Changes in protein pattern during different developmental stages of somatic embryos in chickpea

2012 ◽  
Vol 56 (4) ◽  
pp. 613-619 ◽  
S. Mishra ◽  
I. Sanyal ◽  
D. V. Amla
2009 ◽  
Vol 31 (3) ◽  
pp. 501-514 ◽  
Gabriela Claudia Cangahuala-Inocente ◽  
Andrea Villarino ◽  
Daniela Seixas ◽  
Eliane Dumas-Gaudot ◽  
Hernán Terenzi ◽  

HortScience ◽  
2004 ◽  
Vol 39 (4) ◽  
pp. 859C-859
Nirmal Joshee* ◽  
Bipul K. Biswas ◽  
Anand K. Yadav

Centella asiatica L. (Apiaceae family), also called `Indian Pennywort,' is a prostrate, faintly aromatic, and stoloniferous perennial herb with long petiolated leaves. In the Ayurvedic medicine, it is reputed as a nervine tonic along with antibacterial, antifeedant, antileprotic and wound healing properties. Centella contains glycosides, indocentelloside, brahmoside, and asiaticoside. Its leaves are rich in carotenoids and vitamins B and C. In vitro culture techniques which offer a viable tool for mass propagation of plants have recently become increasingly popular for conservation of rare, endangered and threatened medicinal plants germplasm. Centella tissue culture has been reported to experience high incidences of microbial contamination which drastically reduces survival of explants. Thus, the main purpose of this study was to develop an efficient micropropagation technique for Centella asiatica to reduce explant contamination and rapidly disseminate superior clones for research and production. Here we present induction and further development of somatic embryos, using Centella stolons as explants. Somatic embryos were induced in response to 2,4-D shock on MS medium. Initially, somatic embryos appeared as highly nodular callus and eventually developed into somatic embryos that exhibited globular, heart shaped and cotyledonary stages. After auxin shock, cultures were regularly transferred to MS basal medium where somatic embryos completed various developmental stages and then germinated to give rise to new plantlets. In this presentation, we will demonstrate complete protocols for the successful sterilization of Centella explants prepared from plants that had abundance of fungal and bacterial contamination.

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 43 ◽  
Pauline D. Kasi ◽  
Sumaryono Sumaryono

Development of somatic embryos of sago (Metroxylon sagu Rottb.) on agar-solidified medium are highly varied producing heterogeneous seedlings. Understanding of this phenomenon may help in improving the cultural procedures and conditions of sago<br />somatic embryogenesis to obtain uniform seedlings in a large scale. This experiment was conducted at the laboratory for plant cell culture and micropropagation, Indonesian Biotechnology Research Institute for Estate Crops from January to March 2006 to examine morphological changes i.e. color and development stages of sago during their somatic embryo development on an agar-solidified medium. Twenty single globular somatic embryos of sago with specific color (yellowish, greenish, and reddish) were cultured in a Petri dish supplemented with a solid medium. The medium was a micronutrients-modified MS (MMS) with half strength of macronutrients containing 0.01 mg l-1 ABA, 2 mg l-1 kinetin, 20 g l-1 sucrose, 0.5 g l-1 activated charcoal, and 2 g l-1 gelrite. Parameter observed was the percentage of embryo’s number based on color and developmental stage. The result showed that at the end of 6-week culture passage, most originally greenish (80.8%) and reddish (95.8%) embryos remained unchanged in their colors, whereas almost half of the originally yellowish embryos turned to greenish and only 30%<br />remained yellowish. At the same time, single globular embryos have changed gradually into the next developmental stages, although not all of the embryos were germinated. The initial color of embryo affected the rate of the developmental stage changes. Yellowish and greenish globular embryos developed more rapidly into cotyledon or germinant stages at 58% and 55% respectively, in 6 weeks than the reddish ones (41%). Therefore, the yellowish and greenish embryos are the best sources of material for in vitro mass propagation and synthetic seed production of sago.

