scholarly journals Radiative seesaw corrections and charged-lepton decays in a model with soft flavour violation

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (12) ◽  
E. H. Aeikens ◽  
P. M. Ferreira ◽  
W. Grimus ◽  
D. Jurčiukonis ◽  
L. Lavoura

Abstract We consider the one-loop radiative corrections to the light-neutrino mass matrix and their consequences for the predicted branching ratios of the five lepton-flavour-violating decays $$ {\mathrm{\ell}}_1^{-}\to {\mathrm{\ell}}_2^{-}{\mathrm{\ell}}_3^{+}{\mathrm{\ell}}_3^{-} $$ ℓ 1 − → ℓ 2 − ℓ 3 + ℓ 3 − in a two-Higgs-doublet model furnished with the type-I seesaw mechanism and soft lepton-flavour violation. We find that the radiative corrections are very significant; they may alter the predicted branching ratios by several orders of magnitude and, in particular, they may help explain why BR (μ− → e−e+e−) is strongly suppressed relative to the branching ratios of the decays of the τ−. We conclude that, in any serious numerical assessment of the predictions of this model, it is absolutely necessary to take into account the one-loop radiative corrections to the light-neutrino mass matrix.

2016 ◽  
Vol 31 (13) ◽  
pp. 1650077 ◽  
Avtandil Achelashvili ◽  
Zurab Tavartkiladze

Aiming to relate leptonic CP violating phase [Formula: see text] to the cosmological CP asymmetry, we study the extension of MSSM by two quasi-degenerate (strictly degenerate at tree level) right-handed neutrinos and consider all possible two texture zero [Formula: see text] Yukawa matrices plus one [Formula: see text] dimension five [Formula: see text] operator contributing to the light neutrino mass matrix. We classify all experimentally viable mass matrices, leading to several predictions, and analytically derive predictive relations. We also relate the CP violating [Formula: see text] phase to the CP phase of the thermal leptogenesis.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2018 ◽  
pp. 1-24
Madan Singh

We investigate the novel possibilities of hybrid textures comprising a vanishing minor (or element) and two equal elements (or cofactors) in light neutrino mass matrix Mν. Such type of texture structures leads to sixty phenomenological cases each, out of which only fifty-six are viable with texture containing a vanishing minor and an equality between the elements in Mν, while fifty are found to be viable with texture containing a vanishing element and an equality of cofactors in Mν under the current experimental test at 3σ confidence level. Detailed numerical analysis of all the possible cases has been presented.

2019 ◽  
Vol 34 (19) ◽  
pp. 1950098 ◽  
Teruyuki Kitabayashi

As the first topic, we propose a new parametrization of the complex Yukawa matrix in the scotogenic model. The new parametrization is compatible with the particle data group parametrization of the neutrino sector. Some analytical expressions for the neutrino masses with the new parametrization are shown. As the second topic, we consider the phenomenology of the scotogenic model with the one-zero-textures of the neutrino flavor mass matrix. One of the six patterns of the neutrino mass matrix is favorable for the real Yukawa matrix. On the other hand, for the complex Yukawa matrix, five of the six patterns are compatible with observations of the neutrino oscillations, dark matter relic abundance and branching ratio of the [Formula: see text] process.

2011 ◽  
Vol 26 (07) ◽  
pp. 501-514 ◽  
S. DEV ◽  

We study the existence of one/two texture zeros or one/two vanishing minors in the neutrino mass matrix with μτ symmetry. In the basis where the charged lepton mass matrix and the Dirac neutrino mass matrix are diagonal, the one/two zeros or one/two vanishing minors on the right-handed Majorana mass matrix having μτ symmetry will propagate via seesaw mechanism as one/two vanishing minors or one/two texture zeros in the neutrino mass matrix with μτ symmetry respectively. It is found that only five such texture structures of the neutrino mass matrix are phenomenologically viable. For tribimaximal mixing, these texture structures reduce the number of free parameters to one. Interesting predictions are obtained for the effective Majorana mass Mee, the absolute mass scale and the Majorana-type CP violating phases.

