scholarly journals Entropy Accumulation

2020 ◽  
Vol 379 (3) ◽  
pp. 867-913 ◽  
Frédéric Dupuis ◽  
Omar Fawzi ◽  
Renato Renner

Abstract We ask the question whether entropy accumulates, in the sense that the operationally relevant total uncertainty about an n-partite system $$A = (A_1, \ldots A_n)$$ A = ( A 1 , … A n ) corresponds to the sum of the entropies of its parts $$A_i$$ A i . The Asymptotic Equipartition Property implies that this is indeed the case to first order in n—under the assumption that the parts $$A_i$$ A i are identical and independent of each other. Here we show that entropy accumulation occurs more generally, i.e., without an independence assumption, provided one quantifies the uncertainty about the individual systems $$A_i$$ A i by the von Neumann entropy of suitably chosen conditional states. The analysis of a large system can hence be reduced to the study of its parts. This is relevant for applications. In device-independent cryptography, for instance, the approach yields essentially optimal security bounds valid for general attacks, as shown by Arnon-Friedman et al. (SIAM J Comput 48(1):181–225, 2019).

2011 ◽  
Vol 09 (04) ◽  
pp. 1031-1045 ◽  

We investigate decoherence induced by a quantum channel in terms of minimal output entropy and map entropy. The latter is the von Neumann entropy of the Jamiołkowski state of the channel. Both quantities admit q-Renyi versions. We prove additivity of the map entropy for all q. For the case q = 2, we show that the depolarizing channel has the smallest map entropy among all channels with a given minimal output Renyi entropy of order two. This allows us to characterize pairs of channels such that the output entropy of their tensor product acting on a maximally entangled input state is larger than the sum of the minimal output entropies of the individual channels. We conjecture that for any channel Φ1 acting on a finite dimensional system, there exists a class of channels Φ2 sufficiently close to a unitary map such that additivity of minimal output entropy for Ψ1 ⊗ Ψ2 holds.

2012 ◽  
Vol 12 (5&6) ◽  
pp. 432-441
Normand J. Beaudry ◽  
Renato Renner

The data processing inequality (DPI) is a fundamental feature of information theory. Informally it states that you cannot increase the information content of a quantum system by acting on it with a local physical operation. When the smooth min-entropy is used as the relevant information measure, then the DPI follows immediately from the definition of the entropy. The DPI for the von Neumann entropy is then obtained by specializing the DPI for the smooth min-entropy by using the quantum asymptotic equipartition property (QAEP). We provide a short proof of the QAEP and therefore obtain a self-contained proof of the DPI for the von Neumann entropy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (3) ◽  
Georgios K. Karananas ◽  
Alex Kehagias ◽  
John Taskas

Abstract We derive a novel four-dimensional black hole with planar horizon that asymptotes to the linear dilaton background. The usual growth of its entanglement entropy before Page’s time is established. After that, emergent islands modify to a large extent the entropy, which becomes finite and is saturated by its Bekenstein-Hawking value in accordance with the finiteness of the von Neumann entropy of eternal black holes. We demonstrate that viewed from the string frame, our solution is the two-dimensional Witten black hole with two additional free bosons. We generalize our findings by considering a general class of linear dilaton black hole solutions at a generic point along the σ-model renormalization group (RG) equations. For those, we observe that the entanglement entropy is “running” i.e. it is changing along the RG flow with respect to the two-dimensional worldsheet length scale. At any fixed moment before Page’s time the aforementioned entropy increases towards the infrared (IR) domain, whereas the presence of islands leads the running entropy to decrease towards the IR at later times. Finally, we present a four-dimensional charged black hole that asymptotes to the linear dilaton background as well. We compute the associated entanglement entropy for the extremal case and we find that an island is needed in order for it to follow the Page curve.

1972 ◽  
Vol 39 (3) ◽  
pp. 689-695 ◽  
W. W. Recker

The two-dimensional equations of magnetoelastodynamics are considered as a symmetric hyperbolic system of linear first-order partial-differential equations in three independent variables. The characteristic properties of the system are determined and a numerical method for obtaining the solution to mixed initial and boundary-value problems in plane magnetoelastodynamics is presented. Results on the von Neumann necessary condition are presented. Application of the method to a problem which has a known solution provides further numerical evidence of the convergence and stability of the method.

1985 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 175-178 ◽  
John F. Cyranski

2013 ◽  
Vol 22 (12) ◽  
pp. 1342030 ◽  

We point out that nonperturbative effects in quantum gravity are sufficient to reconcile the process of black hole evaporation with quantum mechanics. In ordinary processes, these corrections are unimportant because they are suppressed by e-S. However, they gain relevance in information-theoretic considerations because their small size is offset by the corresponding largeness of the Hilbert space. In particular, we show how such corrections can cause the von Neumann entropy of the emitted Hawking quanta to decrease after the Page time, without modifying the thermal nature of each emitted quantum. Second, we show that exponentially suppressed commutators between operators inside and outside the black hole are sufficient to resolve paradoxes associated with the strong subadditivity of entropy without any dramatic modifications of the geometry near the horizon.

2015 ◽  
Vol 30 (16) ◽  
pp. 1530039 ◽  
O. Obregón

A nonextensive statistical mechanics entropy that depends only on the probability distribution is proposed in the framework of superstatistics. It is based on a Γ(χ2) distribution that depends on β and also on pl. The corresponding modified von Neumann entropy is constructed; it is shown that it can also be obtained from a generalized Replica trick. We further demonstrate a generalized H-theorem. Considering the entropy as a function of the temperature and volume, it is possible to generalize the equation of state of an ideal gas. Moreover, following the entropic force formulation a generalized Newton's law is obtained, and following the proposal that the Einstein equations can be deduced from the Clausius law, we discuss on the structure that a generalized Einstein's theory would have. Lastly, we address the question whether the generalized entanglement entropy can play a role in the gauge/gravity duality. We pay attention to 2d CFT and their gravity duals. The correction terms to the von Neumann entropy result more relevant than the usual UV ones and also than those due to the area dependent AdS3 entropy which result comparable to the UV ones. Then the correction terms due to the new entropy would modify the Ryu–Takayanagi identification between the CFT entanglement entropy and the AdS entropy in a different manner than the UV ones or than the corrections to the AdS3 area dependent entropy.

1994 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-55 ◽  
M Raoof ◽  
I Kraincanic

Using theoretical parametric studies covering a wide range of cable (and wire) diameters and lay angles, the range of validity of various approaches used for analysing helical cables are critically examined. Numerical results strongly suggest that for multi-layered steel strands with small wire/cable diameter ratios, the bending and torsional stiffnesses of the individual wires may safely be ignored when calculating the 2 × 2 matrix for strand axial/torsional stiffnesses. However, such bending and torsional wire stiffnesses are shown to be first order parameters in analysing the overall axial and torsional stiffnesses of, say, seven wire stands, especially under free-fixed end conditions with respect to torsional movements. Interwire contact deformations are shown to be of great importance in evaluating the axial and torsional stiffnesses of large diameter multi-layered steel strands. Their importance diminishes as the number of wires associated with smaller diameter cables decreases. Using a modified version of a previously reported theoretical model for analysing multilayered instrumentation cables, the importance of allowing for the influence of contact deformations in compliant layers on cable overall characteristics such as axial or torsional stiffnesses is demonstrated by theoretical numerical results. In particular, non-Hertzian contact formulations are used to obtain the interlayer compliances in instrumentation cables in preference to a previously reported model employing Hertzian theory with its associated limitations.

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