scholarly journals Material parameter identification using finite elements with time-adaptive higher-order time integration and experimental full-field strain information

Stefan Hartmann ◽  
Rose Rogin Gilbert

AbstractIn this article, we follow a thorough matrix presentation of material parameter identification using a least-square approach, where the model is given by non-linear finite elements, and the experimental data is provided by both force data as well as full-field strain measurement data based on digital image correlation. First, the rigorous concept of semi-discretization for the direct problem is chosen, where—in the first step—the spatial discretization yields a large system of differential-algebraic equation (DAE-system). This is solved using a time-adaptive, high-order, singly diagonally-implicit Runge–Kutta method. Second, to study the fully analytical versus fully numerical determination of the sensitivities, required in a gradient-based optimization scheme, the force determination using the Lagrange-multiplier method and the strain computation must be provided explicitly. The consideration of the strains is necessary to circumvent the influence of rigid body motions occurring in the experimental data. This is done by applying an external strain determination tool which is based on the nodal displacements of the finite element program. Third, we apply the concept of local identifiability on the entire parameter identification procedure and show its influence on the choice of the parameters of the rate-type constitutive model. As a test example, a finite strain viscoelasticity model and biaxial tensile tests applied to a rubber-like material are chosen.

2021 ◽  
Vol 91 (2) ◽  
pp. 687-712
Stefan Hartmann ◽  
Rose Rogin Gilbert ◽  
Ali Kheiri Marghzar ◽  
Chris Leistner ◽  
Pranav Kumar Dileep

AbstractIn this article, several aspects of material parameter identification are addressed. We compare several methods to identify material parameters of a constitutive model for small strain, linear elastic transverse isotropy based on experimental data of specimens made from composite plates. These approaches range from identifying the five material parameters from purely analytical considerations to the fully numerical identification on the basis of finite elements and various data provided by digital image correlation (DIC). The underlying experimental tests range from purely uniaxial tensile tests with varying fiber orientation to shear and compression tests. A specific measuring instrument has been developed for the latter tests to obtain unique material parameters—motivated by the concept of local identifiability. Besides, we compare the numerical differentiation, which is the common procedure in parameter identification, with the fully analytical derivation of sensitivities within the DIC/FEM approach.

Nielen Stander ◽  
Katharina Witowski ◽  
Christian Ilg ◽  
Andre Haufe ◽  
Martin Helbig ◽  

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