critical points
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2022 ◽  
Vol 216 ◽  
pp. 112683
Giulio Ciraolo ◽  
Rosario Corso

2022 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Mohamed T. K. Abbassi ◽  
Ibrahim Lakrini

Abstract We equip an arbitrary vector bundle over a Riemannian manifold, endowed with a fiber metric and a compatible connection, with a spherically symmetric metric (cf. [4]), and westudy harmonicity of its sections firstly as smooth maps and then as critical points of the energy functional with variations through smooth sections.We also characterize vertically harmonic sections. Finally, we give some examples of special vector bundles, recovering in some situations some classical harmonicity results.

Materials ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 597
Souvik Roy ◽  
Santanu K. Maiti ◽  
Laura M. Pérez ◽  
Judith Helena Ojeda Silva ◽  
David Laroze

We explore the localization properties of a double-stranded ladder within a tight-binding framework where the site energies of different lattice sites are distributed in the cosine form following the Aubry–André–Harper (AAH) model. An imaginary site energy, which can be positive or negative, referred to as physical gain or loss, is included in each of these lattice sites which makes the system a non-Hermitian (NH) one. Depending on the distribution of imaginary site energies, we obtain balanced and imbalanced NH ladders of different types, and for all these cases, we critically investigate localization phenomena. Each ladder can be decoupled into two effective one-dimensional (1D) chains which exhibit two distinct critical points of transition from metallic to insulating (MI) phase. Because of the existence of two distinct critical points, a mixed-phase (MP) zone emerges which yields the possibility of getting a mobility edge (ME). The conducting behaviors of different energy eigenstates are investigated in terms of inverse participation ratio (IPR). The critical points and thus the MP window can be selectively controlled by tuning the strength of the imaginary site energies which brings a new insight into the localization aspect. A brief discussion on phase transition considering a multi-stranded ladder was also given as a general case, to make the present communication a self-contained one. Our theoretical analysis can be utilized to investigate the localization phenomena in different kinds of simple and complex quasicrystals in the presence of physical gain and/or loss.

2022 ◽  
Matthew Bailey ◽  
Mark Wilson

One of the critical tools of persistent homology is the persistence diagram. We demonstrate the applicability of a persistence diagram showing the existence of topological features (here rings in a 2D network) generated over time instead of space as a tool to analyse trajectories of biological networks. We show how the time persistence diagram is useful in order to identify critical phenomena such as rupturing and to visualise important features in 2D biological networks; they are particularly useful to highlight patterns of damage and to identify if particular patterns are significant or ephemeral. Persistence diagrams are also used to analyse repair phenomena, and we explore how the measured properties of a dynamical phenomenon change according to the sampling frequency. This shows that the persistence diagrams are robust and still provide useful information even for data of low temporal resolution. Finally, we combine persistence diagrams across many trajectories to show how the technique highlights the existence of sharp transitions at critical points in the rupturing process.

Giridhari Deogharia ◽  
Mayukh Bandyopadhyay ◽  
Ritabrata Biswas

The main aim of this work is to give a suitable explanation of present accelerating universe through an acceptable interactive dynamical cosmological model. A three-fluid cosmological model is introduced in the background of Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson-Walker asymptotically flat spacetime. This model consists of interactive dark matter and dark energy with baryonic matter, taken as perfect fluid, satisfying barotropic equation of state. We consider dust as the candidate of dark matter. A scalar field [Formula: see text] represents dark energy with potential [Formula: see text]. Einstein’s field equations are utilized to construct a three-dimensional interactive autonomous system by choosing suitable interaction between dark energy and dark matter. We take the interaction kernel as [Formula: see text], where [Formula: see text] indicates the density of dark energy, [Formula: see text] is the interacting constant and [Formula: see text] is Hubble parameter. In order to explain the stability of this system, we obtain some suitable critical points. We analyze stability of obtained critical points to show the different phases of universe and cosmological implications. Surprisingly, we find some stable critical points which represent late-time dark energy-dominated era when a model parameter [Formula: see text] is equal to [Formula: see text]. We introduce a two-dimensional interactive autonomous system and after phase portrait analysis of it, we get several stable points which represent dark energy-dominated era and late-time cosmic acceleration simultaneously. Here, we also demonstrate the variation in interaction at vicinity of phantom barrier [Formula: see text]. From our work, we can also predict the future phase evolution of the universe.

