Producing electrical energy in microbial fuel cells based on sulphate reduction: a review

2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (29) ◽  
pp. 36075-36084 ◽  
Isabel Cristina Braga Rodrigues ◽  
Versiane A. Leão
2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Hsuanyi Huang ◽  
Rong Li ◽  
Cuixia Li ◽  
Feng Zheng ◽  
Giovanni A. Ramirez ◽  

Abstract To drive the next ‘technical revolution’ towards commercialization, we must develop sustainable energy materials, procedures, and technologies. The demand for electrical energy is unlikely to diminish over the next 50 years, and how different countries engage in these challenges will shape future discourse. This perspective summarizes the technical aspects of nanomaterials’ design, evaluation, and uses. The applications include solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs), solid oxide electrolysis cells (SOEC), microbial fuel cells (MFC), supercapacitors, and hydrogen evolution catalysts. This paper also described energy carriers such as ammonia which can be produced electrochemically using SOEC under ambient pressure and high temperature. The rise of electric vehicles has necessitated some form of onboard storage of fuel or charge. The fuels can be generated using an electrolyzer to convert water to hydrogen or nitrogen and steam to ammonia. The charge can be stored using a symmetrical supercapacitor composed of tertiary metal oxides with self-regulating properties to provide high energy and power density. A novel metal boride system was constructed to absorb microwave radiation under harsh conditions to enhance communication systems. These resources can lower the demand for petroleum carbon in portable power devices or replace higher fossil carbon in stationary power units. To improve the energy conversion and storage efficiency, we systematically optimized synthesis variables of nanomaterials using artificial neural network approaches. The structural characterization and electrochemical performance of the energy materials and devices provide guidelines to control new structures and related properties. Systemic study on energy materials and technology provides a feasible transition from traditional to sustainable energy platforms. This perspective mainly covers the area of green chemistry, evaluation, and applications of nanomaterials generated in our laboratory with brief literature comparison where appropriate. The conceptual and experimental innovations outlined in this perspective are neither complete nor authoritative but a snapshot of selecting technologies that can generate green power using nanomaterials.

Diogo Ortiz Machado ◽  
Diana Francisca Adamatti ◽  
Eder Mateus Nunes Gonçalves

Microbial Fuel Cells (MFC) could generate electrical energy combined with the wastewater treatment and they can be a promising technological opportunity. This chapter presents an agent-based model and simulation of MFC comparing it with analytical models, to show that this approach could model and simulate these problems with more abstraction and with excellent results.

2000 ◽  
Vol 66 (4) ◽  
pp. 1292-1297 ◽  
Doo Hyun Park ◽  
J. Gregory Zeikus

ABSTRACT Neutral red (NR) was utilized as an electron mediator in microbial fuel cells consuming glucose to study both its efficiency during electricity generation and its role in altering anaerobic growth and metabolism of Escherichia coli andActinobacillus succinogenes. A study of chemical fuel cells in which NADH, NR, and ferricyanide were the electron donor, the electronophore, and the electron acceptor, respectively, showed that electrical current produced from NADH was proportional to the concentration of NADH. Fourfold more current was produced from NADH in chemical fuel cells when NR was the electron mediator than when thionin was the electron mediator. In microbial fuel cells in which E. coli resting cells were used the amount of current produced from glucose when NR was the electron mediator (3.5 mA) was 10-fold more than the amount produced when thionin was the electron mediator (0.4 mA). The amount of electrical energy generated (expressed in joules per mole of substrate) and the amount of current produced from glucose (expressed in milliamperes) in NR-mediated microbial fuel cells containing either E. coli or A. succinogeneswere about 10- and 2-fold greater, respectively, when resting cells were used than when growing cells were used. Cell growth was inhibited substantially when these microbial fuel cells were making current, and more oxidized end products were formed under these conditions. When sewage sludge (i.e., a mixed culture of anaerobic bacteria) was used in the fuel cell, stable (for 120 h) and equivalent levels of current were obtained with glucose, as observed in the pure-culture experiments. These results suggest that NR is better than other electron mediators used in microbial fuel cells and that sludge production can be decreased while electricity is produced in fuel cells. Our results are discussed in relation to factors that may improve the relatively low electrical efficiencies (1.2 kJ/mol) obtained with microbial fuel cells.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Vidia Wahyu Meidy Safitri ◽  
Tuhu Agung Rachmanto

ABSTRAK Limbah cair tahu mengandung kandungan organik tinggi dengan konsentrasi COD 1408 mg/l, TSS 191 mg/l dan pH 4,46.  Salah satu penelitian dengan pemanfaatan limbah dan energi yaitu Microbial Fuel cell (MFC). Energi Kimia senyawa organik dari mikroorganisme akan dirubah menjadi energi listrik dengan reaksi katalik dari mikroorganisme dalam keadaan anaerob merupakan proses microbial fuel cells. Salah satu tantangan untuk mengembangkan sistem MFC adalah dengan memilih elektroda yang tepat. Elektroda yang digunakan harus memiliki daya konduktifitas listrik tinggi, pemukaan yang luas, non korosif, biokompatibel, stabil. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memgetahui jenis elektroda optimum dalam menghasilkan power density dengan variasi elektroda karbon grafit, seng dan tembaga, variasi waktu 0, 48, 96, 144, dan 192 jam. Dilakukan pre-treatment koagulasi flokulasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa MFC dengan elektroda karbon grafit dan karbon grafit menghaslikan power density sebesar 2292,994 mW/m2. MFC juga menurunkan konsentrasi COD hingga 88%. Waktu pengolahan dapat mempengaruhi efisiensi penyisihan COD.   Kata kunci: limbah tahu, microbial fuel cell, power density   ABSTRACT   Tofu liquid waste contains high organic content with a COD concentration of 1408 mg / l, TSS 191 mg / l and pH 4.46. One of the researches related to waste and energy utilization is Microbial Fuel cell (MFC). Chemical energy organic compounds from microorganism will be converted into electrical energy by the catalytic reaction of microorganism in anaerobic conditions is a process of microbial fuel cells. One of the challenges to developing an MFC system is to choose the right electrodes. The electrodes used must have high electrical conductivity, a wide surface, non-corrosive, biocompatible, stable. This study aims to find out the most optimum type of electrode in producing power density with variations of carbon graphite, zinc and copper, variations of 0, 48, 96, 144, and 192 hours. The pre-treatment are Coagulation-flocculation. The results showed that MFC with carbon graphite and carbon graphite electrodes produced a power density of 2292,994 mW/m2. MFC also reduces COD concentrations up to 88%. Processing time can affect the efficiency of COD removal.   Keywords: Tofu Liquid Waste, Microbial Fuel Cells, power density

