Average Weight Based Branching Heuristic Strategy for Satisfiability Solvers

Rong Hu ◽  
Huimin Fu ◽  
Xiaolong Li
Rafael Antonio Caldart Bedin ◽  
Maisa Schultz ◽  
Antonio Bedin

Anesthesia for laboratory animals is a matter of biomedical concern and one of the most present dilemmas in the current bioethical debate. The use of anesthetic agents in experimental surgery aims at analgesia and restraining the animal, in order to achieve a reasonable degree of muscle relaxation and to produce sufficient analgesia. This practice requires the use of protocols for the administration of safe and efficient doses. Eight New Zealand rabbits were submitted to laparotomies demonstrating the surgical technique discipline of the local medical course. For pre-anesthetic medication, acepromazine 1 mg.kg-1 associated with ketamine 15 mg.kg-1 was used subcutaneously. Anesthesia was maintained with isoflurane and oxygen under a laryngeal mask in a Mapleson D anesthesia system and under spontaneous breathing. Hydration was performed with 10 ml.kg-1 saline every hour. A thermal mattress was used. Precordial stethoscope, pulse oximetry and clinical parameters were used for monitoring. For euthanasia, ketamine 10 mg.kg-1 associated with potassium chloride 19.1% 1 ml.kg-1 was used intravenously. The average weight of the rabbits was 2721.25 ± 275.01 grams and the duration of the anesthetic procedure was 120 ± 87 minutes. Discussion. In long-term anesthesia, such as laparotomies, the use of pre-anesthetic medication and then anesthetic induction by the combination of agents is recommended. However, anesthetic management requires monitoring to prevent insufficient or excessive doses from occurring.

2017 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-18
Donnie Lalfakzuala Kawlni ◽  
Chhungpuii Khawlhring

Broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica), a popular vegetable crop, has one of the most exacting climatic and cultural requirements, which limit its commercial production to a few favored locations. A field experiment was conducted at Mizoram University, Tanhril, Mizoram during winter of 2013/2014 to find out the effect of time of sowing on plant performance and yield of broccoli. Six sowing time was done viz. 17 October (T1), 24 October (T2), 31 October (T3), 7 November (T4), 14 November (T5) and 21 November (T6) with plant spacing of 45cm x 45cm. Yield and yield contributing characters were significantly influenced by the planting time. Highest average weight of marketable curd per plant (199.20 g) was obtained from T2, whereas lowest average weight obtained from T6 (75 g). The influence of planting time also showed significant difference on the calculated yield (tonnes per hectare) of broccoli, in which T2 showed highest marketable yield of 9.83 t/ha.

1958 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 405-409 ◽  
Robert G. Loy ◽  
W. H. McShan ◽  
H. L. Self ◽  
L. E. Casida

2020 ◽  
pp. 30-34
С.Ф. Гавриш ◽  
Т.А. Редичкина ◽  
А.В. Буц ◽  
Г.М. Артемьева

