Early versus late visual cortex lesions: Effects on receptive fields in cat superior colliculus

1976 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
N. Berman ◽  
M. Cynader
Caroline A. Miller ◽  
Laura L. Bruce

The first visual cortical axons arrive in the cat superior colliculus by the time of birth. Adultlike receptive fields develop slowly over several weeks following birth. The developing cortical axons go through a sequence of changes before acquiring their adultlike morphology and function. To determine how these axons interact with neurons in the colliculus, cortico-collicular axons were labeled with biocytin (an anterograde neuronal tracer) and studied with electron microscopy.Deeply anesthetized animals received 200-500 nl injections of biocytin (Sigma; 5% in phosphate buffer) in the lateral suprasylvian visual cortical area. After a 24 hr survival time, the animals were deeply anesthetized and perfused with 0.9% phosphate buffered saline followed by fixation with a solution of 1.25% glutaraldehyde and 1.0% paraformaldehyde in 0.1M phosphate buffer. The brain was sectioned transversely on a vibratome at 50 μm. The tissue was processed immediately to visualize the biocytin.

1997 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-37 ◽  
Chang-Jin Jeon ◽  
Michael K. Hartman ◽  
R. Ranney Mize

AbstractBiochemical studies provide evidence that the pathway from visual cortex to the superior colliculus (SC) utilizes glutamate as a neurotransmitter. In the present study, we have used immunocytochemistry, visual cortex lesions, and retrograde tracing to show directly by anatomical methods that glutamate or a closely related analog is contained in corticocollicular neurons and terminals. A monoclonal antibody directed against gamma-L-glutamyl-L-glutamate (gamma glu glu) was used to localize glutamate-like immunoreactivity in both the superior colliculus (SC) and visual cortex (VC). Unilateral lesions of areas 17–18 were made in four cats to determine if gamma glu glu labeling was reduced in SC by this lesion. WGA-HRP was injected into the SC of 10 additional cats in order to determine if corticocollicular neurons were also labeled by the gamma glu glu antibody. A distinctive dense band of gamma glu glu immunoreactivity was found within the deep superficial gray and upper optic layers of SC where many corticotectal axons are known to terminate. Both fibers and cells were labeled within the band. Immunoreactivity was also found in cells and fibers throughout the deep layers of SC. Measures of total immunoreactivity (i.e. optical density) in the dense band were made in sections from the SC both ipsilateral to and contralateral to the lesions of areas 17–18. A consistent reduction in optical density was found in both the neuropil and in cells within the dense band of the SC ipsilateral to the lesion. A large percentage of all corticocollicular neurons that were retrogradely labeled by WGA-HRP also contained gamma glu glu. These results provide further evidence that the corticocollicular pathway in mammals is glutamatergic. The results also suggest that visual cortex ablation alters synthesis or storage of glutamate within postsynaptic SC neurons, presumably as a result of partial deafferentation.

1997 ◽  
Vol 78 (6) ◽  
pp. 2834-2847 ◽  
Daniel C. Kadunce ◽  
J. William Vaughan ◽  
Mark T. Wallace ◽  
Gyorgy Benedek ◽  
Barry E. Stein

