the standard model
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2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 982
Loiy Al-Ghussain ◽  
Moath Abu Subaih ◽  
Andres Annuk

The estimation of PV production has been widely investigated previously, where many empirical models have been proposed to account for wind and soiling effects for specific locations. However, the performance of these models varies among the investigated sites. Hence, it is vital to assess and evaluate the performance of these models and benchmark them against the common PV estimation model that accounts only for the ambient temperature. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the accuracy and performance of four empirical wind models considering the soiling effect, and compare them to the standard model for a 103 MW PV plant in Jordan. Moreover, the study investigates the effect of cleaning frequency on the annual energy production and the plant’s levelized cost of electricity (LCOE). The results indicate almost identical performance for the adopted models when comparing the actual energy production with R2 and RMSE (root mean square error) ranges of 0.93–0.98 and 0.93–1.56 MWh for both sub-plants, with a slight superiority of the models that incorporate wind effect. Finally, it is recommended in this study to clean the PV panels every two weeks instead of every three months, which would increase annual energy production by 4%, and decrease the LCOE by 5% of the two PV sub-plants.

Sudhanwa Patra ◽  
Utkarsh Patel ◽  
Purushottam Sahu

The presence of small neutrino masses and flavour mixings can be accounted for naturally in various models about extensions of the standard model, particularly in the seesaw mechanism models. In this work, we present a minimally extended seesaw framework with two right-handed neutrinos, where the active neutrino masses are derived in the radiative regime. Using the framework it can be shown that within certain mass limits, the light neutrino mass term can approach a form that is similar to its form under type-I seesaw mechanism. Apart from this, we show that the decay width of right-handed neutrinos (produced through the decay of [Formula: see text] boson in a particle collider) is short enough to cause a sufficiently long lifetime for the particles, thus ensuring an observable displacement in the LHC between the production and decay vertices. We comment on the fact that these displaced vertex signatures thus can serve as a means to verify the existence of these right-handed neutrinos in future experiments. Lastly, we line up the possibility of our future work where the vertex signatures of particles greater than the mass of [Formula: see text] boson can be worked upon.

Leonardo Chiatti ◽  
Ignazio Licata

A theoretical description of quantum jumps at the level of elementary particles is proposed, based on a micro-cosmological interpretation of their de Broglie phase. The third quantization formalism proposed in current literature for the description of baby universes in quantum cosmology is used here to describe the breakdown of unitarity in the transition from the pre-jump to the post-jump wave function. The corpuscular aspect manifested by the particle in the micro-interaction that originates the jump is represented by a pair of evanescent "micro-universes", respectively pre- and post-jump, connected by a wormhole. The latter represents the actual implementation of the interaction that leads to the projection on the outgoing state; this interaction is always local, even when the selected outgoing state is entangled. Therefore, the decoherence which leads to the emergence of classicality is originated by the same fundamental interactions of the Standard Model involved in the unitary evolution of the wave function. The objective nature of the reduction process admits implications on the possibility of using the formalism in the cosmological context, which are briefly discussed.

Symmetry ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 112
Maxim Khlopov

The physics of the dark Universe goes beyond the standard model (BSM) of fundamental interactions. The now-standard cosmology involves inflation, baryosynthesis and dark matter/energy corresponding to BSM physics. Cosmoparticle physics offers cross disciplinary study of the fundamental relationship of cosmology and particle physics in the combination of its physical, astrophysical and cosmological signatures. Methods of cosmoparticle physics in studies of BSM physics in its relationship with inevitably nonstandard features of dark universe cosmology are discussed. In the context of these methods, such exotic phenomena as primordial black holes, antimatter stars in baryon asymmetrical Universe or multi-charged constituents of nuclear interacting atoms of composite dark matter play the role of sensitive probes for BSM models and their parameters.