Дана информация об изучении коллекции гибридов F1томата (Solanum lycopersicum L.) зарубежной селекции различных фирм-оригинаторов, рекомендованных производителями семян как толерантные к вирусу желтой курчавости листьев томата. Все гибриды обладали комплексом хозяйственно ценных признаков и набором генов устойчивости к основным заболеваниям томата, в том числе к новому для юга России опасному патогену с максимальным потенциальным риском – вирусу желтой курчавости листьев томата (Tomato yellow leaf curl virus — TYLCV). Исследования проведены в 2017-2018 годах в лаборатории пасленовых культур ООО «НИИСОК» и в лаборатории молекулярной диагностики растений ООО «Семеновод». Всего было протестировано 34 гибрида F1 томата. Гибриды оценивали по совокупности хозяйственно ценных признаков, также проводили молекулярно-генетический анализ на наличие и аллельное состояние основных генов устойчивости: к вирусу табачной мозаики (Tm2а), фузариозному увяданию (I2), вертициллезному увяданию (Ve), к кладоспориозу (Cf9), нематодам (Mi1.2), вирусу бронзовости томата (Sw5), вирусу желтой курчавости листьев томата (Ty3a). Установлено, что все проанализированные гибриды томата с заявленной оригинаторами семян устойчивостью к вирусу желтой курчавости листьев были гетерозиготны по гену Ty3a. На основании проведенных исследований и с учетом требований рынка разработаны модели гибридов F1 томата юга России. Перспективный гибрид томата должен обладать индетерминантным типом роста с укороченными междоузлиями (4,5-5 см) а также хорошей облиственностью. Плоды томата должны быть с красной равномерной окраской без зеленого пятна у плодоножки, с плоскоокруглой или округлой формой плода и со средней массой 220-270 г. Для повышения транспортабельности томатов необходимо, чтобы плоды отличались высокой прочностью и характеризовались хорошей лежкостью. Урожайность гибрида томата должна быть более 30 кг/м2, а товарность - не менее 85%. Гибрид томата должен обладать следующим набором генов устойчивости в гетерозиготном состоянии: Ty3a, Mi1.2, Cf-9, а также в гомозиготном состоянии: Tm2a, I2, Ve. The article provides information on the study of the collection of F1 tomato hybrids (Solanum lycopersicumL.) of foreign breeding from various firms-originators recommended for cultivation in regions with a strong spread of tomato yellow leaf curl virus. All hybrids had a complex of economically valuable traits and a set of genes for resistance to the main diseases of tomato, including a new dangerous pathogen for the South of Russia with a maximum potential risk — the tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV). The studies were carried out in 2017-2018 in the Solanaceae Laboratory of LLC NIISOK and in the Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory of Plants of LLC Semenovod. A total of 34 F1 tomato hybrids were tested. The hybrids were assessed by a set of economically valuable traits. Molecular genetic analysis was also carried out for the presence and allelic state of the main resistance genes: Tomato mosaic virus (Tm2a), Fusarium wilt (I2), Werticillium wilt (Ve), Cladosporium fulvum (Cf9), Nematodes (Mi1.2), Tomato spotted wilt virus (Sw5), Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (Ty3a). It was found that all the analyzed tomato hybrids with the declared by seed originators resistance to yellow leaf curl virus were heterozygous for the Ty3a gene. Based on the conducted research and taking into account the market requirements, models of F1 tomato hybrids for protected ground for the South of Russia have been developed. A promising tomato hybrid should have an indeterminate growth type with shortened internodes (4.5-5 cm) and good foliage. Tomato fruits should have a uniform red color without green shoulders, with a flat-round or round shape of the fruit and with an average weight of 220-270 g. To increase the transportability of tomatoes, it is necessary that the fruits are highly firm and characterized by good shelf life. The yield of tomato hybrid should be more than 30 kg/m2, and marketability should be at least 85%. The tomato hybrid should have the following set of resistance genes in a heterozygous state: Ty3a, Mi1.2, Cf-9, and also in a homozygous state: Tm2a, I2, Ve.

S. К. Temirbekova ◽  
Yu. V. Afanaseva ◽  
I. M. Kulikov ◽  
G. V. Metlina ◽  
S. A. Vasilchenko

The results of long-term studies of the biological, morphological and phenological features of the introduced new culture of safflower in the Central, Volga and North Caucasus regions are presented. Optimum parameters of depth of seeding (5-6 cm), seeding rates (300-350 thousand pieces/hectare or 12-14 kg), ensuring high productivity, oil content and quality of seeds are established. For the first time, the relationship between moisture availability of vegetation periods with accumulation of oil content and a change in the fatty acid composition was established. Oilseed (in untreated seeds) in the regions was from 14,5 to 31,2%, in excessively wet 2013 – 6,4% in the Moscow region and 8,6% in the Saratov region. Fatty acid composition revealed a high content of oleic acid in Krasa Stupinskaya variety – 13,6-16,8%, linoleic acid – 68,5-75,7%. The yield of oil in the Moscow region was 240 kg/ha. The yield of Krasa Stupinskaya in the Moscow Region was 0,6 t/ha, the Rostov Region 0,8 t/ha and Saratov Region 1,2 t/ha, with an average weight of 1000 seeds, respectively, by regions: 40,0 g, 47,3 g and 40,9 g. The growing season for growing seeds was 105 days in the Moscow Region, 94 days in the Rostov Region and 95 days in the Saratov Region. It has been established that excessive moistening during the flowering and seed filling period increases the harmfulness of enzyme-mycosis seed depletion (EMIS) – biological injury during maturation (enzymatic stage), followed by the seeding of the seeds with the phytopathogen Alternaria carthami Chowdhury. In the breeding programs for productivity and oil content, it is recommended to use the varieties Moldir (Kazakhstan) and Krasa Stupinskaya (FGBNU VSTISP), the fatty acid composition of which is characterized by an increased content of oleic and linoleic acid, which is of particular value for storage and use for food purposes.

