local traditions
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Foods ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 175
Callistus Bvenura ◽  
Hildegard Witbooi ◽  
Learnmore Kambizi

Although there are over 4000 potato cultivars in the world, only a few have been commercialized due to their marketability and shelf-life. Most noncommercialized cultivars are pigmented and found in remote regions of the world. White-fleshed potatoes are well known for their energy-enhancing complex carbohydrates; however, pigmented cultivars are potentially high in health-promoting polyphenolic compounds. Therefore, we reveal the comprehensive compositions of pigmented cultivars and associated potential health benefits, including their potential role in ameliorating hunger, food, and nutrition insecurity, and their prospects. The underutilization of such resources is a direct threat to plant-biodiversity and local traditions and cultures.

The work focused on assessing an overview of the agricultural economy in terms of the sustainability of agricultural systems adapted to climatic disturbances that allow ecological agricultural practices. Changing paradigms in agriculture with climate change involves adapting agricultural systems to the risks of using fertilizers in soil treatment, the interdependence of plant-soil water in agricultural practice, and the reduction of nitrate waste are also highlighted in the paper. Expectations regarding the reduction of greenhouse gases in the agricultural system have a long concern, what we propose in this study is that, at the same time, local traditions, the balance of the biosphere must be maintained with local nutrient needs based on climatic and soil characteristics. In the research, we analyzed some of the vulnerabilities, in the sense that, the agricultural practice and tradition must have a denominator in terms of fertilizers considering the risks of pollution or waste.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 152-169
Agung Purnama

This paper analyzes the religiosity of the Sundanese people in a historical approach, to be precise around the 19th century. The method used is the Historical Method which consists of heuristics, criticism, interpretation, and historiography stages. The results of the study show that the Sundanese people are known as religious people. Islam as a religion adopted by most of the Sundanese Tatar population has been acculturated with the local culture and with the noble values inherited by the Karuhun. In Sundanese society, Islamic teachings are often expressed with the taste of local traditions. Instead, local traditions are often given the breath of Islam, which further strengthens the religiosity of its adherents. In addition to carrying out the basic religious shari'ah, the religious expression of the Sundanese people is present in the form of religious holidays which are commemorated lively. Likewise, the stages of a person's life, such as birth, childhood, marriage, until death, have religious and cultural instruments attached to them.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 47-66
František Válek

During the Late Bronze Age, Syria was mostly dominated by the larger powers of the ancient Near East—Mitanni (the Hurrians), the Hittite Empire, and Egypt. The ancient city of Ugarit yielded numerous texts and artifacts that attest to the presence of foreigners and their influences on local religious traditions. Textually, the best-preserved influences are those of Hurrian origin, although these were probably promoted thanks to the Hittites, who incorporated many Hurrian deities and cults. Hurrian traditions thus influenced both Ugaritic cults and divine pantheons. Egyptian influences, in contrast, are observable mostly in art and material evidence. Art of Egyptian origin was considered prestigious and because of that was prominently seen in trade and international exchange gifts, but it also entered the religious sphere in the form of cultic statues and ex-voto gifts for deities. Egyptian art was also often imitated by local artists. The same can be said of art from the Mediterranean area. Some evidence suggests that foreigners actively related to local traditions as well. Ritual tablets from Ugarit (namely KTU3 1.40 and its variants) illustrate that there were always frictions in a multicultural/national society. These tablets also indicate that such frictions could have been dealt with through ritual action, and thus emphasize the role religion played. The city of Ugarit is used in this paper to illuminate some processes that can be observed in the whole of ancient Syria. Nevertheless, every site has its own outcome of interactions with other cultures.

Petr N. Matyushin ◽  
Mariya S. Nikolaeva ◽  
Elena V. Plotnikova

The article presents the survey materials which included 300 residents of Cheboksary, Novocheboksarsk and three suburban villages on the problems of perceiving migrant workers. Perception of labor migration has become the most relevant aspect in the everyday life of the Russian society in the last decade, defining the characteristic “historicisms” of interethnic perception. For respondents, important factors in positive perceiving newcomers are their knowledge of the Russian language, the duration of their stay in Russia. Judging by the answers, residents of Cheboksary agglomeration most often used the services of migrants in the field of trade and foodservice, other types of their activities did not affect a significant part of the long-term residents. According to respondents, it is not necessary to talk about a significant impact of migrants on the life of respondents in the economic and social sphere, from this point of view, neutral assessments and stereotypes prevail. It is noted that cases of joint educating children of local residents and newcomers are significantly accepted. Every 9 out of 10 respondents supported the proposal on the need for migrants to get acquainted with the local traditions and cultural characteristics of the old-timers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 85-101
Arunan C

Food production is a science; food preparation is a living art. We prepare food to share with our kith and kin for our earthly and spiritual sustenance. All the great religions teach that food is a Divine blessing and should be treated with respect and immense gratitude.  In Tamilnadu food is a spiritual science with precise prescriptions of how to cultivate, prepare and consume food for physical, emotional and spiritual well being. Our local traditions have several things in common with global traditions. In that light this article presents our food culture through ages with its uniqueness of thanks giving to nature and people.

