driven by intense star formation and/or one or both of two active nuclei; the outflows produce bubbles and filaments seen in shock tracers from warm molecular gas (H2 2.12 μm) to optical ionized gas ([O iii], [N ii], [S ii], and [O i]) and hot plasma (Fe XXV). In the most distinct bubble, we see a clear shock front traced by high [O iii]/Hβ and [O iii]/[O i]. Cool molecular gas (CO(2−1)) is only present near the base of the bubble, toward the nuclei launching the outflow. We interpret the lack of molecular gas outside the bubble to mean that the shock front is not responsible for dissociating molecular gas, and conclude that the molecular clouds are partly shielded and either entrained briefly in the outflow, or left undisturbed while the hot wind flows around them. Elsewhere in the galaxy, shock-excited H2 extends at least ∼4 kpc from the nuclei, tracing molecular gas even warmer than that between the nuclei, where the two galaxies’ interstellar media are colliding. A ridgeline of high [O iii]/Hβ emission along the eastern arm aligns with the southern nucleus’ stellar disk minor axis; optical integral field spectroscopy from WiFeS suggests this highly ionized gas is centered at systemic velocity and likely photoionized by direct line of sight to the southern active galactic nucleus.

Foods ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (12) ◽  
pp. 2927
Vladimír Scholtz ◽  
Jana Jirešová ◽  
Božena Šerá ◽  
Jaroslav Julák

Cereals, an important food for humans and animals, may carry microbial contamination undesirable to the consumer or to the next generation of plants. Currently, non-thermal plasma (NTP) is often considered a new and safe microbicidal agent without or with very low adverse side effects. NTP is a partially or fully ionized gas at room temperature, typically generated by various electric discharges and rich in reactive particles. This review summarizes the effects of NTP on various types of cereals and products. NTP has undisputed beneficial effects with high potential for future practical use in decontamination and disinfection.

2021 ◽  
Vol 922 (2) ◽  
pp. 131
Neven Tomičić ◽  
Benedetta Vulcani ◽  
Bianca M. Poggianti ◽  
Ariel Werle ◽  
Ancla Müller ◽  

Abstract Diffuse ionized gas (DIG) is an important component of the interstellar medium that can provide insights into the different physical processes affecting the gas in galaxies. We utilize optical IFU observations of 71 gas-stripped and control galaxies from the Gas Stripping Phenomena in galaxies (GASP) survey, to analyze the gas properties of dense ionized gas and DIG, such as metallicity, ionization parameter log(q), and the difference between the measured log[O i]/Hα and the value predicted by star-forming models given the measured log[Oiii]/Hβ (Δ log[O i]/Hα). We compare these properties at different spatial scales, among galaxies at different gas-stripping stages, and between disks and tails of the stripped galaxies. The metallicity is similar between the dense gas and DIG at a given galactocentric radius. The log(q) is lower for DIG compared to dense gas. The median values of log(q) correlate best with stellar mass and the most massive galaxies show an increase in log(q) toward their galactic centers. The DIG clearly shows higher Δ log[O i]/Hα values compared to the dense gas, with much of the spaxels having LIER/LINER-like emission. The DIG regions in the tails of highly stripped galaxies show the highest Δ log[O i]/Hα, exhibit high values of log(q), and extend to large projected distances from star-forming areas (up to 10 kpc). We conclude that the DIG in the tails is at least partly ionized by a process other than star formation, probably by mixing, shocks, and accretion of inter-cluster and interstellar medium gas.

Mohammad Bqoor ◽  
Mohammad Hamdan ◽  
Isam Janajreh

The novel Ionized Gas Thermoelectric Generator (IG-TEG) system that has been studied theoretically showing capabilities to continually extracting energy from the thermal energy of the ambient air, at low temperatures within the standard room temperature and below. This system does not need a temperature gradient in order to work, unlike the other TEGs that use Seebeck effect, and therefore this new system can be utilized for cooling purposes, by extracting energy instead of wasting energy in compressing the gas for cooling. This novel system was designed based on Static Ratchet Potential (SRP), which is known as a spatially asymmetric electric potential produced by an array of positive and negative electrodes. The ratchet potential produces electrical current from random Brownian Motion of charged particles that are driven by thermal energy. Ratchet potential was studied and investigated by several researches in the fields of sensing and energy harvesting. The main ratchet potential system parameter is the particles transportation, this parameter was studied under the condition of flashing ratchet potentials, and was analyzed based on several methods. In this study, a different approach is pursued to estimate particles transportation, by evaluating the charged particles distribution, and applying the other conditions of the SRP.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2096 (1) ◽  
pp. 012103
N A Ermoshin ◽  
S A Romanchikov ◽  
V O Bayrak ◽  
Yu Yu Kashtanov

Abstract A technology is proposed to improve the efficiency of heat devices operating on gas fuel. The technology is based on the use of a method of burning depleted ionized gas fuel in an electric field. Application of the method allows to reduce the formation of soot deposits and provides a more complete combustion of the gas. Increasing the efficiency of heating devices is achieved due to the formation of an electric field by including an ionizing radiation device in the structure of the gas stove. The energy of the ionizing radiation of the gas fuel provides the formation of Coulomb forces. Combustion intensifies, and convective heat exchange increases due to electroconvection. The design of the ionizing radiation device includes electrodes located at a distance from each other. Power is supplied from a voltage source. The electrodes are fixed using porcelain ring insulators. The proposed design solutions provide not only a decrease in gas fuel consumption, but also an increase in the flame temperature and the power of thermal radiation not only in the visible, infrared and ultraviolet ranges. Additional electrolysis of the fuel mixture, and the acceleration of its combustion rate is achieved due to ionization. The results of experimental studies to determine the parameters of the combustion processes of gas fuel (isobutane (CH3-CH(CH3)-CH3) – 72 %, butane (CH3-CH2– CH2-CH3) – 22 %, propane (C3H8) – 6 %) are presented. It was found that with a variable electric field strength for gas ionization, an increase in the temperature of the frying bed by 39%, heat transfer by 2 times, a decrease in carbon oxides by 31–36%, and a decrease in gas fuel consumption by 26% are achieved.

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