Preliminary Remarks on the Relationship of the Principles of Teaching Arithmetic to the Early History of Mathematics

Peter Damerow
Nuncius ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 243-275 ◽  
Vera Keller

A new, illustrated source, “Drebbel’s Description of his Circulating Oven,” sheds light on the thermostatic oven of Cornelis Drebbel (1572-1633), a Dutch alchemist, engineer, and philosopher active in Holland, Zeeland, London and Prague. The “Description” survives in two German copies. It describes two new inventions, a “Judicium” (which we might call a thermometer) and a “Regimen” (which we might call a feedback control mechanism). It thus engages longstanding debates concerning the invention of the thermometer. More fundamentally, it engages the relationship of artisanality and philosophy. The “Description” highlights the entangled origins of both instruments, which emerged through combined concerns of alchemy, engineering, philosophy, and natural magic. In the early seventeenth century, the term “thermometer” indicated an object with a more expansive role than it later would. The later emergence of a distinct scientific instrument industry, separating previously entangled roles, has colored subsequent views of such instruments and their makers.

Francesca Coppa

This paper argues that the practices and aesthetics of vidding were structured by the relationship of Star Trek’s female fans to that particular televisual text. Star Trek fandom was the crucible within which vidding developed because Star Trek’s narrative impelled female fans to take on two positions often framed as contradictory in mainstream culture: the desiring body, and the controlling voice of technology. To make a vid, to edit footage to subtext-revealing music, is to unite these positions: to put technology at the service of desire. Although the conflict between desire and control was particularly thematized in Star Trek, most famously through the divided character of Spock, the practices of vidding are now applied to other visual texts. This essay examines the early history of vidding and demonstrates, through the close reading of particular vids made for Star Trek and Quantum Leap, how vidding heals the wounds created by the displacement and fragmentation of women on television.

2020 ◽  
pp. 266-284
João Cláudio Brandemberg

El uso de aspectos históricos relacionados con la enseñanza del contenido matemático en contextos escolares y (o) académicos se establece en la importancia del conocimiento sobre el desarrollo histórico de los conceptos y (o) en la viabilidad de usar textos matemáticos históricos en el contexto del aula. Es importante y urgente (re) discutir el potencial didáctico de estos textos para implementar una propuesta de enseñanza de contenido matemático que utilice problemas de naturaleza histórica, provenientes de dichos textos, seleccionados y adaptados para promover una mayor aproximación, contextualización y aportando más significado a los conceptos estudiados, presentados en actividades problemáticas e interactivas. Una contextualización que permite la relación de las estructuras conceptuales involucradas en el desarrollo histórico de los contenidos matemáticos, produciendo una fuerte conexión entre el conocimiento actual y el producido históricamente, lo que lleva al alumno a comprender una matemática que está constituida por problemas en los contextos más diversos de la cultura humana.Palabras clave: Historia de las matematicas. Potencialidades didácticas de textos históricos. Desarrollo de conceptos. Enseñanza de las matematicas. A PROPOSAL FOR THE USE OF HISTORY IN TEACHING MATHEMATICS: ON THE DIDACTIC POTENTIALITY OF HISTORICAL TEXTS AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF CONCEPTS AbstractThe use of historical aspects related to the teaching of mathematical content in school and (or) academic contexts is established in the importance of knowledge about the historical development of concepts and (or) in the feasibility of using historical mathematical texts in the classroom context. It is important and urgent to (re) discuss the didactic potential of these texts in order to implement a proposal of teaching mathematical content that uses problems of historical nature, coming from such texts, selected and adapted in order to promote greater approximation, contextualization and bringing more meaning to the concepts studied, presented in problematized and interactive activities. A contextualization that allows the relationship of the conceptual structures involved in the historical development of mathematical contents, producing a strong connection between current and historically produced knowledge, leading the student to understand a mathematics that is constituted by problematizations in the most diverse contexts of human culture.Keywords: History of Mathematics. Didactic potentialities of historical texts. Concept development. Mathematics teaching. UMA PROPOSTA PARA O USO DA HISTÓRIA NO ENSINO DE MATEMÁTICA: SOBRE A POTENCIALIDADE DIDÁTICA DE TEXTOS HISTÓRICOS E O DESENVOLVIMENTO DE CONCEITOS ResumoA utilização de aspectos históricos relacionados ao ensino de conteúdos matemáticos nos contextos escolar e (ou) acadêmico se institui na importância do conhecimento acerca do desenvolvimento histórico de conceitos e (ou) na viabilização do uso de textos históricos de matemática no contexto de sala de aula. Se faz importante e urgente uma (re) discussão sobre as potencialidades didáticas destes textos de forma a implementar uma proposta de ensino de conteúdos matemáticos que utilize problemas de cunho histórico, oriundos de tais textos, selecionados e adaptados de forma a promover maior aproximação, contextualização e trazendo mais significado aos conceitos estudados, apresentados em atividades problematizadas e interativas. Uma contextualização que permita o relacionamento das estruturas conceituais envolvidas, no desenvolvimento histórico dos conteúdos matemáticos, produzindo forte ligação entre o conhecimento atual e o historicamente produzido, levando o estudante a compreensão de uma Matemática que se constitui das problematizações nos mais diversos contextos da cultura humana.Palavras-chave: História da Matemática. Potencialidades didáticas de textos históricos. Desenvolvimento de conceitos. Ensino de Matemática.