2016 ◽  
Vol 74 (1) ◽  
Pauline Destinugrainy KASI ◽  

Summary In vitro culture of sago (Metroxylon sagu Rottb.) on an agar-solidified medium consists of somatic embryos of different sizes, colors, and developmental stages.  One gram of mostly globular somatic embryos were cultured on a solid medium to observe their morphological variations with respect to embryo size, color, and developmental stage over one passage of six weeks culture.  The medium was a modified-MS medium with half-strength of macronutrients containing   0.01 mg/L ABA and 2 mg/L kinetin.  At the end of culture passage, fresh weight of embryo increased by 2.3 folds.  The embryo numbers increased by more than two times indicating the formation of secondary embryos.  The average size of sago somatic embryos did not change significantly over the culture period; however, the embryo size was already highly varied at the start and increased gradually as the embryo developed.  At the initial of culture,   33.7 % of the embryos were yellowish, 64.1 % were greenish, and 2.2% were reddish.  By the end of the culture the composition of yellowish embryos increased to 51.2 %, greenish embryo decreased to 42.5 % and red embryos increased to 6.3 %.  At the initial culture, 61 % of the embryos were at the globular, 9 % at heart-shape and 30 % at torpedo stage.  Generally globular embryos developed into later-stage embryos as the culture progressed, although almost 56% of the embryos remained at the globular stage after the sixth week.Ringkasan Kultur in vitro sagu (Metroxylon sagu Rottb.) pada medium padat terdiri dari embrio somatik dalam berbagai ukuran, warna, dan fase perkembangan.  Satu gram embrio somatik yang sebagian besar dalam fase globuler dikulturkan pada medium padat untuk mengamati keragaman morfologi embrio dalam hal ukuran, warna dan fase perkembangan dalam satu periode kultur enam minggu.  Medium kultur adalah MS modifikasi dengan setengah hara makro serta penambahan zat pengatur tumbuh ABA 0,01 mg/L dan kinetin 2 mg/L.  Pada akhir masa kultur bobot embrio segar meningkat 2,3 kali dibandingkan awal masa kultur.  Jumlah embrio juga mengalami peningkatan sebesar lebih dari dua kali yang menunjukkan adanya pembentukan embrio somatik sekunder. Ukuran rata-rata embrio tidak berubah secara signifikan selama masa kultur akan tetapi ukuran embrio telah sangat beragam pada awal kultur dan terus meningkat hingga akhir kultur. Warna embrio mengalami perubahan selama periode kultur.  Pada awal kultur dijumpai 33,7 % embrio berwarna kuning, 64,1 % embrio hijau, dan 2,2 % embrio merah.  Pada akhir kultur presentase embrio kuning meningkat menjadi 51,2 %, embrio hijau menjadi 42,5 %, dan embrio merah 6,3 %.  Pada awal kultur, dijumpai 61 % embrio pada fase globuler, 9 % fase bentuk-hati dan 30 % fase torpedo.  Umumnya embrio globuler berkembang menjadi embrio fase lanjut selama kultur berlangsung, namun 56 % embrio masih tetap dalam fase globuler pada minggu keenam.

2016 ◽  
Vol 74 (1) ◽  
Pauline Destinugrainy KASI ◽  

Summary In vitro culture of sago (Metroxylon sagu Rottb.) on an agar-solidified medium consists of somatic embryos of different sizes, colors, and developmental stages.  One gram of mostly globular somatic embryos were cultured on a solid medium to observe their morphological variations with respect to embryo size, color, and developmental stage over one passage of six weeks culture.  The medium was a modified-MS medium with half-strength of macronutrients containing   0.01 mg/L ABA and 2 mg/L kinetin.  At the end of culture passage, fresh weight of embryo increased by 2.3 folds.  The embryo numbers increased by more than two times indicating the formation of secondary embryos.  The average size of sago somatic embryos did not change significantly over the culture period; however, the embryo size was already highly varied at the start and increased gradually as the embryo developed.  At the initial of culture,   33.7 % of the embryos were yellowish, 64.1 % were greenish, and 2.2% were reddish.  By the end of the culture the composition of yellowish embryos increased to 51.2 %, greenish embryo decreased to 42.5 % and red embryos increased to 6.3 %.  At the initial culture, 61 % of the embryos were at the globular, 9 % at heart-shape and 30 % at torpedo stage.  Generally globular embryos developed into later-stage embryos as the culture progressed, although almost 56% of the embryos remained at the globular stage after the sixth week.Ringkasan Kultur in vitro sagu (Metroxylon sagu Rottb.) pada medium padat terdiri dari embrio somatik dalam berbagai ukuran, warna, dan fase perkembangan.  Satu gram embrio somatik yang sebagian besar dalam fase globuler dikulturkan pada medium padat untuk mengamati keragaman morfologi embrio dalam hal ukuran, warna dan fase perkembangan dalam satu periode kultur enam minggu.  Medium kultur adalah MS modifikasi dengan setengah hara makro serta penambahan zat pengatur tumbuh ABA 0,01 mg/L dan kinetin 2 mg/L.  Pada akhir masa kultur bobot embrio segar meningkat 2,3 kali dibandingkan awal masa kultur.  Jumlah embrio juga mengalami peningkatan sebesar lebih dari dua kali yang menunjukkan adanya pembentukan embrio somatik sekunder. Ukuran rata-rata embrio tidak berubah secara signifikan selama masa kultur akan tetapi ukuran embrio telah sangat beragam pada awal kultur dan terus meningkat hingga akhir kultur. Warna embrio mengalami perubahan selama periode kultur.  Pada awal kultur dijumpai 33,7 % embrio berwarna kuning, 64,1 % embrio hijau, dan 2,2 % embrio merah.  Pada akhir kultur presentase embrio kuning meningkat menjadi 51,2 %, embrio hijau menjadi 42,5 %, dan embrio merah 6,3 %.  Pada awal kultur, dijumpai 61 % embrio pada fase globuler, 9 % fase bentuk-hati dan 30 % fase torpedo.  Umumnya embrio globuler berkembang menjadi embrio fase lanjut selama kultur berlangsung, namun 56 % embrio masih tetap dalam fase globuler pada minggu keenam.

