Root growth and root system architecture of field-grown maize in response to high planting density

2018 ◽  
Vol 430 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 395-411 ◽  
Hui Shao ◽  
Tingting Xia ◽  
Dali Wu ◽  
Fanjun Chen ◽  
Guohua Mi
2021 ◽  
Rumyana Karlova ◽  
Damian Boer ◽  
Scott Hayes ◽  
Christa Testerink

Abstract Abiotic stresses increasingly threaten existing ecological and agricultural systems across the globe. Plant roots perceive these stresses in the soil and adapt their architecture accordingly. This review provides insights into recent discoveries showing the importance of root system architecture and plasticity for the survival and development of plants under heat, cold, drought, salt, and flooding stress. In addition, we review the molecular regulation and hormonal pathways involved in controlling root system architecture plasticity, main root growth, branching and lateral root growth, root hair development and formation of adventitious roots. Several stresses affect root anatomy by causing aerenchyma formation, lignin and suberin deposition, and Casparian strip modulation. Roots can also actively grow towards favourable soil conditions and avoid environments detrimental to their development. Recent advances in understanding the cellular mechanisms behind these different root tropisms are discussed. Understanding root plasticity will be instrumental for the development of crops that are resilient in the face of abiotic stress.

2020 ◽  
Thibaut Bontpart ◽  
Ingrid Robertson ◽  
Valerio Giuffrida ◽  
Cristobal Concha ◽  
Livia C. T. Scorza ◽  

AbstractSoil water deficit (WD) impacts vascular plant phenology, morpho-physiology, and reproduction. Chickpea, which is mainly grown in semi-arid areas, is a good model plant to dissect mechanisms involved in drought resistance.We used a rhizobox-based phenotyping system to simultaneously and non-destructively characterise root system architecture (RSA) dynamics and water use (WU) patterns. We compared the drought-adaptive strategies of ‘Teketay’ to the drought-sensitive genotype ICC 1882 in high and low initial soil moisture without subsequent irrigation.WD restricted vegetative and reproductive organ biomass for both genotypes. Teketay displayed greater adaptability for RSA dynamics and WU patterns and revealed different drought adaptive strategies depending on initial soil moisture: escape when high, postponement when low. These strategies were manifested in distinct RSA dynamics: in low initial soil moisture, its reduced root growth at the end of the vegetative phase was followed by increased root growth in deeper, wetter soil strata, which facilitated timely WU for seed development and produced better-developed seeds.We demonstrate that RSA adaptation to initial soil moisture is one mechanism by which plants can tolerate WD conditions and ensure reproduction by producing well-developed seeds. Our approach will help in identifying the genetic basis for large plasticity of RSA dynamics which enhances the resilience with which crops can optimally adapt to various drought scenarios.HighlightRoot system architecture and water use patterns change dynamically for distinct drought adaptation strategies in chickpea.

2018 ◽  
Vol 30 (3) ◽  
pp. 223-234 ◽  
Subodh Kumar Sinha ◽  
Manju Rani ◽  
Amresh Kumar ◽  
Sarvendra Kumar ◽  
K. Venkatesh ◽  

2012 ◽  
Vol 367 (1595) ◽  
pp. 1559-1569 ◽  
Paul A. Ingram ◽  
Jinming Zhu ◽  
Aabid Shariff ◽  
Ian W. Davis ◽  
Philip N. Benfey ◽  

Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) deficiency are primary constraints for plant productivity, and root system architecture (RSA) plays a vital role in the acquisition of these nutrients. The genetic determinants of RSA are poorly understood, primarily owing to the complexity of crop genomes and the lack of sufficient RSA phenotyping methods. The objective of this study was to characterize the RSA of two Brachypodium distachyon accessions under different nutrient availability. To do so, we used a high-throughput plant growth and imaging platform, and developed software that quantified 19 different RSA traits. We found significant differences in RSA between two Brachypodium accessions grown on nutrient-rich, low-N and low-P conditions. More specifically, one accession maintained axile root growth under low N, while the other accession maintained lateral root growth under low P. These traits resemble the RSA of crops adapted to low-N and -P conditions, respectively. Furthermore, we found that a number of these traits were highly heritable. This work lays the foundation for future identification of important genetic components of RSA traits under nutrient limitation using a mapping population derived from these two accessions.