Laura Quick

This study considers the relationship of Deuteronomy 28 to the curse traditions of the ancient Near East. It focuses on the linguistic and cultural means of the transmission of these traditions to the book of Deuteronomy. The author considers a broad range of materials, including Old Aramaic inscriptions, attempting to show the value of these Northwest Semitic texts as primary sources to reorient our view of an ancient world usually seen through a biblical or Mesopotamian lens. By studying these inscriptions alongside the biblical text, this study aims to increase our knowledge of the early history and function of the curses in Deuteronomy 28. This has implications for our understanding of the date of the composition of the book of Deuteronomy, and the reasons behind its production. The ritual realm which stands behind the use of curses and the formation of covenants in the biblical world is also explored, arguing that the interplay between orality and literacy is essential to understanding the function and form of the curses in Deuteronomy. Ultimately, this book contributes to our understanding of the book of Deuteronomy and its place within the literary history of ancient Israel and Judah, with implications for the composition of the Pentateuch or Torah as a whole.

Paleobiology ◽  
1980 ◽  
Vol 6 (02) ◽  
pp. 146-160 ◽  
William A. Oliver

The Mesozoic-Cenozoic coral Order Scleractinia has been suggested to have originated or evolved (1) by direct descent from the Paleozoic Order Rugosa or (2) by the development of a skeleton in members of one of the anemone groups that probably have existed throughout Phanerozoic time. In spite of much work on the subject, advocates of the direct descent hypothesis have failed to find convincing evidence of this relationship. Critical points are:(1) Rugosan septal insertion is serial; Scleractinian insertion is cyclic; no intermediate stages have been demonstrated. Apparent intermediates are Scleractinia having bilateral cyclic insertion or teratological Rugosa.(2) There is convincing evidence that the skeletons of many Rugosa were calcitic and none are known to be or to have been aragonitic. In contrast, the skeletons of all living Scleractinia are aragonitic and there is evidence that fossil Scleractinia were aragonitic also. The mineralogic difference is almost certainly due to intrinsic biologic factors.(3) No early Triassic corals of either group are known. This fact is not compelling (by itself) but is important in connection with points 1 and 2, because, given direct descent, both changes took place during this only stage in the history of the two groups in which there are no known corals.

Ted Geier

Covers the long history of the Smithfield animal market and legal reform in London. Shows the relationship of civic improvement tropes, including animal rights, to animal erasure in the form of new foodstuffs from distant meat production sites. The reduction of lives to commodities also informed public abasement of the butchers.

