The Geographical, Economical, Social and Cultural Background of the History of Chinese Urban Evolution

Chonglan Fu ◽  
Wenming Cao
Philippe Le Doze

Attending to the historical and cultural background behind the desire to promote Latin literature allows us to interpret the partnership between Maecenas and the so-called Augustan poets without recourse to traditional notions of poets as instruments. This chapter argues that the poets’ activities, at once cultural and civic, were influenced by a philosophy of history of which Polybius, Cicero, and (in the Augustan age) Livy and Dionysius of Halicarnassus were exponents. The poets were also encouraged by a new idea, largely initiated by Cicero and supported by Athenodorus in the entourage of Augustus, that one could benefit one’s homeland not only through politics but also through writing. Maximum effectiveness, however, required the authority to be heard at the highest level of the state. In this context, Maecenas’ patronage was a weighty asset. His proximity to the princeps and his auctoritas allowed the poets a real freedom of speech.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 177
Siti Maziyah

BATIK -- motif is one of the cultural results that can show the identity of the region and has a unique cultural background. This article highlights the issue of Tegal Batik motif. What kind of batik Tegal is ? What cultures are behind the Tegal batik motifs? I apply the research method with historical approach to find the history of Tegal. Who are the actors in carrying out cultural changes in Tegal, especially related to the emergence of batik motifs. Based on the history, it will be known why Tegal batik has such motives. The results showed that based on the history of Tegal, batik motifs get influence from some other cultural areas besides the Tegal community itself, namely from the Kingdom of Mataram and from the Pasisiran region. In addition, batik motifs Tegal also get a strong influence from “wong kaji”, namely the Muslim traders that taft with the Islam included in describing to the batik motifs. Again, there is one type of batik produced by rural communities of Tegal, called “folk-batik”.

Vittoria Dolcetti Corazza

This essay involves a review of Gothic literature through the presentation of the documents that have reached us today; the most important is the translation of the Bible completed by the Arian Visigoth bishop Ulfila in Moesia in the second half of the fourth century. To better understand the cultural background behind the composition of the Gothic documents, this essay also gives an overview of the cultural history of the Goths, in particular the process of their conversion to the Arian doctrine of Christianity, which came about in the multicultural, multiethnic environment in the Roman provinces of Dacia and Moesia. Particular attention is paid to the manuscript tradition that directs us to Ostrogothic Italy (in the fifth to sixth centuries), where the Bible enjoyed wide diffusion: it was copied several times, studied in Gothic and Latin exegetical schools, and used in the liturgy and catecheses.

Muzikologija ◽  
2004 ◽  
pp. 83-89 ◽  
Anastasia Siopsi

Nikos Skalkottas?s (1904-1949) first ballet score, The Maiden and Death, was written in 1938. It is one of his most important tonal works, its plot being derived from a well-known folk-poem with the same title. Antiochos Evangelatos?s (1903-1981) homonymous symphonic ballad, written three years later, uses verses from the same folk-poem. The present comparative study attempts to analyze aesthetic aspects of these two works which are viewed moreover, as aesthetic entities in music history of a wider cultural background.

2004 ◽  
Vol 24 ◽  
pp. 141-160
Blanca Alida Bojórquez Martinez ◽  
Blanca Alida Bojórquez Martinez ◽  
Karina Yelasco Gonzalez

Short description: The article describes recent developments among the Huichol community called Haimatsie (place among the clouds) in the Huichol montains. The article describes the Huichol and describes their socio-cultural background. It describes the history of a program of introducing basic education into their communities, based on the example of a school called Colonia Haimatsie that was built in 1994.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Ismet Sari