2007 ◽  
Vol 22 (02) ◽  
pp. 101-106 ◽  

In an improved application of the tetrahedral symmetry A4 first introduced by Ma and Rajasekaran, supplemented by the discrete symmetry Z3 as well as supersymmetry, a two-parameter form of the neutrino mass matrix is derived which exhibits the tribimaximal mixing of Harrison, Perkins and Scott. This form is the same as the one obtained previously by Altarelli and Feruglio, and the inverse of that obtained by Babu and He. If only A4 is used, then corrections appear, making tan2 θ12 different from 0.5, without changing significantly sin22θ23 from one or θ13 from zero.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2018 ◽  
pp. 1-13 ◽  
Madan Singh

In the light of latest neutrino oscillation data, we have investigated the one-zero Majorana neutrino mass matrix Mν with zero sum condition of mass eigenvalues in the flavor basis, where charged lepton mass matrix is diagonal. Among the six possible one-zero cases, it is found that only five can survive the current experimental data, while case with (1, 1) vanishing element of Mν is ruled out, if zero trace condition is imposed at 3σ confidence level (CL). Numerical and some approximate analytical results are presented.

2005 ◽  
Vol 143 ◽  
pp. 521
S. Kanemura ◽  
K. Matsuda ◽  
T. Ota ◽  
T. Shindou ◽  
E. Takasugi ◽  

2002 ◽  
Vol 17 (26) ◽  
pp. 1725-1734 ◽  

We study the leptogenesis scenario in models with multi-Higgs doublets. It is pointed out that the washing-out process through the effective dimension-five interactions, which has not been taken into account seriously in the conventional scenario, can be effective, and the resultant baryon asymmetry can be exponentially suppressed. This fact implies new possible scenario where the observed baryon asymmetry is the remnant of the washed out lepton asymmetry which was originally much larger than the one in the conventional scenario. Our new scenario is applicable to some neutrino mass matrix models which predict too large CP-violating parameter and makes them viable through the washing-out process.

2017 ◽  
Vol 32 (27) ◽  
pp. 1750168 ◽  
Mahadev Patgiri ◽  
Priyanka Kumar ◽  
Debojit Sarma

In our work, we study the texture zeros of [Formula: see text] in the minimal extended type-I seesaw (MES) with incorporating one extra gauge singlet field “[Formula: see text]”. The MES models deal with the Dirac neutrino mass matrix [Formula: see text], the right-handed Majorana mass matrix [Formula: see text] and the sterile neutrino mass matrix [Formula: see text]. We carry out the mapping of all possible zero textures of [Formula: see text], [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] for phenomenologically predictive cases having total eight zeros of [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] studied in the literature. With this motivation, we consider (a) [Formula: see text] scheme, (b) [Formula: see text] scheme and (c) [Formula: see text] scheme, where the digits of a pair represent the number of zeros of [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text], respectively along with the one zero and two zero textures of [Formula: see text]. There are a large number of possibilities of zeros of fermion mass matrices but the implementation of [Formula: see text] transformations reduces it to a very minimum number of basic structures. Interestingly out of four allowed one zero textures of [Formula: see text] without sterile neutrino, only three cases ([Formula: see text], [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text]) are allowed in MES mechanism for the [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] schemes. We find some correlations for different combination of [Formula: see text], [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] on enforcement of zeros. We examined all the correlations under the recent neutrino oscillation data and find that only [Formula: see text] survives while both [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] are ruled out. Interestingly the one zero textures inherently represent the inverted hierarchy of the mass ordering of light neutrinos. No two zero textures of [Formula: see text] survive in MES although there are a number of allowed structures phenomenologically. The allowed texture zeros are finally realized using a discrete Abelian flavor symmetry group [Formula: see text] with the extension of standard model to include some scalar fields.

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