physical optimization
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2021 ◽  
pp. 123-131
John Huria Nderitu

Modular Self-Reconfigurable Robotic (MSRR) schemes are a vital remedy for the developing demand in consumer products, automations and space exploration. The wider factor of usage and self-healing capacity are some of the influencing characteristics of robot for actual-wide application whereas segmental robotics provide an effective remedy with respect to traditional robotics. Researchers have now noted different forms of application and prototyped different systems of robotics whereas concentrating on constraints such as homogeneity, configurability, energy consumption and form factor. Diversified condition of various segmental robotic remedies projected for actual-world application and usage of various actuators and sensors interfacing methods alongside physical optimization of models present potential problems whereas visualizing and identifying the advantages and disadvantages of various approaches to remedies. This research reviews the various self-reconfigurable robotic schemes with a brief overview of history and architecture of the robotic schemes. Later in this contribution, the problems in the design of hardware, control and planning algorithms, mixed hardware and software problems and in its application problems that are underway are critically evaluated with respect to modular self-reconfigurable robotics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 179 ◽  
pp. 107826
Ashkan Ghanbarzadeh-Dagheyan ◽  
Juan Heredia-Juesas ◽  
Chang Liu ◽  
Ali Molaei ◽  
Jose Angel Martinez-Lorenzo ◽  

2021 ◽  
pp. 489-500
Yash Agarwal ◽  
D. R. Shilpa

2020 ◽  
pp. 159-164
Yury Svistunov ◽  
Nikolai Edamenko ◽  
Vassily Gudkov ◽  
Irina Skudnova

The paper discusses dynamics of charged particles and neutrons in boron neutron capture therapy system (BNCT) as well as geometrical and physical optimization of BNCT system elements. Our choice is BNCT system with linear accelerator. BNCT track includes ion injector, RFQ, DTL, neutron-producing target and neutron moderator which provides an exit (last collimator) flux of epithermal neutrons satisfied to International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) requirements. The following software tools IBSimu, LIDOS, COMSOL Multiphysics and PHITS were used for modelling BNCT system.


ABSTRAK Kualitas jaringan 4G (LTE) yang masih tidak stabil sehingga menyebabkan bad coverage. Untuk meningkatkan kualitas jarigan 4G (LTE) dapat dilakukan dengan optimasi physical tuning antena sektoral. Physical tuning antena sektoral meliputi perubahan tinggi antena, azimuth dan tilting antena. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan optimasi physical tuning antena sektoral menggunakan metode Automatic Cell Planning (ACP) untuk memenuhi kebutuhan coverage di daerah Purwokerto Barat dan Purwokerto Utara. Perolehan persentase coverage site existing belum memenuhi standar KPI Operator untuk RSRP sebesar 78,491% ≥ (100) dBm dan CINR sebesar 65,698% ≥ (0) dB. Hasil optimasi physical tuninng antena sektoral menggunakan metode ACP sudah memenuhi standar KPI Operator untuk RSRP sebesar 90,037% ≥ (100) dBm dan CINR sebesar 94,868% ≥ (0) dB. Kata kunci: LTE, optimasi, physical tuning, Automatic Cell Planning, Atoll ABSTRACT The quality of the 4G (LTE) network is still unstable, causing bad coverage. To improve the quality of 4G network (LTE) can be done by sectoral antenna tuning optimization. Physical tuning of sectoral antennas includes changes in antenna height, azimuth and tilting antenna. In this study a sectoral antenna tuning physical optimization was carried out using the Automatic Cell Planning (ACP) method to meet coverage needs in West Purwokerto and North Purwokerto areas. The percentage of existing coverage sites has not met the KPI Operator standard for RSRP of 78.491% 100 (100) dBm and CINR of 65.669% ≥ (0) dB. The results of sectoral antenna tuning optimization using the ACP method have met the KPI Operator standard for RSRP of 90.037% ≥ (100) dBm and CINR of 94.868% ≥ (0) dB. Keywords: LTE, optimization, physical tuning, Automatic Cell Planning, Atoll

P. Nagalashmi

<p class="Default">Normally, the character of the wind energy as a renewable energy sources has uncertainty in generation. To resolve the Optimal Power Flow (OPF) drawback, this paper proposed a replacement Hybrid Multi Objective Artificial Physical Optimization (HMOAPO) algorithmic rule, which does not require any management parameters compared to different meta-heuristic algorithms within the literature. Artificial Physical Optimization (APO), a moderately new population-based intelligence algorithm, shows fine performance on improvement issues. Moreover, this paper presents hybrid variety of Animal Migration Optimization (AMO) algorithmic rule to express the convergence characteristic of APO. The OPF drawback is taken into account with six totally different check cases, the effectiveness of the proposed HMOAPO technique is tested on IEEE 30-bus, IEEE 118-bus and IEEE 300-bus check system. The obtained results from the HMOAPO algorithm is compared with the other improvement techniques within the literature. The obtained comparison results indicate that proposed technique is effective to succeed in best resolution for the OPF drawback.</p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 642-648
Shibaji Banerjee ◽  
Jimson Mathew

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