<p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Masyarakat Indonesia yang majemuk dan memiliki latar belakang kebudayaan yang beragam, jelas memerlukan  kerangka acuan untuk dijadikan pegangan dalam pergaulan nasional  masa kini. Oleh karena itu, nilai-nilai tradisional yang mengandung kearifan, persamaan, multikultural, dan bisa dijadikan pegangan bersama bagi seluruh masyarakat Indonesia di mana pun tempat tinggalnya, perlu digali dan diteliti kemudian ditawarkan sebagai alternatif yang baik untuk pengembangan dan pembangunan kehidupan sosial keagamaan yang baru dan serasi.Dalam sejarah bangsa-bangsa ketika menghadapi kerumitan sosial, ekonomi, politik, konflik agama, dan sebagainya, kerap menemukan solusi dengan memetik kearifan tradisi lokal. Nilai kearifan lokal akan memiliki makna apabila tetap menjadi rujukan dalam mengatasi setiap dinamika kehidupan sosial, lebih-lebih lagi dalam menyikapi berbagai perbedaan yang rentan menimbulkan konflik. Keberadaan kearifan budaya lokal justru akan diuji ditengah-tengah kehidupan sosial yang dinamis. Di situlah sebuah nilai akan dapat dirasakan.</p><p><strong>Kata Kunci</strong><strong> :</strong> Kearifan Lokal, Pembangunan, StrategiBudaya</p><p> </p><p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong><strong><em></em></strong></p><p><em>Indonesian society that is plural and has a diverse cultural background, clearly requires a framework of reference to be used as a guideline in today's national relations. Therefore, traditional values </em><em></em><em>that contain wisdom, equality, multiculturalism, and can be shared with all Indonesian people wherever they live, need to be explored and researched and then offered as a good alternative for the development and development of a new religious social life and harmonious.In the history of nations when faced with the complexity of social, economic, political, religious conflicts, etc., often find solutions by reaping the wisdom of local traditions. The value of local wisdom will have meaning if it continues to be a reference in overcoming every dynamic of social life, moreover in addressing various differences that are prone to conflict. The existence of local cultural wisdom will be tested in the midst of dynamic social life. That's where a value will be felt.</em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> Local Wisdom, Development, Strategy</em><em> of </em><em>Cultur</em><em>e</em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 45 (4) ◽  
pp. 238-247
T. Balykbayev ◽  
А. Kosherbayeva ◽  

The article raises key questions of the history of nomadic civilization and research of public figures, scientists, educators and writers who studied the historical and cultural background of the events of past centuries. The authors pay special attention to the outstanding personality and physician of the Jacket Sultankozhauly, his passionate role in the mission of «healing» the Kazakh nation, highlighting important moments of his biography. As shown by a review of documentary sources of the period of the Kazakh Khanate, the presence of the institution of family ties, respect for the memory of ancestors lies at the heart of the «seven tribes», an unwritten steppe law, which only the Kazakh people have and which since ancient times has formed its genetic integrity. And the Sultankozhauly Jacket is a high example of patriotism and love for its people and humanity, devoting its life to the search for ways of spiritual and physical health.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (26) ◽  
pp. 187-208

O presente ensaio, á  luz da influência de se pensar a ficcionalidade e cientificidade do discurso etnográfico, propõe-se a analisar como os pareceres e laudos antropológicos que instruá­ram os processos de tombamento de terreiros pelos Iphan, ao longo dos últimos 30 anos, reproduzem, como referência de ”verdade”, as etnografias produzidas sobre os candomblés baianos, na primeira metade do século XX. Defendemos a tese de que a ausência de um recorte mais preciso e de uma análise mais ficcional dessas obras tem produzido um modelo de terreiro de candomblé que não encontra projeção nos processos de tombamento de terreiros que ainda se encontram em aberto nessa instituição da salvaguarda do patrimônio cultural brasileiro. Como itinerário metodológico, inicialmente, realizaremos uma breve sá­ntese das etnografias que inspiraram a produção desses discursos patrimoniais ao longo do século vinte e, num segundo momento, analisaremos os documentos dos processos de tombamento já finalizados pelos Iphan.Palavras-chave:  Etnografia. Patrimônio. Terreiros.  HISTORY OF A LEGACY: the ethnographies of religions of African matrices in the patrimonial discourseAbstract: This essay proposes to, in light of the influence of thinking about the fictionality and scientificity of ethnographic discourse, analyze how the anthropological opinions and reports that instructed the processes of terreiros landmarking by IPHAN during the last 30 years, reproduce, as a reference of "truth", the ethnographies brought forth on the Bahian candomblés, throughout the first half of the 20th century. We defend the thesis that the absence of a more precise indenture and a more fictional analysis of these works have produced a model of candomblé terreiro that does not find projection in the processes of landmarking terreiros that are still existing in this institution in respect to safeguarding the patrimony cultural background. Initially, applying a methodological itinerary, a brief synthesis of the ethnographies that inspired the production of these patrimonial discourses throughout the twentieth century will be presented, and secondly, the documents of the processes of landmarking already finalized by IPHAN, will be analyzed.Keywords: Ethnography. Patrimony. Terreiros.  HISTORIA DE UN LEGADO:  las etnografá­as de religiones de matrices africanas en el discurso patrimonialResumen: El presente ensayo, a la luz de la influencia de pensar en la ficcionalidad y la cientificidad del discurso etnográfico, se propone analizar como los dictámenes y laudos antropológicos que instruyeron los procesos de oficialización de patrimonio a los terreiros por los Iphan, a lo largo de los últimos 30 años, reproducen, como referencia de ”verdad”, las etnografá­as producidas sobre los candomblés bahianos, en la primera mitad del siglo XX. Defendemos la tesis de que la ausencia de un recorte más preciso y de un análisis más ficcional de esas obras ha producido un modelo de terreiro de candomblé que no encuentra proyección en los procesos de oficialización de patrimonio a los terreros que aún se encuentran abiertos en esa institución de salvaguardia del patrimonio cultural brasileño. Como itinerario metodológico, primeramente, realizaremos una breve sá­ntesis de las etnografá­as que inspiraron la producción de esos discursos patrimoniales a lo largo del siglo veinte y, en un segundo momento, analizaremos los documentos de los procesos de oficialización ya finalizados por los Iphan.Palabras clave:  Etnografá­a. Equidad. Terreiros.  

