scholarly journals Gravitational wave signals of dark matter freeze-out

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (2) ◽  
Danny Marfatia ◽  
Po-Yan Tseng

Abstract We study the stochastic background of gravitational waves which accompany the sudden freeze-out of dark matter triggered by a cosmological first order phase transition that endows dark matter with mass. We consider models that produce the measured dark matter relic abundance via (1) bubble filtering, and (2) inflation and reheating, and show that gravitational waves from these mechanisms are detectable at future interferometers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (10) ◽  
M. Ahmadvand

Abstract In this paper, we propose a bubble filtering-out mechanism for an asymmetric dark matter scenario during the Peccei-Quinn (PQ) phase transition. Based on a QCD axion model, extended by extra chiral neutrinos, we show that the PQ phase transition can be first order in the parameter space of the model and regarding the PQ symmetry breaking scale, the mechanism can generate PeV-scale heavy neutrinos as a dark matter candidate. Considering a CP-violating source, during the phase transition, discriminating between the neutrino and antineutrino number density, we find the observed dark matter relic abundance, such that the setup can be applied to the first order phase transition with different strengths. We then calculate effective couplings of the QCD axion addressing the strong CP problem within the model. We also study the energy density spectrum of gravitational waves generated from the first order phase transition and show that the signals can be detected by future ground-based detectors such as Einstein Telescope. In particular, for a visible heavy axion case of the model, it is shown that gravitational waves can be probed by DECIGO and BBO interferometers. Furthermore, we discuss the dark matter-standard model neutrino annihilation process as a source for the creation of PeV-scale neutrinos.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (11) ◽  
Danny Marfatia ◽  
Po-Yan Tseng

Abstract Fermion dark matter particles can aggregate to form extended dark matter structures via a first-order phase transition in which the particles get trapped in the false vacuum. We study Fermi balls created in a phase transition induced by a generic quartic thermal effective potential. We show that for Fermi balls of mass, 3 × 10−12M⊙ ≲ MFB ≲ 10−5M⊙, correlated observations of gravitational waves produced during the phase transition (at SKA/THEIA/μAres), and gravitational microlensing caused by Fermi balls (at Subaru-HSC), can be made.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (3) ◽  
Aleksandr Azatov ◽  
Miguel Vanvlasselaer ◽  
Wen Yin

Abstract In this paper we present a novel mechanism for producing the observed Dark Matter (DM) relic abundance during the First Order Phase Transition (FOPT) in the early universe. We show that the bubble expansion with ultra-relativistic velocities can lead to the abundance of DM particles with masses much larger than the scale of the transition. We study this non-thermal production mechanism in the context of a generic phase transition and the electroweak phase transition. The application of the mechanism to the Higgs portal DM as well as the signal in the Stochastic Gravitational Background are discussed.

2009 ◽  
Vol 24 (08n09) ◽  
pp. 1541-1544

I discuss the gravitational radiation produced in a first-order phase transition due to the turbulence that is caused by bubble expansion. I compare the cases of deflagration and detonation bubbles.

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