Providing the population with quality and safe food, in particular meat, is one of the main tasks facing agricultural producers. An important role is assigned to pig breeding, since pigs are characterized by high fertility and precocity [1, p. 25]. The aim of the work was to assess the productive qualities ofpure-bred and hybrid sows when crossing with purebred boars. The studies were conducted in the pig farm "Slavyanka". Productive qualities of sows were assessed by multiple pregnancy, large young, milk production, weight of the nest at birth and on the 30th day at weaning, as well as by the level ofpigs’ safety. These studies showed that hybrid sows outperformed purebred sows (13.70±0.40) in multiple pregnancy (14.6±0.04 piglets). The milk content of purebred sows was lower by 4.73 kg or 10.50 % than that of two-breed hybrids. The mass ofpiglets’ nest at birth in crossbred sows when crossing with Pietrain boar outperformed the mass ofpurebred sows’ nests by 3.4 kg, or 17,60%. The output of business piglets was almost the same and amounted to 13.01 heads have hybrid sows and 12.05 heads purebred. Safety of piglets was, respectively, 90% and 87%. Two-breed hybrids significantly outperformed purebred sows by nest weight at weaning by 14.3%, the average weight of one pig by 9.42%. Thus, studies have shown that crossbred sows crossed by terminal boar of Pietren breed, outperformed purebred ones on many para-metres.

The application of preparations of biological origin in the protection system of soybean grown under conditions of intensive irrigated crop rotations conforms to the modern tendencies of science and production development. The use of them contributes to solving ecological, production and social-economic problems. The study presents the three-year research on the efficiency of systems protecting soybean from pests and diseases based on biological and chemical preparations. The research was conducted in typical soil and climate conditions of the South of Ukraine. Zonal agricultural methods and generally accepted research methodology were used. The purpose of the research was to create a soybean protection system based on preparations of biological origin, ensuring high productivity of high-quality products reducing a negative impact of the crop production on the environment. The study emphasizes that, under irrigated conditions of the South of Ukraine, the application of biological preparations has a positive impact on the indexes of growth, development and formation of the elements of soybean yield structure. There was an increase in the crop biological weight by 13.8 % and 22.1 % and the number of seeds per plant rose by 11.6 and 14.6 % as a consequence of eliminating harmful organisms with the plant protection systems. The larger ground mass was formed by medium-ripe varieties Danai and Svyatogor, on which the increase from protection measures was higher. Weight 1000 pcs. the seeds did not undergo significant changes. It is established that the larger seeds were formed by Danaya and Svyatogor varieties, in which the average weight is 1000 pcs. seeds were 142 and 136 g, respectively, while in the variety Diona this figure was 133 g. There was an increase in the height of the lowest pod when the total plant height rose. For medium-ripe varieties was characterized by a higher attachment of beans, where the highest values of this indicator acquired in the variety Svyatogor. The medium maturing soybean variety Danaia formed the maximum yield of 3.23 and 3.35 t/ha respectively, when biological and chemical protection systems were applied. The research establishes that the application of the bio-fungicide Psevdobakterin 2 (2.0 l/ha) in the crop protection system at the beginning of soybean flowering and the bio-fungicide Baktofit (2.5 l/ha) with the bio-insecticide Lepidotsid-BTU (10.0 l/ha) at the beginning of pod formation does not reduce the productivity of the soybean varieties under study considerably, when compared to the application of chemical preparations. The research determines that the soybean protection system under study ensures a decrease in the coefficient of soybean water uptake by 7.2-13.0 %, increasing the total water intake to an inconsiderable degree. Biologization of the soybean crop protection system leads to a reduction in production costs compared to the chemical protection system. Taking into account the needs for the collection of additional products, costs increase by an average of 1 thousand UAH/ha, while for chemical protection systems by 1.8 thousand UAH/ha. At the same time, the cost is reduced by 220-360 UAH/t and the profitability of growing crops is increased by 3.8-7.8 %. There has been a reduction in the burden of pesticides on the environment and the production of cleaner products. This indicates the prospect of using the biofungicides Pseudobacterin 2 and Bactophyte and the bioinsecticide Lepidocid-BTU on soybeans to protect plants from pests.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Rico Rico ◽  
Novi Eka Wati ◽  
Adisti Rastosari