Philosophy ◽  
1952 ◽  
Vol 27 (100) ◽  
pp. 66-69 ◽  
H. B. Acton

It is not easy for an Englishman to acquire a competent knowledge of French philosophy. For one thing there are so many French philosophers writing so many books, and for another the multiplicity of men is matched by the variety of views. In a country where a knowledge of philosophy is expected of any cultivated man, and where the flourishing of philosophy in school and university curricula is regarded as a condition of intellectual freedom, this variety is accepted as part of the cultural background. Professor Bréhier's Transformation de la Philosophie Française (Flammarion, Paris, 1950) must, even so, be of great value to French readers, because of the author's capacity-so admirably shown already in a History of Philosophy that is unquestionably the best now obtainable-to pick out what is essential in a welter of theories, arguments, and mere pronouncements. To English readers, whose knowledge of the background is necessarily limited, this book is particularly valuable, not only for the clarification it brings, but also for a bibliography that is closely related to the text. M. Bréhier observes that French philosophers of the generation that followed and criticized Durkheim, Bergson and Brunschwicg showed themselves acutely conscious of the discontinuities of things, and puritanically averse to the construction of philosophical systems. (We may compare the roughly contemporaneous reaction in this country against the systems of Bosanquet and Alexander, though the arguments were for the most part very different.) M. Bréhier, however, does not take this anti-systematic, pluralist tendency at its own valuation. French philosophy, he thinks, is in a phase that makes it comparable to medieval philosophy. It was characteristic of medieval philosophy that it comprised no individually constructed systems like those, for example, of Descartes, Leibniz, Hegel, and Schopenhauer, which have grown up and died away in Europe since the Renaissance. The main reason for this was that Christianity itself provided a common system which was never to be questioned, so that philosophers concerned themselves not with systems, for that would have led to heresy, but with particular problems. Part of M. Bréhier's parallel with modern times is that some Christians and all Marxists aim to produce the same condition.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (5) ◽  
pp. 66
Yu Huang ◽  
XinRu Wu ◽  
XiaoFen Ji

The article is mainly about the historical background and design details of female underwear in the Ming dynasty. Through the analyses of the evolution of styles, materials, colors, patterns, and crafts of female underwear in the Ming Dynasty, the research shows that the cultural connotation behind the design of underwear. During the history of nearly 300 years of the Ming Dynasty, the social environment and cultural background of various periods, including Neo-Confucianism and Yangming&#39;s Mindology, economic and social development in different periods, social ethos and customs, have all contributed to the aesthetic orientation and design of female underwear in the Ming Dynasty. The research of design and development of Ming&#39;s female underwear is the inheritance and development of the wisdom of traditional creations, and it is of great significance to the development and protection of Chinese underwear culture.

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