scholarly journals The waste ban in China: what happened next? Assessing the impact of new policies on the waste management sector in China

Na Song ◽  
Iain McLellan ◽  
Wei Liu ◽  
Zhenghua Wang ◽  
Andrew Hursthouse

AbstractThe 2017 ban on the waste import and new policies for the waste management sector in mainland China had wide-spread impact. After decades of poor environmental and public health impacts from the sector, a study is needed which focuses on policies updates and waste management. This provides a direction for the survival of local waste management industries and consider similarities with the ban promulgated in China on the restriction of waste import from other countries. We review the waste management situation in China before national legislation prevented the import of waste, highlight the status of landfill mining in China, and review the dynamics of domestic policies before and after the promulgation of the ban in China. The impact of the COVID19 pandemic on the waste management system is starting to emerge, providing both challenges and opportunities for the sector in China. We see the impact of the ban on the range of imported waste and domestically generated materials. The ban results in price increases for domestic recycling that forces companies to introduce more formal recycling processes and to drive the consumption behaviours to more reasonable and environmentally friendly options. The driver in China is to reduce pollution in the environment and improve health, but a negative impact has been from increased landfill mining which has impeded the original aim of the waste ban and requires further technological development. The dynamic of domestic policies in China shows higher level of activity of updates and revisions or introduction of new policies from 2015 onwards and the concept of ‘zero waste cities’ brings new hope for improvement of the Chinese waste management system. The pandemic also suggests an important step to establish sustainable management systems despite evidence of increased “fly-tipping”. The rebound of the waste ban may have stimulated in the short term negative impacts on local environments both in China and internationally.

2019 ◽  
pp. 79-87
Iryna Kolodiichuk

Attention is drawn to the threatening scale of problems in the field of waste management, the direct correlation between the dynamics of socio-economic development and the accumulation of waste, which requires the formation of an adequate waste management system based on a territorially balanced approach. The importance of assessing the impact of quantitative and qualitative parameters of waste generation / utilization that form the territorial balance of waste management systems is emphasized. The organizational and economic factors that determine the volume and structure of waste generation / utilization and to which we primarily refer the macroeconomic situation in the country, economic activity of enterprises, logistics, economic, environmental levers and production restrictions are substantiated. The importance of governmental institutions in providing conditions for responsible treatment of waste management and in the use of administrative and incentive instruments to influence these processes is emphasized By changing the structure of production, a trade-off can be found between market demand for products and the cost of production, taking into account the prospective cost of waste management. The experience of European countries shows that modern recycling technologies must meet the criteria of environmental friendliness, economy, long-term availability of raw materials for recycling and demand for recycling technologies from the point of view of the sale of recycled waste components. We are convinced that the processing enterprise for the successful functioning of the company must be a business project, not a social project. This alters the motivation of management and focuses its strategy on economic outcomes that will produce social and environmental effects. The feasibility of using a public-private partnership scheme can provide a synergistic effect in the waste management system. Emphasis is placed on the effect-forming role of the socio-legal group of factors, which include the level of environmental awareness of waste generators, responsibility for violation of technological standards, ability to organize the sorting of household waste, state priorities for the implementation of waste management policy, legal responsibility for unauthorized waste.

Salman Shooshtarian ◽  
Tayyab Maqsood ◽  
Peter SP Wong ◽  
Malik Khalfan ◽  
Rebecca J. Yang

Increased construction activities in Australia have led to the generation of a massive volume of construction and demolition (C&D) waste annually. Management of this volume of waste requires an effective waste framework. The literature reported that the current Australian waste framework does not meet expectations and needs immediate improvements. This study was therefore conducted to seek the key C&D stakeholders' opinion about various issues identified in this waste stream. The specific objectives of this study are identification of the main barriers to effective C&D waste management, the impact of current regulations and opportunities to enhance the current C&D waste management system. A survey was conducted in 2019 to capture the stakeholders' perception. 132 participants from various industries and government agencies based in various Australian jurisdictions took part in the survey. The key results showed that the main barriers towards an effective management system are "overregulation, tough acceptance criteria, and increased testing requirements", "lack of local market" and "culture, poor education and low acceptance". Furthermore, a low number of participants indicated that the current legislation encourages waste recovery activities. The main areas of improvements included "providing a guideline that determines the accepted level of contamination for reusing C&D waste”, "preparation of guidelines on requirements of using recycled C&D materials in different industries" and "setting target for reduction, reusing, and recycling C&D waste". The results can inform policy development and be used as evidence for a broader discussion to solve lasting issues in C&D waste management.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (11) ◽  
Deskrianti Tanaem