The objective of the researh was to study the effect of additions soybean meal in ration on the feed consumption, daily weight gain and feed convertion in Simmental cattle. The experiment used eight male Simmental cattle around 2 years old with an average weight of 198,65 ± 14,57 kilograms. The cattle kept for 35 days and given rations P0 (rations ranchers) and P1 (rations plus soybean meal). Data was obtained, then analyzed using independent sample t-test assisted with SPSS version 17.00 software. The result showed that the addition of soybean meal did not affect on dry matter consumption, daily weight gain, and feed convertion but, the crude protein consumption was increased. Keywords: dry matter consumption, daily weight gain, feed convertion

2012 ◽  
Vol 38 (11) ◽  
pp. 1751
Lin-Zi YIN ◽  
Yong-Gang LI ◽  
Chun-Hua YANG ◽  
Wei-Hua GUI

М.А. Чубинский ◽  
К.В. Чаузов

Несмотря на огромные запасы, древесина лиственницы до сего времени в незначительных объемах используется в строительной индустрии, других отраслях экономики, что связано как с технологическими сложностями ее переработки, так и недостаточной изученностью ее свойств. Одним из уникальных свойств древесины лиственницы сибирской (Larix sibirica) является ее повышенная естественная биостойкость, наряду с максимально высокой среди отечественных хвойных пород прочностью. Стойкость древесины лиственницы (Larix sibirica) к воздействию дереворазрушающих грибов Coniofora puteana значительно превышает стойкость сосны. В среднем потеря массы ядровой древесины лиственницы сибирской под воздействием дереворазрушающего гриба Coniophora puteana составляет 14,84%, снижаясь с увеличением возраста дерева, а контрольные образцы из ядровой древесины сосны в возрасте 90 лет имели потерю массы 57,8%. Возраст дерева является одним из наиболее значимых факторов, влияющих на степень биостойкости древесины. По мере его увеличения значительно повышается устойчивость деструктивному воздействию дереворазрушающих грибов Coniophora puteana. Положение образцов также влияет на степень биостойкости древесины, однако эта зависимость слабо выражена по сравнению с влиянием возраста и плотности древесины. Исследования кинетики разложения древесины лиственницы сибирской и роли экстрактивных веществ в развитии дереворазрушающих грибов позволяют утверждать наличие связи биостойкости и содержания в древесине экстрактивных веществ. Для изготовления клееного бруса из древесины лиственницы предложена клеевая композиция, включающая карбамидомеламиноформальдегидный клей и карбамидоформальдегидную смолу, модифицированную шунгитами. Ее применение позволяет получать клеевые соединения, не уступающие по прочности при скалывании массивной древесине, как по сухому образцу, так и после его вымачивания. Таким образом, клееный брус из древесины лиственницы сибирской характеризуется высокими показателями биостойкости, прочности и водостойкости. Despite vast reserves, larch wood so far in small volumes used in the construction industry and other sectors of the economy, which is connected as the technological difficulties of its treatment, as well as insufficient knowledge of its properties. One of the unique properties of the wood of Siberian larch (Larix sibirica) is its increased natural biological stability (decay resistant), along with the highest among the domestic softwood strength. Resistance Larch (Larix sibirica) to the effects of wood-destroying fungi Coniofora puteana is much higher than pine. The average weight loss of Siberian larch heartwood exposed wood-destroying fungi Coniophora puteana is 14.84%, decreasing with increasing age of the tree, and control samples of heartwood pine at age 90 had a weight loss of 57.8%. Age of a tree is one of the most significant factors affecting the degree of biological stability of wood. With the increase it significantly increases the stability of the destructive effects of wood-destroying fungi and Coniophora puteana. The position of the sample in tree also affects the degree of biological stability of wood, but this dependence is poorly developed in comparison with the influence of age and wood density. Studies of the kinetics of decomposition of Siberian larch wood and the role of extractives in the development of wood-destroying fungi suggest a link, and the decay resistant of the content in the wood extractives. For the manufacture of larch glued laminated beam proposed adhesive composition comprising urea and melamine-formaldehyde glue and urea-formaldehyde resins, modified shungites. Its use allows to obtain the bonds are not inferior in strength at shearing solid wood as dry sample, and after soaking. Thus, glued laminated beam from Siberian larch wood is characterized by high decay resistant, strength and water resistance.

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