scholarly journals Ethics in the mining of software repositories

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
Nicolas E. Gold ◽  
Jens Krinke

AbstractResearch in Mining Software Repositories (MSR) is research involving human subjects, as the repositories usually contain data about developers’ and users’ interactions with the repositories and with each other. The ethics issues raised by such research therefore need to be considered before beginning. This paper presents a discussion of ethics issues that can arise in MSR research, using the mining challenges from the years 2006 to 2021 as a case study to identify the kinds of data used. On the basis of contemporary research ethics frameworks we discuss ethics challenges that may be encountered in creating and using repositories and associated datasets. We also report some results from a small community survey of approaches to ethics in MSR research. In addition, we present four case studies illustrating typical ethics issues one encounters in projects and how ethics considerations can shape projects before they commence. Based on our experience, we present some guidelines and practices that can help in considering potential ethics issues and reducing risks.

2016 ◽  
Vol 83 (1_suppl) ◽  
pp. 156-176 ◽  
Jacobus S. Wessels ◽  
Retha G. Visagie

This article reports on research aimed at assessing why Public Administration research is eligible for research ethics review or not through a quantitative content analysis of two international peer-reviewed journals. Through a comprehensive literature review on research integrity, research ethics and human subject protection regulations, the reasons, convictions and conditions for ethics review were identified and combined into a conceptual framework for the purpose of the content analysis. The study revealed that 60% of the articles reported on research involving human participants directly or indirectly. An interesting observation was the lack of reporting on ethical considerations in general and specifically in the research design of those articles with the potential to harm human subjects. It is recommended that higher education institutions hosting researchers in Public Administration, as well as peer-reviewed journals, should instil the awareness and sensitivity for research ethics among researchers. Points for practitioners The study on which this article is based reports on the qualifying reasons, convictions and conditions for ethics review in Public Administration research. Consequently, the article proposes a conceptual framework that could be used by Public Administration researchers and ethics review committees to assess whether research is eligible for ethics review or not.

Pflege ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 31 (5) ◽  
pp. 237-244 ◽  
Caroline Gurtner ◽  
Rebecca Spirig ◽  
Diana Staudacher ◽  
Evelyn Huber

Zusammenfassung. Hintergrund: Die patientenbezogene Komplexität der Pflege ist durch die Merkmale „Instabilität“, „Unsicherheit“ und „Variabilität“ definiert. Aufgrund der reduzierten Aufenthaltsdauer und der steigenden Zahl chronisch und mehrfach erkrankter Personen erhöht sich die Komplexität der Pflege. Ziel: In dieser Studie untersuchten wir das Phänomen patientenbezogener Komplexität aus Sicht von Pflegefachpersonen und Pflegeexpertinnen im Akutspital. Methode: Im Rahmen eines kollektiven Case-Study-Designs schätzten Pflegefachpersonen und Pflegeexpertinnen die Komplexität von Pflegesituationen mit einem Fragebogen ein. Danach befragten wir sie in Einzelinterviews zu ihrer Einschätzung. Mittels Within-Case-Analyse verdichteten wir die Daten induktiv zu Fallgeschichten. In der Cross-Case-Analyse verglichen wir die Fallgeschichten hinsichtlich deduktiv abgeleiteter Merkmale. Ergebnisse: Die Ausprägung der Komplexität hing in den vier Cases im Wesentlichen davon ab, ob klinische Probleme kontrollierbar und prognostizierbar waren. Je nach individuellen Ressourcen der Patientinnen und Patienten stieg bzw. sank die Komplexität. Schlussfolgerungen: Komplexe Patientensituationen fordern von Pflegefachpersonen Fachwissen, Erfahrung, kommunikative Kompetenzen sowie die Fähigkeit zur Reflexion. Berufsanfänger und Berufsanfängerinnen werden zur Entwicklung dieser Fähigkeiten idealerweise durch erfahrene Berufskolleginnen oder -kollegen unterstützt und beraten.

2018 ◽  
pp. 60-67
Henrika Pihlajaniemi ◽  
Anna Luusua ◽  
Eveliina Juntunen

This paper presents the evaluation of usersХ experiences in three intelligent lighting pilots in Finland. Two of the case studies are related to the use of intelligent lighting in different kinds of traffic areas, having emphasis on aspects of visibility, traffic and movement safety, and sense of security. The last case study presents a more complex view to the experience of intelligent lighting in smart city contexts. The evaluation methods, tailored to each pilot context, include questionnaires, an urban dashboard, in-situ interviews and observations, evaluation probes, and system data analyses. The applicability of the selected and tested methods is discussed reflecting the process and achieved results.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Sarmistha R. Majumdar

Fracking has helped to usher in an era of energy abundance in the United States. This advanced drilling procedure has helped the nation to attain the status of the largest producer of crude oil and natural gas in the world, but some of its negative externalities, such as human-induced seismicity, can no longer be ignored. The occurrence of earthquakes in communities located at proximity to disposal wells with no prior history of seismicity has shocked residents and have caused damages to properties. It has evoked individuals’ resentment against the practice of injection of fracking’s wastewater under pressure into underground disposal wells. Though the oil and gas companies have denied the existence of a link between such a practice and earthquakes and the local and state governments have delayed their responses to the unforeseen seismic events, the issue has gained in prominence among researchers, affected community residents, and the media. This case study has offered a glimpse into the varied responses of stakeholders to human-induced seismicity in a small city in the state of Texas. It is evident from this case study that although individuals’ complaints and protests from a small community may not be successful in bringing about statewide changes in regulatory policies on disposal of fracking’s wastewater, they can add to the public pressure on the state government to do something to address the problem in a state that supports fracking.

2020 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Zofia Wysokińska ◽  
Tomasz Czajkowski ◽  
Katarzyna Grabowska

AbstractNonwovens are one of the most versatile textile materials and have become increasingly popular in almost all sectors of the economy due to their low manufacturing costs and unique properties. In the next few years, the world market of nonwovens is predicted to grow by 7%–8% annually (International Nonwovens & Disposables Association [INDA], European Disposables and Nonwovens Association [EDANA], and Markets and Markets). This article aims to analyze the most recent trends in the global export and import of nonwovens, to present two case studies of Polish companies that produce them, and to present one special case study of the market of nonwoven geotextiles in China and India, which are the Asian transition economies among the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa).

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