Quantum Information and Computation
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Published By Rinton Press

1533-7146, 1533-7146

2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1&2) ◽  
pp. 17-37
Xiao Chen ◽  
Zhihao Liu ◽  
Hanwu Chen ◽  
Liang Wang

Quantum image representation has a significant impact in quantum image processing. In this paper, a bit-plane representation for log-polar quantum images (BRLQI) is proposed, which utilizes $(n+4)$ or $(n+6)$ qubits to store and process a grayscale or RGB color image of $2^n$ pixels. Compared to a quantum log-polar image (QUALPI), the storage capacity of BRLQI improves 16 times. Moreover, several quantum operations based on BRLQI are proposed, including color information complement operation, bit-planes reversing operation, bit-planes translation operation and conditional exchange operations between bit-planes. Combining the above operations, we designed an image scrambling circuit suitable for the BRLQI model. Furthermore, comparison results of the scrambling circuits indicate that those operations based on BRLQI have a lower quantum cost than QUALPI. In addition, simulation experiments illustrate that the proposed scrambling algorithm is effective and efficient.

2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1&2) ◽  
pp. 53-85
Thomas G. Wong

The task of finding an entry in an unsorted list of $N$ elements famously takes $O(N)$ queries to an oracle for a classical computer and $O(\sqrt{N})$ queries for a quantum computer using Grover's algorithm. Reformulated as a spatial search problem, this corresponds to searching the complete graph, or all-to-all network, for a marked vertex by querying an oracle. In this tutorial, we derive how discrete- and continuous-time (classical) random walks and quantum walks solve this problem in a thorough and pedagogical manner, providing an accessible introduction to how random and quantum walks can be used to search spatial regions. Some of the results are already known, but many are new. For large $N$, the random walks converge to the same evolution, both taking $N \ln(1/\epsilon)$ time to reach a success probability of $1-\epsilon$. In contrast, the discrete-time quantum walk asymptotically takes $\pi\sqrt{N}/2\sqrt{2}$ timesteps to reach a success probability of $1/2$, while the continuous-time quantum walk takes $\pi\sqrt{N}/2$ time to reach a success probability of $1$.

2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1&2) ◽  
pp. 1-16
Artur Czerwinski

In this article, we investigate the problem of entanglement characterization by polarization measurements combined with maximum likelihood estimation (MLE). A realistic scenario is considered with measurement results distorted by random experimental errors. In particular, by imposing unitary rotations acting on the measurement operators, we can test the performance of the tomographic technique versus the amount of noise. Then, dark counts are introduced to explore the efficiency of the framework in a multi-dimensional noise scenario. The concurrence is used as a figure of merit to quantify how well entanglement is preserved through noisy measurements. Quantum fidelity is computed to quantify the accuracy of state reconstruction. The results of numerical simulations are depicted on graphs and discussed.

2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1&2) ◽  
pp. 38-52
Ayaka Ishikawa ◽  
Norio Konno

We define a new weighted zeta function for a finite graph and obtain its determinant expression. This result gives the characteristic polynomial of the transition matrix of the Szegedy walk on a graph.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (15&16) ◽  
pp. 1307-1319
Cagan Aksak ◽  
Sadi Turgut

Quantum correlations and entanglement in identical-particle systems have been a puzzling question which has attracted vast interest and widely different approaches. Witness formalism developed first for entanglement measurement can be adopted to other kind of correlations. An approach is introduced by Kraus \emph{et al.}, [Phys. Rev. A \textbf{79}, 012306 (2009)] based on pairing correlations in fermionic systems and the use of witness formalism to detect pairing. In this contribution, a two-particle-annihilation operator is used for constructing a two-particle observable as a candidate witness for pairing correlations of both fermionic and bosonic systems. The corresponding separability bounds are also obtained. Two different types of separability definition are introduced for bosonic systems and the separability bounds associated with each type are discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (15&16) ◽  
pp. 1274-1295
A.G. Abdelwahab ◽  
A. Ghwail ◽  
N. Metwally ◽  
M.H. Mahran ◽  
A. -S. F. Obada