2020 ◽  
Jeffrey J. Aguilar ◽  
Matt Moore ◽  
Logan Johnson ◽  
Rachel F. Greenhut ◽  
Eric Rogers ◽  

AbstractOptimizing root system architecture offers a promising approach to developing stress tolerant cultivars in the face of climate change, as root systems are critical for water and nutrient uptake as well as mechanical stability. However, breeding for optimal root system architecture has been hindered by the difficulty in measuring root growth in the field. Here, we describe a technology, the RootTracker (RT), which employs capacitance touch sensors to monitor in-field root growth over time. Configured in a cylindrical shutter-like fashion around a planted seed, 264 electrodes are individually charged multiple times over the course of an experiment. Signature changes in the measured capacitance and resistance readings indicate when a root has touched or grown close to an electrode. Using the RootTracker, we have measured root system dynamics of commercial maize hybrids growing in both typical Midwest field conditions and under different irrigation regimes. We observed rapid responses of root growth to water deficits and found evidence for a “priming response” in which an early water deficit causes more and deeper roots to grow at later time periods. There was genotypic variation among hybrid maize lines in their root growth in response to drought, indicating a potential to breed for root systems adapted for different environments.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
Waldiodio Seck ◽  
Davoud Torkamaneh ◽  
François Belzile

Increasing the understanding genetic basis of the variability in root system architecture (RSA) is essential to improve resource-use efficiency in agriculture systems and to develop climate-resilient crop cultivars. Roots being underground, their direct observation and detailed characterization are challenging. Here, were characterized twelve RSA-related traits in a panel of 137 early maturing soybean lines (Canadian soybean core collection) using rhizoboxes and two-dimensional imaging. Significant phenotypic variation (P < 0.001) was observed among these lines for different RSA-related traits. This panel was genotyped with 2.18 million genome-wide single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) using a combination of genotyping-by-sequencing and whole-genome sequencing. A total of 10 quantitative trait locus (QTL) regions were detected for root total length and primary root diameter through a comprehensive genome-wide association study. These QTL regions explained from 15 to 25% of the phenotypic variation and contained two putative candidate genes with homology to genes previously reported to play a role in RSA in other species. These genes can serve to accelerate future efforts aimed to dissect genetic architecture of RSA and breed more resilient varieties.

BMC Genomics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Admas Alemu ◽  
Tileye Feyissa ◽  
Marco Maccaferri ◽  
Giuseppe Sciara ◽  
Roberto Tuberosa ◽  

Abstract Background Genetic improvement of root system architecture is essential to improve water and nutrient use efficiency of crops or to boost their productivity under stress or non-optimal soil conditions. One hundred ninety-two Ethiopian durum wheat accessions comprising 167 historical landraces and 25 modern cultivars were assembled for GWAS analysis to identify QTLs for root system architecture (RSA) traits and genotyped with a high-density 90 K wheat SNP array by Illumina. Results Using a non-roll, paper-based root phenotyping platform, a total of 2880 seedlings and 14,947 seminal roots were measured at the three-leaf stage to collect data for total root length (TRL), total root number (TRN), root growth angle (RGA), average root length (ARL), bulk root dry weight (RDW), individual root dry weight (IRW), bulk shoot dry weight (SDW), presence of six seminal roots per seedling (RT6) and root shoot ratio (RSR). Analysis of variance revealed highly significant differences between accessions for all RSA traits. Four major (− log10P ≥ 4) and 34 nominal (− log10P ≥ 3) QTLs were identified and grouped in 16 RSA QTL clusters across chromosomes. A higher number of significant RSA QTL were identified on chromosome 4B particularly for root vigor traits (root length, number and/or weight). Conclusions After projecting the identified QTLs on to a high-density tetraploid consensus map along with previously reported RSA QTL in both durum and bread wheat, fourteen nominal QTLs were found to be novel and could potentially be used to tailor RSA in elite lines. The major RGA QTLs on chromosome 6AL detected in the current study and reported in previous studies is a good candidate for cloning the causative underlining sequence and identifying the beneficial haplotypes able to positively affect yield under water- or nutrient-limited conditions.

BioMetals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Ricardo Ortiz-Luevano ◽  
José López-Bucio ◽  
Miguel Martínez-Trujillo ◽  
Lenin Sánchez-Calderón

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