Canonical representation of the Bernoulli process

P. Feinsilver
1997 ◽  
Vol 34 (4) ◽  
pp. 898-907 ◽  
Aihua Xia

This note gives the rate for a Wasserstein distance between the distribution of a Bernoulli process on discrete time and that of a Poisson process, using Stein's method and Palm theory. The result here highlights the possibility that the logarithmic factor involved in the upper bounds established by Barbour and Brown (1992) and Barbour et al. (1995) may be superfluous in the true Wasserstein distance between the distributions of a point process and a Poisson process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
Domenico P. L. Castrigiano

AbstractSome basics of a theory of unbounded Wiener–Hopf operators (WH) are developed. The alternative is shown that the domain of a WH is either zero or dense. The symbols for non-trivial WH are determined explicitly by an integrability property. WH are characterized by shift invariance. We study in detail WH with rational symbols showing that they are densely defined, closed and have finite dimensional kernels and deficiency spaces. The latter spaces as well as the domains, ranges, spectral and Fredholm points are explicitly determined. Another topic concerns semibounded WH. There is a canonical representation of a semibounded WH using a product of a closable operator and its adjoint. The Friedrichs extension is obtained replacing the operator by its closure. The polar decomposition gives rise to a Hilbert space isomorphism relating a semibounded WH to a singular integral operator of Hilbert transformation type. This remarkable relationship, which allows to transfer results and methods reciprocally, is new also in the thoroughly studied case of bounded WH.

1991 ◽  
Vol 15 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 357-379
Tien Huynh ◽  
Leo Joskowicz ◽  
Catherine Lassez ◽  
Jean-Louis Lassez

We address the problem of building intelligent systems to reason about linear arithmetic constraints. We develop, along the lines of Logic Programming, a unifying framework based on the concept of Parametric Queries and a quasi-dual generalization of the classical Linear Programming optimization problem. Variable (quantifier) elimination is the key underlying operation which provides an oracle to answer all queries and plays a role similar to Resolution in Logic Programming. We discuss three methods for variable elimination, compare their feasibility, and establish their applicability. We then address practical issues of solvability and canonical representation, as well as dynamical updates and feedback. In particular, we show how the quasi-dual formulation can be used to achieve the discriminating characteristics of the classical Fourier algorithm regarding solvability, detection of implicit equalities and, in case of unsolvability, the detection of minimal unsolvable subsets. We illustrate the relevance of our approach with examples from the domain of spatial reasoning and demonstrate its viability with empirical results from two practical applications: computation of canonical forms and convex hull construction.

2010 ◽  
Vol 21 (03) ◽  
pp. 257-276 ◽  

The fundamental properties of the class QUASI of quasi-relabeling relations are investigated. A quasi-relabeling relation is a tree relation that is defined by a tree bimorphism (φ, L, ψ), where φ and ψ are quasi-relabeling tree homomorphisms and L is a regular tree language. Such relations admit a canonical representation, which immediately also yields that QUASI is closed under finite union. However, QUASI is not closed under intersection and complement. In addition, many standard relations on trees (e.g., branches, subtrees, v-product, v-quotient, and f-top-catenation) are not quasi-relabeling relations. If quasi-relabeling relations are considered as string relations (by taking the yields of the trees), then every Cartesian product of two context-free string languages is a quasi-relabeling relation. Finally, the connections between quasi-relabeling relations, alphabetic relations, and classes of tree relations defined by several types of top-down tree transducers are presented. These connections yield that quasi-relabeling relations preserve the regular and algebraic tree languages.

1993 ◽  
Vol 39 (10) ◽  
pp. 1227-1237 ◽  
Anil Gaba

Johannes Köbler ◽  
Sebastian Kuhnert ◽  
Bastian Laubner ◽  
Oleg Verbitsky

1995 ◽  
Vol 2 (29) ◽  
Nils Klarlund

Binary Decision Diagrams are in widespread use in verification systems<br />for the canonical representation of Boolean functions. A BDD representing<br />a function phi : B^nu -> N can easily be reduced to its canonical form in<br />linear time.<br />In this paper, we consider a natural online BDD refinement problem<br />and show that it can be solved in O(n log n) if n bounds the size of the<br />BDD and the total size of update operations.<br />We argue that BDDs in an algebraic framework should be understood<br />as minimal fixed points superimposed on maximal fixed points. We propose<br />a technique of controlled growth of equivalence classes to make the<br />minimal fixed point calculations be carried out efficiently. Our algorithm<br />is based on a new understanding of the interplay between the splitting<br />and growing of classes of nodes.<br />We apply our algorithm to show that automata with exponentially<br />large, but implicitly represented alphabets, can be minimized in time<br />O(n log n), where n is the total number of BDD nodes representing the<br />automaton.

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