Integrating intelligent job-scheduling into a real-world production-scheduling system

1996 ◽  
Vol 7 (5) ◽  
pp. 373-377 ◽  
Karl Kurbel ◽  
Andreas Ruppel
2013 ◽  
Vol 40 (15) ◽  
pp. 5839-5853 ◽  
Peter Korošec ◽  
Uroš Bole ◽  
Gregor Papa

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-89
Rizal Rachman

Abstrak Penjadwalan merupakan suatu kegiatan pengalokasian sumber daya yang terbatas untuk mengerjakan sejumlah pekerjaan. Proses penjadwalan timbul jika terdapat keterbatasan sumber daya yang dimiliki, karena pada saat ini perusahaan menerapkan sistem penjadwalan manual dimana dengan penjadwalan tersebut masih terdapat beberapa produk yang terlewati sehingga menyebabkan keterlambatan dalam proses produksi, aturan ini sering tidak menguntungkan bagi order yang membutuhkan waktu proses pendek karena apabila order itu berada dibelakang antrian maka harus menunggu lama sebelum diproses dan menyebabkan waktu penyelesaian seluruh order menjadi panjang, sehingga diperlukan adanya pengaturan sumber-sumber daya yang ada secara efisien. Adapun dasar perhitungan Penjadwalan dengan menggunakan algoritma Heuristic Pour. Tahapan-tahapan penelitian terdiri dari pengumpulan data, perhitungan waktu standar, perhitungan total waktu proses berdasarkan job, penjadwalan dengan metode awal perusahaan, penjadwalan dengan metode Heuristik Pour. Berdasarkan hasil penjadwalan menggunakan Heuristik Pour diperoleh penghematan dibanding dengan metode perusahaan saat ini, sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif metode dalam melakukan penjadwalan pengerjaan proses produksi di perusahaan Garment tersebut. Kata kunci: Penjadwalan Produksi, Algoritma, Heuristic Pour. Abstract Scheduling is a limited resource allocation activity to do a number of jobs. The scheduling process arises if there are limited resources available, because at this time the company implement a manual scheduling system where the scheduling is still there are some products passed so as to cause delays in the production process, this rule is often not profitable for orders that require short processing time because if the order is behind the queue then it must wait a long time before it is processed and cause the completion time of all orders to be long, so it is necessary to regulate the existing resources efficiently. The basic calculation of Scheduling using Heuristic Pour algorithm. The research stages consist of data collection, standard time calculation, total time calculation based on job, scheduling with company start method, scheduling with Pour Heuristic method. Based on the results of scheduling using Pour Heuristik obtained savings compared with the current company method, so it can be used as an alternative method in scheduling the process of production process in Garment company. Keywords: Production Scheduling, Algorithms, Heuristic Pour.

2012 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 222-228 ◽  
Tony Wauters ◽  
Katja Verbeeck ◽  
Paul Verstraete ◽  
Greet Vanden Berghe ◽  
Patrick De Causmaecker

1995 ◽  
YaoXue Zhang ◽  
GuangJie Li ◽  
Shuo Di ◽  
Hua Cheng ◽  
KangFu Cheng

2014 ◽  
Vol 889-890 ◽  
pp. 1207-1212
Guo En Sun ◽  
Zai Lin Guan ◽  
Lei Yue ◽  
Zhi Ming Zheng ◽  
Han Lin

Traditional planning methods ignore the enterprise production capacity,the paper depend on the specific case in enterprise production to build a Production Scheduling System which applies Drum-Buffer-Rope theory. This system proposes the high output, low work in process and on time delivery as the goals, considering the bottleneck resource as well as providing the master production plan with the bottleneck resource, in addition employing the simulation optimization software-Simio to optimize the bottleneck process scheduling and raise the utilization ratio of bottleneck resource.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 46-51
Dwi Ayu Lestari, Vikha Indira Asri

Scheduling is defined as the process of sequencing the manufacture of a product as a whole on several machines. All industries need proper scheduling to manage the allocation of resources so that the production system can run quickly and precisely as of it can produce optimal product. PT. Sari Warna Asli Unit V is one of the companies that implements a make to order production system with the FCFS system. Thus, scheduling the production process at this company is also known as job shop production scheduling. The methods used in this research are the CDS method, the EDD method and the FCFS method. The purpose of this research is to minimize the production time and determine the best method that can be applied to the company. The results of this research showed that the makespan obtained in the company's scheduling system with FCFS rules was 458 minutes, and the results of scheduling using the CDS method obtained a makespan value of 329 minutes, then the best production scheduling method that had the smallest makespan value was the CDS method.

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