2021 ◽  
Vol MA2021-01 (42) ◽  
pp. 1747-1747
Letícia Favero Carminati ◽  
Gustavo Pio Marchesi Krall Ciniciato

2013 ◽  
Vol 19 (3_4) ◽  
pp. 299-315 ◽  
Alberto Montebelli ◽  
Robert Lowe ◽  
Tom Ziemke

We present a novel example of a biomechatronic hybrid system. The living component of the system, embedded within microbial fuel cells, relies on the availability of food and water in order to produce electrical energy. The latter is essential to the operations of the mechatronic component, responsible for finding and collecting food and water, and for the execution of work. In simulation, we explore the behavioral and cognitive consequences of this symbiotic relation. In particular we highlight the importance of the integration of sensorimotor and metabolic signals within an evolutionary perspective, in order to create sound cognitive living technology.

Ika Novia Anggraini ◽  
Afriyastuti Herawati

ABSTRACTMicrobial Fuel Cells are devices which convert chemical energy into electrical energy through catalytic reactions by microorganisms. In this study, the potential of electricity in MFC will be analyzed by using samples of sea mud, lake mud, land mud, and river mud. While the method used in this study is one series connected vessel, two vessels connected series with mud-water, two mud-mud series vessels, and the stack series method. The highest electrical conductivity produced by river mud reaches 3.63 mS/cm, while the lowest is lake mud with a conductivity value of 0.35 mS/cm. The highest electric power density produced by river mud by the two mud-mud vessel method is 46.766 mW/m2, while the lowest electrical power density in lake mud is 18.040 mW/m2. The highest electrical power is produced by river mud through a single vessel series system with a maximum power of 7.26 mW, while the lowest power is found in marine mud with a system of two mud-water vessels which is equal to 0.30 mW. The pattern of increase in voltage or current produced by the battery sludge is on average until the 7th day, then a decrease occurs until the last day of testing. The greatest potential for electrical energy is obtained by river mud using a single vessel series system with a maximum voltage of 5.38 V and lasting up to 14 days.Keyword : electric power density, microbial fuel cells, sludge battery

2013 ◽  
pp. 237-247
Sheela Berchmans ◽  
A. Palaniappan ◽  
R. Karthikeyan

2016 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
pp. 607-617 ◽  
Paul S. Schrader ◽  
Clare E. Reimers ◽  
Peter Girguis ◽  
Jennifer Delaney ◽  
Cody Doolan ◽  

AbstractMost oceanographic instruments on the seafloor have no connections with the surface and therefore have to run on batteries and store data until recovery. To demonstrate a developing technology, sensors and acoustic modems were powered with energy harvested from the seafloor, and data were relayed acoustically in near–real time to the Monterey Accelerated Research System (MARS) observatory in Monterey Bay, California, and to surface research vessels. MARS is a cabled observatory in deep water (~890 m) at the edge of Monterey Canyon. An acoustic modem was attached to the MARS node and configured to send out commands to, and relay data received from, remote modems. Two benthic microbial fuel cells (BMFCs) positioned approximately 0.5 km away from MARS supplied power to the remote modems and sensors. At their peak performance, these BMFCs produced continuous power densities of ~35 mW m−2 (footprint area). The modems utilized in this study contained an integrated power management platform (PMP) designed to manage and store the electrical energy generated by each BMFC and to record BMFC performance parameters and sensor data on an hourly basis. Temperature and either oxygen or conductivity sensors were chosen because of their common use and environmental relevance. Acoustically transmitted data records show that the BMFCs renewed energy stores and that the oceanographic sensors measured dissolved oxygen, temperature, and conductivity reliably throughout the operational life of each BMFC system (~6 months). These systems remained in place for more than 12 months.

2013 ◽  
Vol 2013 ◽  
pp. 1-8 ◽  
A. G. Capodaglio ◽  
D. Molognoni ◽  
E. Dallago ◽  
A. Liberale ◽  
R. Cella ◽  

Application of microbial fuel cells (MFCs) to wastewater treatment for direct recovery of electric energy appears to provide a potentially attractive alternative to traditional treatment processes, in an optic of costs reduction, and tapping of sustainable energy sources that characterizes current trends in technology. This work focuses on a laboratory-scale, air-cathode, and single-chamber MFC, with internal volume of 6.9 L, operating in batch mode. The MFC was fed with different types of substrates. This study evaluates the MFC behaviour, in terms of organic matter removal efficiency, which reached 86% (on average) with a hydraulic retention time of 150 hours. The MFC produced an average power density of 13.2 mW/m3, with a Coulombic efficiency ranging from 0.8 to 1.9%. The amount of data collected allowed an accurate analysis of the repeatability of MFC electrochemical behaviour, with regards to both COD removal kinetics and electric energy production.

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