The effect of chemical fertilizer on soil organic carbon renewal and CO2 emission—a pot experiment with maize

2011 ◽  
Vol 353 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 85-94 ◽  
Wei Gong ◽  
Xiaoyuan Yan ◽  
Jingyan Wang
Jared M. Abodeely ◽  
David J. Muth ◽  
Joshua Koch ◽  
Kenneth M. Bryden

This paper presents an agricultural residue removal decision framework that couples the environmental process models WEPS, RUSLE2, SCI, and DAYCENT. One of the goals of this integrated model is to quantify the impacts of land management strategies on soil organic carbon and CO2 emissions. Soil, climate, and land management practices are considered in determining sustainable residue removal rates using wind- and water-induced soil erosion and qualitative soil organic carbon constraints and to quantify the long-term impacts of sustainable residue removal on soil organic carbon and greenhouse gas emissions. Using this integrated model sustainable residue removal for four crop rotations, three tillage regimes, and four soil types representing nearly 70% of the arable acres in Boone County, Iowa are examined. Each scenario was performed for a twenty-year period. Soil organic carbon and CO2 emission results are aggregated by soil type using crop rotation and tillage statistics. The soil type results are aggregated using a normalized percentage area to provide a county level estimate of soil organic carbon changes and CO2 emissions. Results show that for the largest sustainable residue removal rate that soil organic carbon increased 3.53–6.63 Mg/ha over the 20 year simulation and that CO2 emissions ranged from 3.50–4.23 Mg/ha across the four soil types resulting in an average increase of soil organic carbon of 4.85 Mg/ha and CO2 emission of 3.77 Mg/ha at the county level.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (24) ◽  
pp. 7088
Xiaodong Chen ◽  
Jinggui Wu ◽  
Yaa Opoku-Kwanowaa

High salinity and low fertility have restricted crop production in primary saline-alkali soils. Soil organic carbon (SOC) and surface charge characteristics affect the soil fertility and soil colloid characteristics of primary saline-alkali soils, respectively. In this paper, the SOC and surface charge properties of primary saline-alkaline soil under organic wastes applications were assessed. Five treatments were involved in this experiment: chemical fertilizer combined with sheep manure (SM), corn straw (CS), fodder grass (FG), and granular corn straw (GS), while chemical fertilizer only was used as control (CK). The content of SOC was significantly different under different organic wastes application (p < 0.05). Treatment GS recorded the highest content of SOC compared with the other treatments. In addition, the content of each SOC density fraction increased after the application of organic wastes. Similarly, the application of organic wastes, increased the proportion of organic carbon in free light fraction (Fr-FLOC) and organic carbon in occluded fraction (Oc-FLOC) in the soil however the proportion of organic carbon in heavy fraction (HFOC) decreased. In this study, we found that treatment GS has a greater impact on soil surface charge properties than other treatments, and through redundancy analysis (RDA) the content of SOC and Fr-LFOC (F = 24.704, p = 0.004; F = 19.594, p = 0.002) were identified as the main factors affecting the surface charge properties of soil organic carbon. In conclusion, GS is the recommended organic waste for ameliorating primary saline-alkali soil, as compared to the other organic waste treatments.

Solid Earth ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 425-432 ◽  
A. Novara ◽  
J. Rühl ◽  
T. La Mantia ◽  
L. Gristina ◽  
S. La Bella ◽  

Abstract. The mechanisms of litter decomposition, translocation and stabilization into soil layers are fundamental processes in the functioning of the ecosystem, as they regulate the cycle of soil organic matter (SOM) and CO2 emission into the atmosphere. In this study the contribution of litters of different stages of Mediterranean secondary succession on carbon sequestration was investigated, analyzing the role of earthworms in the translocation of SOM into the soil profile. For this purpose the δ13C difference between meadow C4-C soil and C3-C litter was used in a field experiment. Four undisturbed litters of different stages of succession (45, 70, 100 and 120 since agriculture abandon) were collected and placed on the top of isolated C4 soil cores. The litter contribution to C stock was affected by plant species and it increased with the age of the stage of secondary succession. One year after the litter position, the soil organic carbon increased up to 40% in comparison to soils not treated with litter after 120 years of abandon. The new carbon derived from C3 litter was decomposed and transferred into soil profile thanks to earthworms and the leaching of dissolved organic carbon. After 1 year the carbon increase attributed to earthworm activity was 6 and 13% in the soils under litter of fields abandoned for 120 and 45 years, respectively.

2020 ◽  
Vol 158 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 119-127
Haiming Tang ◽  
Xiaoping Xiao ◽  
Chao Li ◽  
Xiaochen Pan ◽  
Kaikai Cheng ◽  

AbstractChanges in soil bulk density (BD), soil organic carbon (SOC) content, SOC stocks and soil labile organic C fractions (mineralizable C (Cmin), microbial biomass C (MBC), dissolved organic C (DOC), particulate organic C (POC), light fraction organic C (LFOC) and permanganate oxidizable C (KMnO4-C)) were explored over 3 years in a double-cropping rice system of southern China. Five organic and inorganic nitrogen (N) inputs were used: (1) 100% from chemical fertilizer (M0), (2) 30% from organic manure, 70% from chemical fertilizer (M30), (3) 50% from organic manure, 50% from chemical fertilizer (M50), (4) 100% from organic manure (M100) and (5) without N fertilizer input, as control (CK). All organic manure treatments decreased BD significantly in the 0–20 cm soil layer compared with CK. The SOC content and stocks with organic manure were significantly higher than in M0 or CK; also, the cumulative amount of SOC stocks in M30 and M50 increased at the plough layer, compared with CK. The non-labile C content increased significantly and the percentage of labile C were significantly higher with organic manure application than in M0 or CK. The soil carbon management index (CMI) also increased significantly under the application of organic manure. Therefore, application of organic manure can increase the pool of stable C in surface layers, and increase content and percentage of labile C. Based on soil carbon storage and CMI, the combined application of 30 or 50% N of organic manure with chemical fertilizer improves carbon cycling services and soil quality in southern China paddy soil.

2012 ◽  
Vol 122 ◽  
pp. 36-41 ◽  
Xueli Ding ◽  
Xiaozeng Han ◽  
Yao Liang ◽  
Yunfa Qiao ◽  
Lujun Li ◽  

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