Design and performance analysis of GAA Schottky barrier-gate stack-dopingless nanowire FET for phosphine gas detection

2019 ◽  
Vol 125 (11) ◽  
Ashish Raman ◽  
Deepti Kakkar ◽  
Manish Bansal ◽  
Naveen Kumar
2017 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 593-600 ◽  
Abdelali Diabi ◽  
Abdesselam Hocini ◽  
Souheil Mouetsi ◽  
Djamel Khedrouche

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 122-130
Dian ayunita Nugraheni nurmala Dewi

Objectives of this study were analyze fish auction participant satisfaction to auction services in TPI Morodemak, analyze attributes effect, services that fit to service quality measurement, and analyzed fish auction participants perception to performance and importance for fish auction house Morodemak services. Used descriptive method and purposive sampling with 49 respondents consists of commercial fishmongers, traditional fishmongers, purse seine owners, and boat lift net owners as fish auction participant. Satisfication measurement used Customer Satisfication Index (CSI), Importance and Performance Analysis (IPA) and gap analysis. Results from this study were value CSI 20% (0.2) indicate the auction participants dissatisfied with the services provided, IPA show there are four attributes should be develop, two elements have not been completed based on measurement requirements of service satisfaction, gap value average -0.05 means the auction participants were not satisfied with the performance of TPI services because the performance value was lower than the importance value.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (01) ◽  
pp. 14
Eddy Supardi

The Tax Payer obidience in fulfiling their taxation obligation will be influenced a lot by the satisfaction level toward the service fiscus. The aim of this observation is to know the response of Tax Payer toward service quality through importance and performance. The population which become the object of this observation is the personal Tax Payer registered in Bogor Tax Service Office and the number of respondents taken as the sample are 100 respondents with Slovin formula. The analysis method used is descriptive analysis and importance-performance analysis.   The result of this observation will be able to be used as one of the input to Bogor Tax Service Office in improving the quality service and for the following observation, especially those who take the same object as the observation in order to improve the quality service to the Tax Payer based on the service of its working way which is felt less. Otherwise it is important for The Tax Payer, maintaining the good work or balancing the service quality based on the working way which is evaluated less important by The Taxe Payer, but has been done reasonably well or very well by The Service Office

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