Bayesian point null hypothesis testing via the posterior likelihood ratio

2005 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 217-230 ◽  
Murray Aitkin ◽  
Richard J. Boys ◽  
Tom Chadwick
Econometrics ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 21
Jae H. Kim ◽  
Andrew P. Robinson

This paper presents a brief review of interval-based hypothesis testing, widely used in bio-statistics, medical science, and psychology, namely, tests for minimum-effect, equivalence, and non-inferiority. We present the methods in the contexts of a one-sample t-test and a test for linear restrictions in a regression. We present applications in testing for market efficiency, validity of asset-pricing models, and persistence of economic time series. We argue that, from the point of view of economics and finance, interval-based hypothesis testing provides more sensible inferential outcomes than those based on point-null hypothesis. We propose that interval-based tests be routinely employed in empirical research in business, as an alternative to point null hypothesis testing, especially in the new era of big data.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 2-27
Miodrag M. Lovric

In frequentist statistics, point-null hypothesis testing based on significance tests and confidence intervals are harmonious procedures and lead to the same conclusion. This is not the case in the domain of the Bayesian framework. An inference made about the point-null hypothesis using Bayes factor may lead to an opposite conclusion if it is based on the Bayesian credible interval. Bayesian suggestions to test point-nulls using credible intervals are misleading and should be dismissed. A null hypothesized value may be outside a credible interval but supported by Bayes factor (a Type I conflict), or contrariwise, the null value may be inside a credible interval but not supported by the Bayes factor (Type II conflict). Two computer programs in R have been developed that confirm the existence of a countable infinite number of cases, for which Bayes credible intervals are not compatible with Bayesian hypothesis testing.

Epilepsy ◽  
2011 ◽  
pp. 241-248
Ralph Andrzejak ◽  
Daniel Chicharro ◽  
Florian Mormann

Ton J. Cleophas ◽  
Aeilko H. Zwinderman

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 281-295 ◽  
Alexander Etz ◽  
Julia M. Haaf ◽  
Jeffrey N. Rouder ◽  
Joachim Vandekerckhove

Hypothesis testing is a special form of model selection. Once a pair of competing models is fully defined, their definition immediately leads to a measure of how strongly each model supports the data. The ratio of their support is often called the likelihood ratio or the Bayes factor. Critical in the model-selection endeavor is the specification of the models. In the case of hypothesis testing, it is of the greatest importance that the researcher specify exactly what is meant by a “null” hypothesis as well as the alternative to which it is contrasted, and that these are suitable instantiations of theoretical positions. Here, we provide an overview of different instantiations of null and alternative hypotheses that can be useful in practice, but in all cases the inferential procedure is based on the same underlying method of likelihood comparison. An associated app can be found at . This article is the work of the authors and is reformatted from the original, which was published under a CC-By Attribution 4.0 International license and is available at .

2017 ◽  
Ivan Flis

The goal of the study was to descriptively analyze the understanding of null hypothesis significance testing among Croatian psychology students considering how it is usually understood in textbooks, which is subject to Bayesian and interpretative criticism. Also, the thesis represents a short overview of the discussions on the meaning of significance testing and how it is taught to students. There were 350 participants from undergraduate and graduate programs at five faculties in Croatia (Zagreb – Centre for Croatian Studies and Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rijeka, Zadar, Osijek). Another goal was to ascertain if the understanding of null hypothesis testing among psychology students can be predicted by their grades, attitudes and interests. The level of understanding of null hypothesis testing was measured by the Test of statistical significance misinterpretations (NHST test) (Oakes, 1986; Haller and Krauss, 2002). The attitudes toward null hypothesis significance testing were measured by a questionnaire that was constructed for this study. The grades were operationalized as the grade average of courses taken during undergraduate studies, and as a separate grade average of methodological courses taken during undergraduate and graduate studies. The students have shown limited understanding of null hypothesis testing – the percentage of correct answers in the NHST test was not higher than 56% for any of the six items. Croatian students have also shown less understanding on each item when compared to the German students in Haller and Krauss’s (2002) study. None of the variables – general grade average, average in the methodological courses, two variables measuring the attitude toward null hypothesis significance testing, failing at least one methodological course, and the variable of main interest in psychology – were predictive for the odds of answering the items in the NHST test correctly. The conclusion of the study is that education practices in teaching students the meaning and interpretation of null hypothesis significance testing have to be taken under consideration at Croatian psychology departments.

2017 ◽  

This tutorial on Bayesian inference targets psychological researchers who are trained in the null hypothesis testing approach and use of SPSS software. There a number ofexcellent quality tutorials on Bayesian inference, but their problem is that, they assume mathematical knowledge that most psychological researchers do not possess. Thistutorial starts from the idea that Bayesian inference is not more difficult than the traditional approach, but before being introduced to probability theory notation is necessary for the newcomer to understand simple probability principles, which could be explained without mathematical formulas or probability notation. For this purpose in this tutorial I use a simple tool-the parameter-data table-to explain how probability theory can easily be used to make inferences in research. Then I compare the Bayesian and the null hypothesis testing approach using the same tool. Only after having introduced these principles I show the formulas and notations and explain how they relate to the parameter-data table. It is to be expected that this tutorial will increase the use of Bayesian inference by psychological researchers. Moreover, Bayesian researchers may use this tutorial to teach Bayesian inference to undergraduate or postgraduate students.

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