scholarly journals Compressible and nonisothermal viscoelastic flow between eccentrically rotating cylinders

A. T. Mackay ◽  
T. N. Phillips

AbstractA Taylor–Galerkin finite element time marching scheme is derived to numerically simulate the flow of a compressible and nonisothermal viscoelastic liquid between eccentrically rotating cylinders. Numerical approximations to the governing flow and constitutive equations are computed over a custom refined unstructured grid of piecewise linear Galerkin finite elements. An original extension to the DEVSS formulation for compressible fluids is introduced to stabilise solutions of the discrete problem. The predictions of two models: the extended White–Metzner and FENE-P-MP are presented. Comparisons between the torque and load bearing capacity predicted by both models are made over a range of viscoelastic parameters. The results highlight the significant and interacting effects of elasticity and compressibility on journal torque and resultant load, and the stability of the journal bearing system.

Richard Wiebe ◽  
Ilinca Stanciulescu

The stability of numerical time integrators, and of the physical systems to which they are applied, are normally studied independently. This conceals a very interesting phenomenon, here termed inconsistent stability, wherein a numerical time marching scheme predicts a stable response about an equilibrium configuration that is, in fact, unstable. In this paper, time integrator parameters leading to possible inconsistent stability are first found analytically for conservative systems (symmetric tangent stiffness matrices), then several structural arches with increasing complexity are used as numerical case studies. The intention of this work is to highlight the potential for this unexpected, and mostly unknown, behavior to researchers studying complex dynamical systems, especially through time marching of finite element models. To allow for direct interpretation of our results, the work is focused on the Newmark time integrator, which is commonly used in structural dynamics.

2018 ◽  
Vol 64 (1) ◽  
pp. 52 ◽  
P. E. Castillo ◽  
S. A. Gómez

Conservation of the energy and the Hamiltonian of a general non linear Schr¨odinger equation is analyzed for the finite element method “Local Discontinuous Galerkin” spatial discretization. Conservation of the discrete analogue of these quantities is also proved for the fully discrete problem using the modified Crank-Nicolson method as time marching scheme. The theoretical results are validated on a series of problemsfor different nonlinear potentials.

2015 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-37 ◽  
Christian Goll ◽  
Wolf Rannacher ◽  
Winnifried Woolner

2021 ◽  
Vol 83 (3) ◽  
Ginger Egberts ◽  
Fred Vermolen ◽  
Paul van Zuijlen

AbstractTo deal with permanent deformations and residual stresses, we consider a morphoelastic model for the scar formation as the result of wound healing after a skin trauma. Next to the mechanical components such as strain and displacements, the model accounts for biological constituents such as the concentration of signaling molecules, the cellular densities of fibroblasts and myofibroblasts, and the density of collagen. Here we present stability constraints for the one-dimensional counterpart of this morphoelastic model, for both the continuous and (semi-) discrete problem. We show that the truncation error between these eigenvalues associated with the continuous and semi-discrete problem is of order $${{\mathcal {O}}}(h^2)$$ O ( h 2 ) . Next we perform numerical validation to these constraints and provide a biological interpretation of the (in)stability. For the mechanical part of the model, the results show the components reach equilibria in a (non) monotonic way, depending on the value of the viscosity. The results show that the parameters of the chemical part of the model need to meet the stability constraint, depending on the decay rate of the signaling molecules, to avoid unrealistic results.

2005 ◽  
Vol 2005 (23) ◽  
pp. 3727-3737 ◽  
Jitender Singh ◽  
Renu Bajaj

Effect of an axially applied magnetic field on the stability of a ferrofluid flow in an annular space between two coaxially rotating cylinders with nonaxisymmetric disturbances has been investigated numerically. The critical value of the ratioΩ∗of angular speeds of the two cylinders, at the onset of the first nonaxisymmetric mode of disturbance, has been observed to be affected by the applied magnetic field.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (8) ◽  
pp. 3421
Cheng-Yu Ku ◽  
Li-Dan Hong ◽  
Chih-Yu Liu ◽  
Jing-En Xiao ◽  
Wei-Po Huang

In this study, we developed a novel boundary-type meshless approach for dealing with two-dimensional transient flows in heterogeneous layered porous media. The novelty of the proposed method is that we derived the Trefftz space–time basis function for the two-dimensional diffusion equation in layered porous media in the space–time domain. The continuity conditions at the interface of the subdomains were satisfied in terms of the domain decomposition method. Numerical solutions were approximated based on the superposition principle utilizing the space–time basis functions of the governing equation. Using the space–time collocation scheme, the numerical solutions of the problem were solved with boundary and initial data assigned on the space–time boundaries, which combined spatial and temporal discretizations in the space–time manifold. Accordingly, the transient flows through the heterogeneous layered porous media in the space–time domain could be solved without using a time-marching scheme. Numerical examples and a convergence analysis were carried out to validate the accuracy and the stability of the method. The results illustrate that an excellent agreement with the analytical solution was obtained. Additionally, the proposed method was relatively simple because we only needed to deal with the boundary data, even for the problems in the heterogeneous layered porous media. Finally, when compared with the conventional time-marching scheme, highly accurate solutions were obtained and the error accumulation from the time-marching scheme was avoided.

The theory developed in an earlier paper (Chandrasekhar 1953) is extended to allow for counter-rotation of the two cylinders. Explicit results are given for the case when the two cylinders rotate in opposite directions with equal angular velocities.

1966 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 321-334 ◽  
D. W. Beard ◽  
M. H. Davies ◽  
K. Walters

Consideration is given to the possibility of overstability in the Couette flow of viscous and elastico-viscous liquids. The relevant linear perturbation equations are solved numerically using an initial-value technique. It is shown that over-stability is not possible in the case of Newtonian liquids for the cases considered. In contrast, overstability is to be expected in the case of moderately-elastic Maxwell liquids. The Taylor number associated with the overstable mode decreases steadily as the amount of elasticity in the liquid increases, and it is concluded that highly elastic Maxwell liquids can be very unstable indeed.

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