Waste management is a systematic, comprehensive, sustainable activity that includes waste reduction and handling. The existence of waste can have a health effect on the environment and society if it is not handled seriously. The influence of waste on the environment that can damage the aesthetics of the environment and for health can indirectly be in the form of vector-borne diseases that breed in the waste. This study was conducted to determine the description of the waste management system in Soe City. The research method used is a descriptive survey where the research is carried out with the main aim of making a picture or description of a situation objectively. The number of samples in this study were 26 TPS and 1 TPA and the managers of each TPS and TPA. The analysis used is univariate analysis. Based on the results of the study, it showed that of the total 26 TPS in Soe City, 3 (11.5%) were in the good category, while 23 (88.5%) were in the bad category. The waste management system that starts from waste sorting is 26 (100.0%) TPS is bad in sorting waste, bad waste collection is 17 (65.4%) while good is 9 TPS (34.6%). The process of transporting waste from TPS to TPA is still bad at 17 (65.4%) TPS and 9 (34.6%) TPS have good category, for waste processing from 26 TPS no one does waste processing, and final waste processing Soe City TPA is still bad at destroying waste. The Soe City Government is expected to pay attention to waste management issues as well as support and facilitate the solid waste management system in Soe City, in order to reduce the negative impact on environmental health and public health

Pondasi ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 63
Marlita Riali

AbstractWaste becomes one of the crucial problems, even including cultural problems, because the impact will disrupt all aspects of life. Most landfills are operated using an open dumping system even though the landfill is designed with a sanitary landfill system. Therefore proper handling is needed to reduce the risks associated with waste problems. One of the waste handlings that can be done is with a sustainable waste management system, which is the concept of zero waste. This is in line with the efforts of the SDGs' target to state that the country as a whole can reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling, and reuse. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method with a technical approach to the analysis of literature studies in examining zero waste-based waste management systems through several case studies, namely the City of Canberra, South Korea, Sweden, Brazil, Japan, and Germany. The results showed that implementing the waste management system with the concept of zero waste required the collaboration of all parties not only stakeholders, and indirectly the cultural characteristics of the community played an important role to realize the concept of zero waste because of the need for high public awareness. And essentially all parties, both the government and the community want to reduce the amount of waste from both sources and landfills and improve the recycling system to create an ideal city. Keywords: Municipal Waste, Waste Management, Zero Waste AbstrakSampah menjadi salah satu permasalahan yang krusial bahkan termasuk masalah kultural karena dampak yang ditimbulkan akan mengganggu semua aspek kehidupan. Sebagian besar tempat pembuangan sampah dioperasikan dengan menggunakan sistem open dumping walaupun TPA tersebut didesain dengan sistem sanitary landfill. Oleh sebab itu diperlukan penanganan yang tepat untuk mengurangi resiko terkait masalah sampah. Salah satu penanganan sampah yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan sistem pengolahan sampah berkelanjutan yaitu konsep zero waste. Hal ini sejalan dengan upaya target SDGs menyatakan bahwa negara secara menyeluruh mampu mengurangi timbulan sampah melalui pencegahan, pengurangan, daur ulang, dan pemakaian kembali. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan teknis analisis studi literatur dalam mengkaji sistem pengelolaan sampah berbasis zero waste melalui beberapa studi kasus yaitu Kota Canberra, Korea Selatan, Swedia, Brasil, Jepang, dan Jerman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa untuk menerapkan sistem pegelolaan sampah dengan konsep zero waste diperlukan kerjasama semua pihak tidak hanya pemangku kepentingan, dan secara tidak langsung komitmen masyarakat berperan penting untuk mewujudkan konsep zero waste karena perlunya kesadaran masyarakat yang tinggi. Dan pada hakekatnya semua pihak baik pemerintah dan masyarakat menginginkan untuk mengurangi jumlah sampah baik dari sumber maupun TPA dan meningkatkan sistem daur ulang untuk mewujudkan kota yang ideal.Kata Kunci : Sampah Kota, Pengelolaan Sampah, Zero Waste

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Yamin Astha ◽  
Altim . ◽  
Saiful Alam ◽  
Sutrati Melissa Malik