2022 ◽  
Vol 327 ◽  
pp. 244-249
Gabriela Lujan Brollo ◽  
Eugênio José Zoqui

Identification of critical temperatures is paramount for semisolid processing. Application of the principles of differential calculus to identify these temperatures on semisolid transformation curves allows the semisolid metal (SSM) processing window to be determined. This paper synthesizes and organizes a methodology that can be used to this end, namely the differentiation method (DM). Examples are given of the application of the method to 356, 355, and 319 aluminum alloys, which are commonly used in SSM processing, and the results are compared with those of numerical simulations performed with Thermo-Calc® (under the Scheil condition). The DM is applied to experimental differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) heat-flow data for cooling and heating cycles under different kinetic conditions (5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 °C/min). The findings indicate that the DM is an efficient tool for identifying critical points such as the solidus, liquidus, and knee as well as tertiary transformations. The results obtained using the method agree well with those obtained using traditional techniques. The method is operator-independent as it uses well-defined mathematical/graphical criteria to identify critical points. Furthermore, the DM identifies an SSM processing window defined in terms of a higher and lower temperature for rheocasting or thixoforming operations (TSSML and TSSMH) between which the sensitivity is less than 0.03 °C-1 and, consequently, the process is highly controllable. This DM has already been published in a partial and dispersed way in different works in the past and the aim here is to present it in a more cohesive and didactic way, synthesizing the presented data and comparing them.

2022 ◽  
Vol 32 (2) ◽  
Mouhammed Moustapha Fall ◽  
Ignace Aristide Minlend ◽  
Jesse Ratzkin

AbstractWe construct a foliation of an asymptotically flat end of a Riemannian manifold by hypersurfaces which are critical points of a natural functional arising in potential theory. These hypersurfaces are perturbations of large coordinate spheres, and they admit solutions of a certain over-determined boundary value problem involving the Laplace–Beltrami operator. In a key step we must invert the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator, highlighting the nonlocal nature of our problem.

2022 ◽  
Vol 52 (3) ◽  
Anderson Chuquel Mello ◽  
Marcos Toebe ◽  
Rafael Rodrigues de Souza ◽  
João Antônio Paraginski ◽  
Junior Carvalho Somavilla ◽  

ABSTRACT: Sunflower produces achenes and oil of good quality, besides serving for production of silage, forage and biodiesel. Growth modeling allows knowing the growth pattern of the crop and optimizing the management. The research characterized the growth of the Rhino sunflower cultivar using the Logistic and Gompertz models and to make considerations regarding management based on critical points. The data used come from three uniformity trials with the Rhino confectionery sunflower cultivar carried out in the experimental area of the Federal University of Santa Maria - Campus Frederico Westphalen in the 2019/2020 agricultural harvest. In the first, second and third trials 14, 12 and 10 weekly height evaluations were performed on 10 plants, respectively. The data were adjusted for the thermal time accumulated. The parameters were estimated by ordinary least square’s method using the Gauss-Newton algorithm. The fitting quality of the models to the data was measured by the adjusted coefficient of determination, Akaike information criterion, Bayesian information criterion, and through intrinsic and parametric nonlinearity. The inflection points (IP), maximum acceleration (MAP), maximum deceleration (MDP) and asymptotic deceleration (ADP) were determined. Statistical analyses were performed with Microsoft Office Excel® and R software. The models satisfactorily described the height growth curve of sunflower, providing parameters with practical interpretations. The Logistics model has the best fitting quality, being the most suitable for characterizing the growth curve. The estimated critical points provide important information for crop management. Weeds must be controlled until the MAP. Covered fertilizer applications must be carried out between the MAP and IP range. ADP is an indicator of maturity, after reaching this point, the plants can be harvested for the production of silage without loss of volume and quality.

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