The local and non local behavior of the accelerated Gisin state are investigated either before or after filtering process. It is shown that, the possibility of predicting the non-local behavior is forseen at large values of the weight of the Gisin and acceleration parameters. Due to the filtering process, the non-locality behavior of the Gisin state is predicted at small values of the weight parameter. The amount of non classical correlations are quantified by means of the local quantum uncertainty (LQU)and the concurrence, where the LQU is more sensitive to the non-locality than the concurrence. The phenomenon of the sudden changes is displayed for both quantifiers. Our results show that, the accelerated Gisin state could be used to mask information, where all the possible partitions of the masked state satisfy the masking criteria. Moreover, there is a set of states, which satisfy the masking condition, that is generated between each qubit and its masker qubit. For this set, the amount of the non-classical correlations increases as the acceleration parameter increases . Further, the filtering process improves these correlations, where their maximum bounds are much larger than those depicted for non-filtered states.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (15&16) ◽  
pp. 1296-1306
Seyed Mousavi

Our computers today, from sophisticated servers to small smartphones, operate based on the same computing model, which requires running a sequence of discrete instructions, specified as an algorithm. This sequential computing paradigm has not yet led to a fast algorithm for an NP-complete problem despite numerous attempts over the past half a century. Unfortunately, even after the introduction of quantum mechanics to the world of computing, we still followed a similar sequential paradigm, which has not yet helped us obtain such an algorithm either. Here a completely different model of computing is proposed to replace the sequential paradigm of algorithms with inherent parallelism of physical processes. Using the proposed model, instead of writing algorithms to solve NP-complete problems, we construct physical systems whose equilibrium states correspond to the desired solutions and let them evolve to search for the solutions. The main requirements of the model are identified and quantum circuits are proposed for its potential implementation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (15&16) ◽  
pp. 1261-1273
Aleksandrs Belovs ◽  
Arturo Castellanos ◽  
Francois Le Gall ◽  
Guillaume Malod ◽  
Alexander A. Sherstov

The classical communication complexity of testing closeness of discrete distributions has recently been studied by Andoni, Malkin and Nosatzki (ICALP'19). In this problem, two players each receive $t$ samples from one distribution over $[n]$, and the goal is to decide whether their two distributions are equal, or are $\epsilon$-far apart in the $l_1$-distance. In the present paper we show that the quantum communication complexity of this problem is $\tilde{O}(n/(t\epsilon^2))$ qubits when the distributions have low $l_2$-norm, which gives a quadratic improvement over the classical communication complexity obtained by Andoni, Malkin and Nosatzki. We also obtain a matching lower bound by using the pattern matrix method. Let us stress that the samples received by each of the parties are classical, and it is only communication between them that is quantum. Our results thus give one setting where quantum protocols overcome classical protocols for a testing problem with purely classical samples.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (15&16) ◽  
pp. 1320-1352
Augustin Vanrietvelde ◽  
Giulio Chiribella

No quantum circuit can turn a completely unknown unitary gate into its coherently controlled version. Yet, coherent control of unknown gates has been realised in experiments, making use of a different type of initial resources. Here, we formalise the task achieved by these experiments, extending it to the control of arbitrary noisy channels, and to more general types of control involving higher dimensional control systems. For the standard notion of coherent control, we identify the information-theoretic resource for controlling an arbitrary quantum channel on a $d$-dimensional system: specifically, the resource is an extended quantum channel acting as the original channel on a $d$-dimensional sector of a $(d+1)$-dimensional system. Using this resource, arbitrary controlled channels can be built with a universal circuit architecture. We then extend the standard notion of control to more general notions, including control of multiple channels with possibly different input and output systems. Finally, we develop a theoretical framework, called supermaps on routed channels, which provides a compact representation of coherent control as an operation performed on the extended channels, and highlights the way the operation acts on different sectors.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (13&14) ◽  
pp. 1081-1090
Jose I. Latorre ◽  
German Sierra

We present a construction of highly entangled states defined on the topology of a platonic solid using tensor networks based on ancillary Absolute Maximally Entangled (AME) states. We illustrate the idea using the example of a quantum state based on AME(5,2) over a dodecahedron. We analyze the entropy of such states on many different partitions, and observe that they come on integer numbers and are almost maximal. We also observe that all platonic solids accept the construction of AME states based on Reed-Solomon codes since their number of facets, vertices and edges are always a prime number plus one.

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