2004 ◽  
Vol 70 (1) ◽  
pp. 54-62 ◽  
I. Vargas–Luna ◽  
G. Ortiz–Montiel ◽  
V. M. Chávez ◽  
R. E. Litz ◽  
P. A. Moon

Plant Science ◽  
1996 ◽  
Vol 120 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-69 ◽  
Valérie Laurence Dodeman ◽  
Georges Ducreux

Parasitology ◽  
1980 ◽  
Vol 81 (1) ◽  
pp. 177-198 ◽  
A. A. McColm ◽  
P. G. Shakespeare ◽  
P. I. Trigg

SUMMARYStudies were performed to identify specific parasite proteins synthesized withinPlasmodium knowlesi-infected rhesus erythrocytes. Sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) of whole parasites freed from the host erythrocyte by immune lysis, of membranous and cytoplasmic parasite fractions, and of isolated merozoites, detected several parasite-specific components after Coomassie Blue staining of the separated proteins. However, significant contamination with host erythrocyte material generally occurred, particularly in the whole parasite and parasite membrane preparations. Improved identification of plasmodial proteins was subsequently afforded by a radioisotope labelling technique in which parasitized erythrocytes were cultivatedin vitrowith [3H] isoleucine prior to electrophoretic analysis. Of 11 principal labelled peaks ranging in molecular weight from approximately 17000 to 145000 which were detected upon electrophoresis of whole parasites harvested from culture, all were observed in the cytoplasmic fraction while at least 5 were also associated with the membranous cell fraction. Analysis of different developmental stages of the intra-erythrocytic parasite revealed no significant stage-specific qualitative variations in the electrophoretic profiles. Quantitatively, however, the middle to late trophozoites incorporated more [3H] isoleucine into protein than the other intra-erythrocytic stages. Analysis of merozoites purified from labelled schizonts showed a protein pattern similar to the other stages. This confirmed that host components did not contribute to the labelling pattern and that none of the labelled proteins were specific to the residual cytoplasm remaining after merozoite formation.

2009 ◽  
Vol 55 (No. 2) ◽  
pp. 75-80 ◽  
J. Malá ◽  
M. Cvikrová ◽  
P. Máchová ◽  
O. Martincová

Contents of free polyamines (putrescine, spermidine and spermine) were determined in different developmental stages of Norway spruce (<I>Picea abies</I> [L.] Karst.) somatic embryos by means of HPLC. Determinations were performed embryogenic tissue after 4 weeks of the growth on proliferation medium, after 2 and 5 weeks of the culturing on maturation medium, and 2 weeks after desiccation. Maturation of somatic embryos (after 5 weeks) was accompanied by increase of concentrations of putrescine (2.3 times) and spermidine (3.2 times). In comparison with above mentioned polyamines, spermine concentrations were significantly lower (4.3 times). Two weeks after desiccation, the concentrations of putrescine decreased 5.4 times and spermidine 2.2 times in comparison with mature embryos. To improve the efficiency of somatic embryogenesis of less responsive genotypes, the supplementation of growth media by polyamines is discussed.

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