Kadunce, Daniel C., J. William Vaughan, Mark T. Wallace, Gyorgy Benedek, and Barry E. Stein. Mechanisms of within- and cross-modality suppression in the superior colliculus. J. Neurophysiol. 78: 2834–2847, 1997. The present studies were initiated to explore the basis for the response suppression that occurs in cat superior colliculus (SC) neurons when two spatially disparate stimuli are presented simultaneously or in close temporal proximity to one another. Of specific interest was examining the possibility that suppressive regions border the receptive fields (RFs) of unimodal and multisensory SC neurons and, when activated, degrade the neuron's responses to excitatory stimuli. Both within- and cross-modality effects were examined. An example of the former is when a response to a visual stimulus within its RF is suppressed by a second visual stimulus outside the RF. An example of the latter is when the response to a visual stimulus within the visual RF is suppressed when a stimulus from a different modality (e.g., auditory) is presented outside its (i.e., auditory) RF. Suppressive regions were found bordering visual, auditory, and somatosensory RFs. Despite significant modality-specific differences in the incidence and effectiveness of these regions, they were generally quite potent regardless of the modality. In the vast majority (85%) of cases, responses to the excitatory stimulus were degraded by ≥50% by simultaneously stimulating the suppressive region. Contrary to expectations and previous speculations, the effects of activating these suppressive regions often were quite specific. Thus powerful within-modality suppression could be demonstrated in many multisensory neurons in which cross-modality suppression could not be generated. However, the converse was not true. If an extra-RF stimulus inhibited center responses to stimuli of a different modality, it also would suppress center responses to stimuli of its own modality. Thus when cross-modality suppression was demonstrated, it was always accompanied by within-modality suppression. These observations suggest that separate mechanisms underlie within- and cross-modality suppression in the SC. Because some modality-specific tectopetal structures contain neurons with suppressive regions bordering their RFs, the within-modality suppression observed in the SC simply may reflect interactions taking place at the level of one input channel. However, the presence of modality-specific suppression at the level of one input channel would have no effect on the excitation initiated via another input channel. Given the modality-specificity of tectopetal inputs, it appears that cross-modality interactions require the convergence of two or more modality-specific inputs onto the same SC neuron and that the expression of these interactions depends on the internal circuitry of the SC. This allows a cross-modality suppressive signal to be nonspecific and to degrade any and all of the neuron's excitatory inputs.

1983 ◽  
Vol 49 (5) ◽  
pp. 1075-1091 ◽  
B. Freeman ◽  
W. Singer

1. The spatiotemporal pattern of visual inputs to the stratum griseum superficiale (SGS) and stratum opticum (SO) of the cat superior colliculus (SC) has been determined by an analysis of the current sinks occurring during postsynaptic activity following stimulation of each optic nerve (ON) and the optic chiasm (OX). Electrolytic lesions were used to determine the locations of the five major current sinks. 2. Direct SC afferents from the contralateral ON induced three current sinks whose maxima were located a) in the upper part of the SGS, b) in the middle part of the SGS, and c) in the lower part of the SGS and upper part of the SO. These three sinks were generated by three afferent fiber groups conducting in the optic nerve with modal and maximum velocities, respectively, of a) 4 and 5 m/s (slow W-group), b) 7 and 10 m/s (fast W-group), and c) 32 and 43 m/s (Y-group). 3. Indirect SC inputs from the contralateral ON via the ipsilateral visual cortex were identified by comparing the pattern of current sinks generated by OX stimulation before and after cortical ablation. The most prominent and fastest indirect sink (Y-group) was found in ;the lower half of the SGS and uppermost part of the SO. Low-amplitude, long-latency indirect current sinks were also found in the upper and lower thirds of the SGS. 4. The principal conclusions of this report are first, that the SGS is divisible into three physiologic regions according to the spatiotemporal pattern of excitatory synaptic activity generated by the afferent inputs and second, that there is a spatiotemporal matching of the direct collicular afferents from the contralateral retina and the indirect retinal afferents relaying through the ipsilateral visual cortex.

2006 ◽  
Vol 95 (3) ◽  
pp. 1380-1396 ◽  
Wan Jiang ◽  
Huai Jiang ◽  
Barry E. Stein

The ability of cat superior colliculus (SC) neurons to synthesize information from different senses depends on influences from two areas of the cortex: the anterior ectosylvian sulcus (AES) and the rostral lateral suprasylvian sulcus (rLS). Reversibly deactivating the inputs to the SC from either of these areas in normal adults severely compromises this ability and the SC-mediated behaviors that depend on it. In this study, we found that removal of these areas in neonatal animals precluded the normal development of multisensory SC processes. At maturity there was a substantial decrease in the incidence of multisensory neurons, and those multisensory neurons that did develop were highly abnormal. Their cross-modal receptive field register was severely compromised, as was their ability to integrate cross-modal stimuli. Apparently, despite the impressive plasticity of the neonatal brain, it cannot compensate for the early loss of these cortices. Surprisingly, however, neonatal removal of either AES or rLS had comparatively minor consequences on these properties. At maturity multisensory SC neurons were quite common: they developed the characteristic spatial register among their unisensory receptive fields and exhibited normal adult-like multisensory integration. These observations suggest that during early ontogeny, when the multisensory properties of SC neurons are being crafted, AES and rLS may have the ability to compensate for the loss of one another's cortico-collicular influences so that normal multisensory processes can develop in the SC.

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