Abstract: The waste is all kind of things or material/human excreta, animal, vegetation or anything from the result of human activity to fulfill their daily need. This waste may trigger and or cause contamination to the water, land, and air and cause damage to the human environmental. The ultimate waste disposal of the city in The Landfill Site is against some obstacles, physically and nonphysical, such as social, economy, maintenance problems, etc. According the field experience in some area especially in the City of Palu, city waste management in TPA Kawatuna or Kawatuna Landfill Site consistently practice open dumping system with specific awareness on the environmental protection. The problem occur in Kawatuna Landfill Site is none of waste selection criteria. This condition caused a habitant of the scavengers to earn the life for their expanse, but this settlement has negative impact to their healthiness. The contours of landfill site are valley and hilly. This caused a waste collections activity from the waste employee throw away randomly to the valley of landfill site area and caused wider landfill area. In addition, another wider valley becomes the garbage collection area and causes destruction to the land structure. As a result, the qualitative descriptive method of this research concludes applicable waste management system for the Kawatuna Landfill Site and factors that influences the waste management system. Effort and good cooperation are necessary for a good waste management practice in Kawatuna Landfill Site. This practice starts from each of us where the waste is a requirement that should minimize together. Application of 4R (Reduce, Replace, Reuse and Recycle) is the first step in maximizing the waste management system of Kawatuna Landfill Site. All of this effort certainly requires a support from human resources, facility and infrastructure, social participation and government regulation. Keywords: Waste, Waste Management, Kawatuna Landfill Abstrak: Sampah ialah semua jenis benda atau barang bangunan/kotoran manusia, hewan atau tumbuh-tumbuhan atau yang berasal dari aktivitas kehidupan manusia dalam memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya yang dapat menimbulkan dan atau mengakibatkan pengotoran terhadap air, tanah dan udara sehingga dapat menimbulkan pengrusakan lingkungan hidup manusia. Penampungan akhir sampah kota dilakukan di Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA) mengalami berbagai macam kendala baik fisik maupun non fisik, seperti masalah sosial, ekonomi, pemeliharaan dan lain–lain. Dari berbagai kenyataan yang ada di lapangan, di berbagai daerah, khususnya di Kota Palu, pengelolaan sampah perkotaan di TPA Kawatuna masih menggunakan sistem pembuangan terbuka (open dumping), dimana sistem ini kurang memperhatikan aspek perlindungan lingkungan. Masalah yang timbul di TPA Kawatuna yakni : belum ada pengelolaan untuk pemilahan jenis sampah, kondisi ini mengakibatkan munculnya permukiman para pemulung yang mencari nafkah dengan memilah sampah yang dapat memberikan pendapatan bagi mereka, namun keberadaan permukiman mereka dapat memberikan pengaruh negatif bagi kesehatan mereka. Dan kondisi TPA yang berkontur yaitu lembah dan perbukitan menjadikan sampah yang telah dikumpulkan oleh petugas dibuang sembarangan pada lembah di daerah TPA yang mengakibatkan bertambah luasnya daratan sampah, hal lain lembah yang cukup besar dijadikan sebagai penampung sampah yang dapat menyebabkan rusaknya struktur tanah. Olehnya penyelesaian penelitian dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif didapatkan sistem pengelolaan sampah yang sesuai diterapkan di TPA Kawatuna dan faktor – faktor yang mempengaruhi sistem pengelolaan sampah. Diperlukan usaha dan kerjasama yang baik agar pengolahan sampah di TPA Kawatuna dapat berjalan dengan baik. Hal tersebut dimulai dari diri kita masing – masing bahwa sampah merupakan suatu kebutuhan yang harus kita minimalisasikan bersama – sama. Penerapan 4R yakni (Reduce, Replace, Reuse and Recycle) merupakan langkah awal agar sistem pengelolaan sampah di TPA Kawatuna berjalan maksimal. Tentunya semua itu perlu didukung dengan sumber daya manusia, sarana prasarana, partisipasi masyarakat dan peraturan pemerintah. Kata Kunci: Sampah, Pengelolaan Sampah, TPA Kawatuna

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 41-53
Bismi Annisa

Capacities of Cipayung landfill (final processing) has exceeded capacity. The composition of organic waste is the most dominant waste composition. This study aims to assess the critical flow of municipal solid waste management system in the Cipayung landfill thus be predicted or estimated improvement of waste management system in the landfill Cipayung. The research method using MFA STAN software for a period of one year beginning in 2017 until 2018. The results of this study are critical flow of waste management systems are in the process of sorting and empowerment are still done manually, so the impact on increasing the amount of garbage residue will be dumped in Cipayung landfill. Waste composition which includes the critical flow is organic waste, plastic, paper, glass and aluminum. All materials that are at a critical flow still can be empowered using mechanical sorting machines garbage. Management recommendation is to apply the technology of recycling, composting and RDF feedstock. The government should establish cooperation with the private sector to process waste into resources that extend the life of landfill serviceability. Through optimization scenario 1, the critical flow of waste management systems can be improved with a reduction of more than 50% of the waste to be dumped into landfill Cipayung.