2021 ◽  
Paola Scrolavezza

As Nancy K. Stalker (2018) points out, in recent years food in Japan has established itself as a fundamental feature of national and local identity and became one of Japan's most influential cultural brands. An intriguing example is the B-kyū gurume boom, the celebration of creative versions of typical comfort food, intertwined with the obsession for local traditions. Such processes are reflected in representations of food in media and arts: contemporary culture plays a fundamental role in shaping but also in connoting food culture with new meanings. The aim of this paper is to analyze the construction and narration of contemporary Japanese food culture in one of the most recent and successful franchises, Shin’ya Shokudō, the popular manga by Abe Yarō, which inspired the Netflix series that enjoyed unexpected international success in 2017.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 58-66
Vitaliy Andryeyev ◽  
Svitlana Andryeyeva ◽  
Oleksandr Kariaka

This article considers the formation of hiking in the Russian Empire and Europe in the late 19th century. Its socio-cultural context is also defined. Particular attention is paid to the person of Mykhailo Bernov as one of the founders of hiking in the Russian Empire and Europe and his multifaceted activities in the development of communication between peoples, social actualization of knowledge about the world. Biography, information about popularization activity and publishing activity of Mykhailo Bernov are also given.In the first part of this study, the route of Mykhailo Bernov’s journey from France to Spain, and then through Spain, Algeria and the Sahara in 1892–1893, was reconstructed on the basis of his “travel notes” “Spain, Algeria and the Sahara” (St. Petersburg, 1899) and periodical data.Mykhailo Bernov left detailed descriptions of nature, countryside and major cities of Spain, monuments of history, culture and art, accompanied by historical excursions, interpretation of their own names. Special attention is paid to the peculiarities of Spanish opera and theatrical life.It is concluded that sincere interest and respect for local traditions, thorough general training allowed Mykhailo Bernov to create in his notes a broad and colourful canvas of life of the country and people of Spain in the late 19th century, to capture the features of national culture and character. Bernov’s “travel notes” are based on direct communication with the Spanish common people, representatives of the elite and the administration, acquaintance with folk culture, examples of high art and literature. In his notes he makes comparisons of Spanish people with other nations. Bernov tried to understand Spain and its people, sought common socio-cultural features and values, and explained the features of “otherness” by nature, religion, state foundations, the course of history, and so on.Mykhailo Bernov’s notes on his travels in Spain as a source, in our opinion, contain a lot of useful and interesting information for researchers on the history of hiking, monuments, archaeology, ethnography, etc.

Dubovich I. ◽  
Fomicheva T. ◽  
Vasylyshyn K.

In order to study current problems and prospects of the ecological tourism development on the territory of the Ukrainian Car-pathians Forest fund, a sociological survey was conducted among Ukrainian citizens. The share of tourists who rested on this territory and are interested in traveling to nature protection sites in order to feel the aesthetics and cleanliness of these objects, get acquainted with local traditions and stay in the unchanging natural conditions of the Ukrainian Carpathians is studied. Atten-tion is drawn to the current problems and relevance of the study of ecological tourism on the territory of the Ukrainian Carpathians Forest fund, since the forest plays a significant role in the development of this type of tourism. A comparative characterization is made between mass and ecological tourism, since mass tourism is considered as a more traditional form of tourism development, where short­term free market principles dominate, income maximization is paramount, and ecological tourism corresponds to the concept of sustainable development. The main factors that hinder the development of ecological tourism on the territory of the Ukrainian Carpathians Forest fund are considered. The key factors are the lack of information, ignorance of potential visitors about the possibility of functioning of ecological tourism on the territory of the Ukrainian Carpathians Forest fund, illegal logging, fires, lack of proper infrastructure and the lack of a step­by­step education system in the sphere of tourist and recreational complex, the lack of specialized structures capable of organizing and coordinating the development of ecological tourism at the regional level. It is revealed that effective economic and legal regulation will contribute to the successful development of ecolog-ical tourism. The assessment of the level of ecological tourism development on the territory of the Ukrainian Carpathians Forest fund was carried out by identifying its strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats, as a result of which the main idea of ecological tourism was established: environmental protection, new sources of financing for the nature reserve fund, improving the ecological well­being of the population and developing society in accordance with the concept of sustainable development.Keywords: ecological tourism, mass tourism, ecotourist, territories of forest fund, ecological well­being, the Ukrainian Carpathians. Із метою вивчення перспектив розвитку екологічного туризму на території лісового фонду Українських Карпат проведено соціологічне опитування серед громадян України. Досліджено частку туристів, які відпочивали на цій території. Звернено увагу на сучасні проблеми та актуальність дослідження екологічного туризму на території лісового фонду Українських Карпат. Здійснено порівняльну характеристику між масовим та екологічним туризмом. Розглянуто основні чинни-ки, які перешкоджають розвитку екологічного туризму на території лісового фонду Українських Карпат. Обґрунтовано, що успішному розвитку екологічного туризму сприятиме ефективне економіко­правове регулювання. Проведено оцінку рівня розвитку екологічного туризму на території лісового фонду Українських Карпат за допомогою ідентифікації його сильних та слабких сторін, можливостей і загроз.Ключові слова: екологічний туризм, масовий туризм, екотурист, території лісового фонду, екологічний добробут, Українські Карпати.

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