Asymptotic completeness. A sketch of proof

Dmitri R. Yafaev
2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (11) ◽  
pp. 3633-3650
Andrzej Herdegen

Abstract We consider a Schrödinger particle placed in an external electromagnetic field of the form typical for scattering settings in the field theory: $$F=F^\mathrm {ret}+F^\mathrm {in}=F^\mathrm {adv}+F^\mathrm {out}$$ F = F ret + F in = F adv + F out , where the current producing $$F^{\mathrm {ret}/\mathrm {adv}}$$ F ret / adv has the past and future asymptotes homogeneous of degree $$-3$$ - 3 , and the free fields $$F^{\mathrm {in}/\mathrm {out}}$$ F in / out are radiation fields produced by currents with similar asymptotic behavior. We show that with appropriate choice of electromagnetic gauge the particle has ‘in’ and ‘out’ states reached with no further modification of the asymptotic dynamics. We use a special quantum mechanical evolution ‘picture’ in which the free evolution operator has well-defined limits for $$t\rightarrow \pm \infty $$ t → ± ∞ , and thus the scattering wave operators do not need the free evolution counteraction. The existence of wave operators in this setting is established, but the proof of asymptotic completeness is not complete: more precise characterization of the asymptotic behavior of the particle for $$|\mathbf {x}|=|t|$$ | x | = | t | would be needed.

Gyu Eun Lee

Abstract We study the scattering problem for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation $i\partial _t u + \Delta u = |u|^p u$ on $\mathbb{R}^d$, $d\geq 1$, with a mass-subcritical nonlinearity above the Strauss exponent. For this equation, it is known that asymptotic completeness in $L^2$ with initial data in $\Sigma$ holds and the wave operator is well defined on $\Sigma$. We show that there exists $0<\beta <p$ such that the wave operator and the data-to-scattering-state map do not admit extensions to maps $L^2\to L^2$ of class $C^{1+\beta }$ near the origin. This constitutes a mild form of ill-posedness for the scattering problem in the $L^2$ topology.

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