Symmetry ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 113
Rafał Zdunek ◽  
Krzysztof Fonał

Nonnegative Tucker decomposition (NTD) is a robust method used for nonnegative multilinear feature extraction from nonnegative multi-way arrays. The standard version of NTD assumes that all of the observed data are accessible for batch processing. However, the data in many real-world applications are not static or are represented by a large number of multi-way samples that cannot be processing in one batch. To tackle this problem, a dynamic approach to NTD can be explored. In this study, we extend the standard model of NTD to an incremental or online version, assuming volatility of observed multi-way data along one mode. We propose two computational approaches for updating the factors in the incremental model: one is based on the recursive update model, and the other uses the concept of the block Kaczmarz method that belongs to coordinate descent methods. The experimental results performed on various datasets and streaming data demonstrate high efficiently of both algorithmic approaches, with respect to the baseline NTD methods.

Symmetry ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 87
Júlio C. Fabris ◽  
Marcelo H. Alvarenga ◽  
Mahamadou Hamani Daouda ◽  
Hermano Velten

Unimodular gravity is characterized by an extra condition with respect to general relativity, i.e., the determinant of the metric is constant. This extra condition leads to a more restricted class of invariance by coordinate transformation: The symmetry properties of unimodular gravity are governed by the transverse diffeomorphisms. Nevertheless, if the conservation of the energy–momentum tensor is imposed in unimodular gravity, the general relativity theory is recovered with an additional integration constant which is associated to the cosmological term Λ. However, if the energy–momentum tensor is not conserved separately, a new geometric structure appears with potentially observational signatures. In this text, we consider the evolution of gravitational waves in a nonconservative unimodular gravity, showing how it differs from the usual signatures in the standard model. As our main result, we verify that gravitational waves in the nonconservative version of unimodular gravity are strongly amplified during the evolution of the universe.

Craig Hogan ◽  
Stephan Meyer

Abstract We consider the hypothesis that nonlocal, omnidirectional, causally-coherent quantum entanglement of inflationary horizons may account for some well-known measured anomalies of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) anisotropy on large angular scales. It is shown that causal coherence can lead to less cosmic variance in the large-angle power spectrum ${C}_\ell$ of primordial curvature perturbations on spherical horizons than predicted by the standard model of locality in effective field theory, and to new symmetries of the angular correlation function ${C}(\Theta)$. Causal considerations are used to construct an approximate analytic model for ${C}(\Theta)$ on angular scales larger than a few degrees. Allowing for uncertainties from the unmeasured intrinsic dipole and from Galactic foreground subtraction, causally-coherent constraints are shown to be consistent with measured CMB correlations on large angular scales. Reduced cosmic variance will enable powerful tests of the hypothesis with better foreground subtraction and higher fidelity measurements on large angular scales.

Samuel Moss

This is an introduction to a new concept of quantum gravity that seamlessly merges General Relativity to the Standard Model. Based upon a novel patent-pending magnetic confinement method that was designed to emulate how our sun confines and rotates charged particles about a singularity; this confinement method uses a collective of off-centered confinement coils that are directed to curve rotating charged particles about a singularity in a way that allows charged particles to relatively accelerate from geodesic deviation. With this confinement method, the subtle Relative Accelerated Energy (RAE) from deviating charged particles has the capability to be focused and exponentially increased relative to the mass-energy of a closed system; which allows for a simple pathway to understand how black holes operate at their singularities. While in the pursuit of proving that this novel method of confinement mimics how our sun operates; I was also able to develop a logical explanation of how our sun reverses its magnetic poles and cycles using the core principles of Michael Faraday. If this concept of quantum gravity is correct, there is a simple explanation for the additional observed gravitational force about the galaxies that are said to obtain dark matter. In short, this theory of quantum gravity has the potential to fully discredit the existence of theorized dark matter with a simple experiment.

Symmetry ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 65
Xiongfei Wang ◽  
Guangshun Huang

The standard model of particle physics is a well-tested theoretical framework, but there are still some issues that deserve experimental and theoretical investigation. The Ξ resonances with strangeness S=−2, the so-called doubly-strange hyperon, can provide important information to further test the standard model by studying their electromagnetic form factors, such as probing the limitation of the quark models and spotting unrevealed aspects of the QCD description of the structure of hadron resonances. In this work, we review some recent studies of the electromagnetic form factors on doubly-strange hyperons in pair production from positron–electron annihilation experiment.

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