2019 ◽  
pp. 176-187
Olga Khandogina ◽  
Natalia Mushchynska

The problem of coverage of the population by services of waste removal in the cross section of regions and the connection of this indicator with economic and social aspects of human activity has been considered. The regions are compared, the dynamics of changes of the index by years is analyzed. The dependence of coverage of services on the number of employees in the field of waste management and on the level of financing of the sphere of waste management is analyzed. These figures are found to vary significantly and there is no correlation between the number of employees or the amount of waste management system financing and the increase in the level of service provision in the region. The reasons, of the imperfections of the household waste system collection and removal are identified. The importance of correctly determining the level of waste collection services coverage for the proper waste collection subsystem organization is characterized. The study of correlation between indices of human development in the countries of the world and the index of coverage of the population by services for removal of household waste is conducted. It is found that there is a direct correlation between the indicators for individual countries. Based on the obtained model, the validity of the indicator for the regions of Ukraine is analyzed. It is determined that the values of the population coverage of waste collection for the regions do not fit into the model obtained. Assumptions have been made about the inaccuracy of public data on waste collection services in the regions of Ukraine. Waste management system in the regions of Ukraine, in particular with regard to waste collection, is currently characterized by the imbalance of development and insufficient accuracy of the indicators, and needs concerted action and measures to optimize it to ensure proper collection of municipal waste at the regional level, as well as to create an effective information and analytical system to monitor the state of the household waste management system. It is concluded that the improvement of the waste collection system should be one of the highest priorities at the local level to reduce the risk of negative impact on human life and health, the environment, etc.

2018 ◽  
Vol 97 (8) ◽  
pp. 693-698
Yu. I. Stepkin ◽  
Ekaterina P. Gaydukova

In modern conditions, there are unacceptable risks of harm from exposure to hazardous chemical and biological factors for public health and the environment. The complexity and scale of environmental and hygiene problems that directly or indirectly affect the state of the nation’s health require active action on priority strategically important areas. One, of which is the waste management system, which can cope with the growing volumes and species diversity of waste. The components of the public health risk caused by the formation, accumulation, recycling, and disposal of wastes are the factors of the negative complex impact on the environment during inter-environment migration of pollutants. Solid municipal waste landfills are sources of long-term negative environmental impact due to the receipt of a highly toxic filtrate and biogas containing greenhouse gases and toxic substances. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of chemicals entering the atmospheric air from polygons with an assessment of the health risks. Studies have been conducted for a landfill located near and serving the largest urbanized area in the region. The methodology of risk assessment in accordance with R. “Guidelines for the assessment of risk to public health in the impact of chemicals polluting the environment” has been applied. In the course of the study, a list of chemicals entering the atmospheric air during the life cycle and production activities of the landfill was determined based on the evaluation and analytical method. The risk assessment methodology applied in the waste management system allowed calculating of individual carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risks, as well as hazard indices when exposed to critical organs and systems and to develop further tactics for conducting monitoring in the areas in the zone affected by the test site.

Omar ibraheem Albatniji, Khaldun Khalid Mohammed, Abed Ahmad

This study aimed to identify the effectiveness of the application of the medical waste management system in Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza, and contribute to building the concept of integrated management of medical waste treatment. The researchers used the descriptive analytical approach to achieve the results and answer the questions of the study through interviews with the staff who are directly related to the management of medical waste. It was clear from the results of the study that insufficient medical preventive measures were taken with regard to the preventive vaccination of working crews, especially cleaners. The large workload, the apparent lack of medicines & medical supplies and the beds of the affected people also affected the performance of the staff and the quality of service provided to the sick and injured. The results of the study also showed that the events of the Return Marches had a great impact on the performance of the work crews through the large increase in the volume and pressure of work, which in turn led to an increase in the volume of medical waste, especially human organs. One of the most important recommendations of this study is the necessity of enacting the relevant laws to control the medical waste management system and activating this system through coordinating efforts, defining responsibilities among the various concerned bodies, activating the role of the inspection and control unit at the Ministry of Health to conduct visits and periodic evaluation of medical waste management, conducting tests and vaccinations periodically and according to a specific program for the hospital staff. In addition to the allocation of closed places to collect medical waste containers after sorting instead of leaving it in the facilities and corridors of the hospital waiting to be transferred to the storage site.

2021 ◽  
Vol 940 (1) ◽  
pp. 012034
M I N Muhashiby ◽  
H S Hasibuan ◽  
S Wahyono

Abstract Waste management is collecting, transporting, processing, and recycling waste materials from the Household, 3R Waste Management Site/Integrated Waste Management Site, and the landfill. Optimal waste management can reduce the impact of environmental pollution caused by waste. The current community paradigm in waste management is still in the collect-transport-dispose. This paper describes how Pesanggrahan District manages its waste by applying a new paradigm, namely reduce-sorted-processing. This paper aims to evaluate the waste management system at the Jakarta Recycle Center (JRC), Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta, and identify peer-reviewed documents in the waste management system. This study approaches a semi-systematic review by reviewing relevant documents. The waste transportation scheme carried out in the JRC program is divided into four types on seven different days. The composition of the most significant waste in JRC is organic waste. Two methods carry out the processing of organic waste, namely composting and BSF. With the support of sufficient waste transportation and processing facilities from the government, the JRC can become a pilot program that can be applied in other areas in managing their waste.

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