Design and Analysis of RF Optimization in 2G GSM and 4G LTE Network

Deepak Kumar Barik ◽  
Sabita Mali ◽  
Farida A. Ali ◽  
Arun Agarwal
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 1088-1105
Varun Kurri ◽  
Vishweshvaran Raja ◽  
P. Prakasam

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 43-48
Rizal Aji Istantowi

4G LTE networks in big cities are already well available. Meanwhile, on small to medium-sized cities, the 4G LTE network is not evenly distributed and maximized. This study chooses the variable tilting antenna to the coverage area, because in sending information from a base station using an antenna. The average RSRP value (dBm) of the existing base station in the calculation with a distance of 200 m is -122.90 dBm, a distance of 500 m is -136.79 dBm, and a distance of 1000 m -147.30 dBm. Meanwhile, in the simulation with a distance of 200 m of -108.22 dBm, a distance of 500 m of -121.81 dBm, and a distance of 1000 m of -132.69 dBm. The coverage area value of the existing base station in the calculation is 5.29%, while in the simulation it is 11.18%. The average RSRP value (dBm) at optimal conditions for calculations at a distance of 200 m is -80.13 dBm, at a distance of 500 m is -94.03 dBm and at a distance of 1000 m is -104.56 dBm. Meanwhile, the simulation at a distance of 200 m is -98.09 dBm, at a distance of 500 m is -112.79 dBm and at a distance of 1000 m is -123.31 dBm. The value of the coverage area for the calculation is 20.32%, while for the simulation it is 15.01%. The current need for base stations in Trenggalek District that has been met is 68%.


ABSTRAK Kualitas jaringan 4G (LTE) yang masih tidak stabil sehingga menyebabkan bad coverage. Untuk meningkatkan kualitas jarigan 4G (LTE) dapat dilakukan dengan optimasi physical tuning antena sektoral. Physical tuning antena sektoral meliputi perubahan tinggi antena, azimuth dan tilting antena. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan optimasi physical tuning antena sektoral menggunakan metode Automatic Cell Planning (ACP) untuk memenuhi kebutuhan coverage di daerah Purwokerto Barat dan Purwokerto Utara. Perolehan persentase coverage site existing belum memenuhi standar KPI Operator untuk RSRP sebesar 78,491% ≥ (100) dBm dan CINR sebesar 65,698% ≥ (0) dB. Hasil optimasi physical tuninng antena sektoral menggunakan metode ACP sudah memenuhi standar KPI Operator untuk RSRP sebesar 90,037% ≥ (100) dBm dan CINR sebesar 94,868% ≥ (0) dB. Kata kunci: LTE, optimasi, physical tuning, Automatic Cell Planning, Atoll ABSTRACT The quality of the 4G (LTE) network is still unstable, causing bad coverage. To improve the quality of 4G network (LTE) can be done by sectoral antenna tuning optimization. Physical tuning of sectoral antennas includes changes in antenna height, azimuth and tilting antenna. In this study a sectoral antenna tuning physical optimization was carried out using the Automatic Cell Planning (ACP) method to meet coverage needs in West Purwokerto and North Purwokerto areas. The percentage of existing coverage sites has not met the KPI Operator standard for RSRP of 78.491% 100 (100) dBm and CINR of 65.669% ≥ (0) dB. The results of sectoral antenna tuning optimization using the ACP method have met the KPI Operator standard for RSRP of 90.037% ≥ (100) dBm and CINR of 94.868% ≥ (0) dB. Keywords: LTE, optimization, physical tuning, Automatic Cell Planning, Atoll

Skoudarli Abdellah ◽  
Meldjem Sara ◽  
Merabtine Nour El-Houda ◽  
Takh Samir

2020 ◽  
pp. 1265-1271
Nour Moustafa ◽  
Jiankun Hu

Nour Moustafa ◽  
Jiankun Hu

Anup Kumar Paul ◽  
Hidehiko Kawakami ◽  
Atsuo Tachibana ◽  
Teruyuki Hasegawa

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