Terence Young ◽  
Alan MacEachern ◽  
Lary Dilsaver

This essay explores the evolving international relationship of the two national park agencies that in 1968 began to offer joint training classes for protected-area managers from around the world. Within the British settler societies that dominated nineteenth century park-making, the United States’ National Park Service (NPS) and Canada’s National Parks Branch were the most closely linked and most frequently cooperative. Contrary to campfire myths and nationalist narratives, however, the relationship was not a one-way flow of information and motivation from the US to Canada. Indeed, the latter boasted a park bureaucracy before the NPS was established. The relationship of the two nations’ park leaders in the half century leading up to 1968 demonstrates the complexity of defining the influences on park management and its diffusion from one country to another.

1990 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 89-90
Dennis Michael Warren

The late Dr. Fazlur Rahman, Harold H. Swift Distinguished Service Professor of Islamic Thought at the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, has written this book as number seven in the series on Health/Medicine and the Faith Traditions. This series has been sponsored as an interfaith program by The Park Ridge Center, an Institute for the study of health, faith, and ethics. Professor Rahman has stated that his study is "an attempt to portray the relationship of Islam as a system of faith and as a tradition to human health and health care: What value does Islam attach to human well-being-spiritual, mental, and physical-and what inspiration has it given Muslims to realize that value?" (xiii). Although he makes it quite clear that he has not attempted to write a history of medicine in Islam, readers will find considerable depth in his treatment of the historical development of medicine under the influence of Islamic traditions. The book begins with a general historical introduction to Islam, meant primarily for readers with limited background and understanding of Islam. Following the introduction are six chapters devoted to the concepts of wellness and illness in Islamic thought, the religious valuation of medicine in Islam, an overview of Prophetic Medicine, Islamic approaches to medical care and medical ethics, and the relationship of the concepts of birth, contraception, abortion, sexuality, and death to well-being in Islamic culture. The basis for Dr. Rahman's study rests on the explication of the concepts of well-being, illness, suffering, and destiny in the Islamic worldview. He describes Islam as a system of faith with strong traditions linking that faith with concepts of human health and systems for providing health care. He explains the value which Islam attaches to human spiritual, mental, and physical well-being. Aspects of spiritual medicine in the Islamic tradition are explained. The dietary Jaws and other orthodox restrictions are described as part of Prophetic Medicine. The religious valuation of medicine based on the Hadith is compared and contrasted with that found in the scientific medical tradition. The history of institutionalized medical care in the Islamic World is traced to awqaf, pious endowments used to support health services, hospices, mosques, and educational institutions. Dr. Rahman then describes the ...

Andrey Varlamov ◽  
Vladimir Rimshin

Considered the issues of interaction between man and nature. Noted that this interaction is fundamental in the existence of modern civilization. The question of possible impact on nature and society with the aim of preserving the existence of human civilization. It is shown that the study of this issue goes towards the crea-tion of models of interaction between nature and man. Determining when building models is information about the interaction of man and nature. Considered information theory from the viewpoint of interaction between nature and man. Noted that currently information theory developed mainly as a mathematical theory. The issues of interaction of man and nature, the availability and existence of information in the material sys-tem is not studied. Indicates the link information with the energy terms control large flows of energy. For con-sideration of the interaction of man and nature proposed to use the theory of degradation. Graphs are pre-sented of the information in the history of human development. Reviewed charts of population growth. As a prediction it is proposed to use the simplest based on the theory of degradation. Consideration of the behav-ior of these dependencies led to the conclusion about the existence of communication energy and information as a feature of the degradation of energy. It justifies the existence of border life ( including humanity) at the point with maximum information. Shows the relationship of energy and time using potential energy.

Cristina Vatulescu

This chapter approaches police records as a genre that gains from being considered in its relationships with other genres of writing. In particular, we will follow its long-standing relationship to detective fiction, the novel, and biography. Going further, the chapter emphasizes the intermedia character of police records not just in our time but also throughout their existence, indeed from their very origins. This approach opens to a more inclusive media history of police files. We will start with an analysis of the seminal late nineteenth-century French manuals prescribing the writing of a police file, the famous Bertillon-method manuals. We will then track their influence following their adoption nationally and internationally, with particular attention to the politics of their adoption in the colonies. We will also touch briefly on the relationship of early policing to other disciplines, such as anthropology and statistics, before moving to a closer look at its intersections with photography and literature.

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